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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. Will & Charlie's exchanges are my favorite.
  2. Eh, I just ignore those parts when they come on because the brilliant sections easily make up for it.
  3. Well, Sasha didn't write the article. But still, Jen didn't dig on acting in saying that nor was she wrong. She said it's nothing in comparison to firefighters, et al. And it's not.Won't make a lick of difference. Because I'm guessing Academy voters aren't stupid and can, you know, actually READ.
  4. Wellllll, there are a few possibilities. Don't get too far ahead thinking.
  5. Arguing with you over something like politics is not the same as personally attacking you. Not to mention you dish it out in those political threads just as much as anyone.
  6. 12/28-1/31. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire2. Star Trek Into Darkness3. Despicable Me 24. Anchorman: The Legend Continues5. The World's End6. Monsters University7. Elysium8. Thor: The Dark World9. The Lone Ranger10. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
  7. Yes, because of what Cedar said. Different or not. But I'd say the hiatus length could hurt more than anything. There was only a half season of Rev so far, and 4 months between might not bode well for it.
  8. Yeah, coming back a week before GoT is a baaaad idea. Though it's not in the same night.
  9. PG may look bad to a lot of you guys, but obviously not to most of the people that saw it. Can't go by RT on a film like that either, as families don't care what critics think of those films. And they usually hate them.Home Alone, one of most beloved Christmas films of all time, made an adjusted $500-some million, and a 54% on RT. Home Alone 2 made $332mil adjusted, with a 26% on RT.People/families don't look for an Oscar winner for these films. They just want to be entertained & PG looked to be exactly the kind of thing kids laugh at. Slapstick. Which is always their favorite part of the Home Alones as well.
  10. I told you guys that PG would do a lot better than you were expecting and to not let your personal opinion of the trailer cloud your judgement on it. Every time I saw the trailer in theaters people laughed & it reminded me a lot of the CbtD & Home Alone trailers.tsk tsk
  11. What are the mods supposed to do? Ban someone the second they say something that isn't all sunshine & rainbows? It's not that serious. It's a message board for God's sake. Very low on the "important things in life" scale.If people bother you then 1) use the ignore function or 2) use the Report button & the mods will take care of it.I feel they do a pretty good job of taking care of issues when people inform them of such issues. They can't monitor every single thread, and if people don't report things, how will they know or take care of it?Only thing I would change is not giving certain members 4,146 chances. If they've been banned for a significant amount of time (1 month +) 4 or 5 times, chances are they'll break the rules again. Don't let them back on.
  12. I always forget about this damn thread. :lol:1. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire2. Star Trek Into Darkness3. Despicable Me 24. Anchorman: The Legend Continues5. The World's End6. Monsters University7. Elysium8. Thor: The Dark World9. The Lone Ranger10. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
  13. Not entirely true. Depends on where you live. Most school districts around me started their winter break either yesterday or today.
  14. Not really. First off, it's not a full wide release. The full wide release will most likely come after Oscar noms and the same weekend JLaw hosts SNL. Secondly, Django isn't the same demographic. Les Mis... it is a bit but people either like musicals or they don't. There are a lot of people that have been waiting for SLP to come to their area and this will only appease some of them. The full release is the one that will matter the most. Not this one.
  15. ? ........ no one said it was horrible.
  16. Umm TWD and GoT are never on at the same time of year. Spring/Summer vs Winter, more people watch TV in the latter.Nor are you supposed to compare free cable & pay premium channel ratings, anyone following TV ratings knows that.
  17. Hey, I liked Newsroom. Sure, not the greatest show ever, but I enjoyed it. Still, I'm sure it wouldn't be in the Top 5 if I'd watched a couple more series.
  18. I'm not sure I can do a Top 5. I only watched every episode in the season for a few shows, so those all have to be my top 5. Not really in any order except for #1.1. Game of Thrones2. NCIS3. Once Upon A Time4. Bar Rescue5. The NewsroomNever got around to watching any of Walking Dead, Mad Men, Homeland, Breaking Bad or Sons of Anarchy. It's hard for me to get motivated enough to care about a lot of series.
  19. Yeah, mine on Sunday night had 10 people.
  20. What I find silly is how some of you completely dismiss the opinions of others on this simply because they don't agree with you, either way.For instance, just because one might have thought the beginning was boring doesn't mean there's something wrong with them or that they just "didn't get" the dwarves. And vice versa. Different people have different opinions, there's nothing "wrong" with them if they felt differently.Personally, I would have thoroughly enjoyed the dwarf beginning if it had been half as long as it was. As a non-reader of the book we aren't really given a huge reason to give a shit about the dwarves right off the bat. But alas, for 10-15 minutes they are entertaining & warm. After a bit though, I found myself wishing they'd get on with it. Didn't care that there wasn't any "action," as I'd have taken the bit with them merely walking in the forest at that point. I just hadn't seen any reason to care *that* much about them by then and I didn't feel we were learning a thing about them except that they were silly & hungry.Alas, it did get much more engaging to me after that. I didn't find there to be too many snot jokes, what were there? Two in the troll scene? And they're trolls, what does one expect? I couldn't stop laughing at 'ole Scrotum-chin though.The action pieces were fun, though I did find it a bit unbelievable that not a single dwarf was even injured (until Thorin at the end of course) but it's a kids' book, this isn't *too* surprising.Loved Freeman, loved McKellan & Serkis as usual, and the scenery as well.Overall I'd give it a B/B+, ~83/100. Entertaining, though needing a bit of a shave in the first 30-40 min and in the end the plot wasn't advanced a whole hell of a lot despite the 2.5+ hours of means we'd just been through. But really, it wasn't much more in Rings either (oh hey, Frodo & Sam are still headed to Mordor and the men are still fighting Orcs.)
  21. I don't understand. Who's being a bitch and why? From what I can tell most people are just being realistic.
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