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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. May look like a TV show but it's still wonderful. Might have to do with it being childhood nostalgia, but I love this film 100%. Of course, I never read the book, but honestly I don't care.
  2. Did you guys see the Honda Super Bowl ad that will be airing on Sunday? Here is an extended version:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhkDdayA4iA
  3. Uh.... Work just got out on the East Coast. None of these were going to be films people got pre-sold tickets for. Wayyyy too early.
  4. Remember, he said most impressive things HE'S seen. Different strokes, etc. etc.
  5. Every single shot that featured Voldemort was full of effects, every exterior shot of Hogwarts, the Dragon & the entire underground of Gringotts, most of the Room of Requirement and the huge fire, the ENTIRE Chamber of Secrets set (the original physical set had been demolished long ago) and the Voldemort tsunami, the statues, all the spells, the Grey Lady, etc etc etc.I don't expect it to win, nor do I necessarily think it should. But to say that it shouldn't even have been nominated is a little silly.
  6. Yeah, it has to be more than the 946.7 because BOM and elsewhere were saying that for a good week or two (or more) before it was out of theaters.
  7. Well then make it say any website providing any kind of link to those very specific things. However, in the end they're just going to have to do something else. They're never going to be able to come up with any legislation that will accomplish this without peeing on the 1st amendment at the same time.
  8. Well, my thinking is this... the main things that people pirate are music, movies/TV shows and software. I'm sure there is some way that they can be specific enough to cover full, unauthorized versions of just those things. Make it say something about sites making available for free without permission versions of the aforementioned content in its entirety that is/will be for sale by the copyright owner(s) elsewhere.As far as artwork/photographs/articles/short clips of tv shows/films... no one really "pirates" those anyway and copyright law already covers those.
  9. I agree. It'd be nice to see what Emma would do if she knew for a fact that what Henry says is true. See how she'd try and break the spell and/or convince the others.
  10. Well honestly in that case, Noctis... you have no business calling the entire thing "boring" then. :lol:This one baseball player on my favorite team said on Twitter that he fell asleep in the beginning of DH2 only to wake up in the epilogue and proceeded to call the entire film boring. You'd bash him all to Hell for that, I imagine (I actually did myself,) but that's exactly what you're doing here with Armageddon.You don't like it, fine. You find it boring, fine. But at least watch the whole thing before you label it as such.
  11. Count me in as one who loves this movie. I don't give a crap if the science is correct (I'm not looking to watch a NASA documentary here) and I can look past the Liv Tyler scenes (come on, Bruce Willis chasing Ben Affleck with a shotgun was funny.) It just entertains the hell out of me.I love the cast (Tyler isn't THAT bad), Buscemi and Clarke-Duncan are my favorite, has a lot of great lines, acting is fine & actually very good in several parts, effects look cool, story is engaging enough.Don't own it on DVD/BR but watch it every time I see it's on TV. This, Deep Impact and Dante's Peak... love em all, lol.
  12. I'm kind of baffled that DH2 didn't even get a Best British Film nom. 10 years of landmark British filmmaking and nada. Yet they had Dan Radcliffe announce the winners.
  13. Ughhh, Jessica Biel is living Ambien. Why is her untalented, butterface self even there? She has nothing to promote right now. Except to get the media to wonder why she isn't wearing Timberlake's ring some more because they don't give a crap about her otherwise. Total Recall isn't out for months.
  14. Ah, okay. I just didn't understand what you meant by that.
  15. Why do you keep saying that, fish? lol Because you don't like the winner it's automatically "star fucking" if they win?
  16. Boy, Lana Parrilla is playing the part of Regina fantastically. Because I absolutely want to reach through the screen and punch her. Which is exactly what we're supposed to feel about her character.I liked seeing more of Robert Carlisle in this last ep. He's too good to just use sparingly.
  17. If you've ever worked in a cubicle-filled office, this is one of the greatest movies EVER. From the staff meetings to the birthday cake to the superfluous bosses, it's all exactly how it is.
  18. Not make it Sunday night, first off. There's already too many shows that people watch on Sunday night. Not only was it up against The Good Wife, Desperate Housewives and Family Guy, but normally HBO or AMC have a big Sunday night series, at 10 Hell on Wheels was on.Secondly, advertise it more. I know I only saw two commercials for it myself, but then I don't watch NBC that much. Honestly though, I can't see it doing that well. People see it and wonder why they're remaking the Tom Cruise film into a TV series. (I know that's not exactly true, but most people will think that.)
  19. I really didn't expect to love this film as much as I did/do. I thought it would be boring as can be, but it's really not.Easily one of my favorite, if not THE favorite, Will Ferrell performances. Emma Thompson was great as well as Gyllenhaal. I loved Hoffman also.Great film. 9/10
  20. Hey now. Original NCIS is beyond awesome. Not original, no, but the chemistry of the cast is wonderful. But LA... just no. And CSI (original) used to be great.
  21. It was the Room of Requirement though. It is always equipped with the seeker's needs. Which would explain why it just appeared out of thin air.
  22. Well I know the very first thing I thought when I saw it was "This was on already years ago. It was called Bosom Buddies and was probably 15,000x better than this piece of shit."
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