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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. 7 games if necessary. Which it won't be. Thunder in 5 or 6. Or at least I REALLLLLLYYY hope so.
  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what he's thinking too. Therefore THAT ^^^^ = the majority of guys who watch sports, right?
  3. All I keep thinking is "Wow, glad to know they have their priorities in order. Economy? Eh. Environment? Eh. Education? Who cares? Producers of an HBO show happened to randomly mention in a DVD commentary track that they noticed after a scene was shot that a bulk prop head they used happened to resemble Pres. George W Bush? *gasp* SWEET LORD IN HEAVEN!!! WE MUST ACT!! NOW!!!*"But yes, Cedar. That happens every time there is false anger over something stupid. People are too stupid to realize that their bitching about it only succeeds in making said thing more popular and ensures that 10x as many people will see it.
  4. And some idiots were comparing it to white people wearing blackface, etc. Really? The actor is ASIAN! Not possible!
  5. * "Donggg... Wherrrre is myyy automobiiile?Side note... I just went to Youtube to look at clips and had to smh at the people whining about Dong being offensive. Some people need to just learn to laugh.
  6. There's a lot of movies listed in here that a lot of people like. Wha? Nobody else likes those two? On what planet?
  7. Noctis is a lot of things, but he's not a contrarian. He's a classic poster from BOM. Most of us know him and know what he's like. We know when to take him seriously and when not to.He's usually fine, but from time to time just goes ... yeah, good word KB ... apeshit (mostly in his Potter defense.) :rofl:He's nutz, and has the ability to act like a petulant 8-year-old, but he's Noctis. And we (most of us) love him. He certainly keeps things interesting and is often funny.
  8. See, it's stuff like this that makes you a little prick. :lol:I'm perfectly calm, homeslice. One can be annoyed and calm at the same time.
  9. I suggest you grow the fuck up, Noctis. I love ya, but when you act like this it's more than infuriating. You can be so cool and fun but then you lose all sense and do this.This is a MONDAY NUMBERS thread on a BOX OFFICE site where there are no Monday Numbers being discussed. Instead it's a "Potter vs. *insert name of random film here*" war because you have a grudge against something for beating Potter.I have every right to be annoyed by that. Therefore *I* suggest that you take your flame wars to the Speakeasy, where there are already 500 "Potter vs." threads.
  10. Stop stop stop stop stop with the TA vs. Potter for Pete's sake.Both are awesome, both have a lot of fans, both are big, let it go. It's the same things being said over and over again in 50 different threads.
  11. Disagreeing and beginning to insult each other are two different things.
  12. Lets not start a DH2 vs Avengers thing here, please. Stop it now before it gets bad.
  13. *sigh*Some of us HP fans are sane. Honest.I love(d) DH2. I love(d) Avengers. I was a little sad that DH2 lost it's OW title, but 5 minutes later I didn't care. Doesn't diminish what DH2 did, and it's awesome that TA is chugging along like it is.
  14. Trading in slaves. Which he did only because he was left broke after trying to appease his 2nd wife who thought Bear Island (the seat of House Mormont) was boring and horrible.But alas, slave trading was/is against the law in the North (and the rest of Westeros) so Ned Stark was forced to condemn him to death. So Jorah fled to Essos (Lys specifically) with his wife to escape the execution, in lieu of taking the black to join his father (his father is Commander Mormont of the Night's Watch.)He tried to be a sellsword in Lys, but failed and his wife left him. Viserys Targaryen happened to notice him at Daenerys' engagement party in Pentos, so he asked him to "work" for them. That's when he decided to try and earn the royal pardon by selling Dany (& Viserys) to the Baratheons/Lannisters. But once he started to admire & love Dany, he stopped.
  15. Ser Jorah sent intel on Dany because he was told by Varys that all of his crimes would be forgiven and his exile ended if he did so.
  16. I didn't find it slow, but I was confused as all hell at first. I hadn't watched any of the 1st season yet and had no clue as to anyone's name or the places, etc.There are just SO many names & places thrown your way at first and it's hard to get a mental picture of what you're reading when it's thrown at you like that. But stick with it, as it is awesome.
  17. That's just a one word answer, but I figured some might not even want to know the one word.
  18. I thought that the entire time I read the BOOKS too, so you're not the only one thinking that, lol. It's baffling. I know the Night's Watch has cooks, but he has to be losing something.
  19. Yes. That is, if they portray it the same in the show.There's a lot more to Jaime than meets the eye. A redemption arc of sorts. There's more to the story of him killing King Aerys, and he's changed a lot by upcoming events. We'll soon see his feelings on many things and realize he's not just an arrogant monster.
  20. Tywin is awesome .... except once he starts being a giant dick to Tyrion. Everyone will start to like Jaime a lot more in the coming seasons also.Totem, you're switching two letters in the one name. Her name is "Ygritte."
  21. Speaking of singing along to the intro song. This is Maisie (Arya), Sophie (Sansa), and Isaac (Bran) singing along to it from the commentary to season 1, episode 3 on the blu-ray:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t92ukx0A2fk
  22. I don't think it was confusing. IIRC you can hear the guys saying something along the lines of "Let's go, Sir/Your Grace/etc."
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