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Everything posted by catlover

  1. Why would you think it's sarcasm? Anyway, It's climbing really fast on iTunes US. The fact that it's the first proper single from Pink in forever also helps.
  2. I don't think it's normal, considering India is not a leggy market at all. Especially a jump that big on Thursday that makes it bigger than the 1st Friday. Maybe there's a holiday of some kind? But still, having an upward trajectory on weekdays means WOM is extremely good.
  3. I didn't realize The Jungle Books is that popular in India. But then again, it's Kipling's and it's set in India. When I saw this movie yesterday here in Indonesia, I noticed there are a lot of Indians in the crowd. It's really interesting to see which Hollywood movie strikes a chord with people in a particular country, especially in Asia (like Frozen in Japan and Zootopia in China).
  4. According to The Numbers, BvS opened with $7,731,452 in Indonesia. That's HUGE! It's the biggest OW ever. Yeah, I was wrong. Deadpool didn't steal its thunder at all, since it's already beaten Deadpool's total with its OW. With practically no competition other than The Jungle Book for a whole month, this will likely beat Furious 7 ($16,768,758) to be the highest grossing movie ever.
  5. Okay. But still, I was talking only about DC. Because like he/she said, Marvel has Spiderman and Iron Man/The Avengers movies which are quite popular there.
  6. Huh? Spiderman and Iron Man are Marvel. They have nothing to do with what I was talking about.
  7. HUGE for Assassination Classroom 2. Can't wait for it to be released here. I LOVED the first one. And actually not that bad for BvS, considering DC films are not popular in Japan.
  8. Even in a Muslim-majority country like mine, Good Friday is a public holiday. Anyway, I know it's not good movie and most of the time I agree with the critics, but not this time. It's not that bad, more like a 55-60% RT movie for me, and I enjoyed it a lot. I'm rooting for this movie to get 170M+ OW.
  9. This is gonna have a HUGE opening here in Indonesia. Some theaters are using all of their screens for BvS, and there's a theater with 47 shows in a day for this movie! And I think almost all of them were 100% full or close to it. The thing is, BvS was supposed to be the first big blockbuster movie of 2016 and since 2012, almost every blockbuster movie that was released first that year ended up being the biggest movie of the year (The Avengers, IM3, FF7). But then Deadpool came out of nowhere and kinda stole the thunder. No doubt BvS will outgross it, and could still be the biggest movie of 2016, but I think BvS would've made more without Deadpool.
  10. It was almost 10 years ago when it changed. I lived in Japan until 2007 and I loved J-Pop so much. Lots of great songs back then. But right after I left, somehow the Japanese music scene changed dramatically. I really miss the old J-Pop.
  11. Yeah, with the cuteness factor of Minions, I guess I get why it was a success in Japan. But I was so sure that Inside Out would break out there, especially with the glowing review. Maybe it's just a one time thing, and this result is the exception. Zootopia's performance will tell us more about this.
  12. See, I was thinking it's actually the opposite. Japanese people are supposed to love the dark and adult kind of animation. The ones that are not only directed to kids. Just look at Miyazaki's or other Ghibli movies. Toy Story 3 is kinda dark too and it was a HUGE success. BH6 deals with death, loss and even revenge and that was also huge in Japan. That's why I was so surprised when they chose Minions over Inside Out. Maybe there's a shift in taste towards animated movies? I don't know. Zootopia has cute talking animals dealing with real world social problems. So it could break out like BH6 or just do okay by Pixar/WDAS standard like Inside Out.
  13. Not a chance. I don't even think it will outgross BH6 there. Getting half that number would be amazing.
  14. OMG Spotlight!! YESSS! I was rooting for this movie to beat The Revenant, which is not even the best movie in the Best Picture category (Brooklyn is my favorite and Spotlight & Room are tied in 2nd). But the hype for The Revenant made me skeptical. Not to mention Spotlight only won one other Oscar. So I'm happy right now.
  15. Holding great in South Korea and is doing strong in South East Asia. So much for bombing in Asia, huh? Don't underestimate this movie AND Asian market. You might be right about the culture differences, but it doesn't mean we cannot enjoy the movie to the point that it's bombing, because even though it's not doing big numbers, it's not bombing either.
  16. Ah yes. I actually saw it on the news here. I just wasn't sure it was last weekend.
  17. I wouldn't say the drop is tragic though. That's an exaggeration. It just looks like that because of how big the first 2 movies were, especially the first one. Before 2001, only one movie made more than 20b yen. You didn't expect the series to stay at that level for years, did you? I mean, 4 of them made more than 10b yen, with 1 of them getting close to it. No other franchise has done it. After 11 years and 8 movies, HP7.2 still managed to make that much, which was more than most movies. So no, I don't think it's pathetic. Just normal. Anyway, what's with the practically non-existent drops this past weekend? Holidays? Or was there a snowstrom or something like that the weekend before just like in the US?
  18. I just saw it too yesterday. I'm not Indian but I loved it! It's thrilling and touching, especially at the end. Yeah, it reminded me a lot of Argo, but it's more Bollywood style (a bit dramatic), which I prefer sometimes for this kind of movies. The Ibrahim character in particular really touched me.
  19. Yeah, Frozen had Golden Week on week 8 and 9. SW7 will have nothing to boost its box office. But SW7 is holding better than I expected. Its weekend estimate kept getting higher and higher, and the actual number is even bigger. I thought 10b yen ($85m) would be the target, but now it's heading to 11b yen ($90m+) and maybe $100m! Also, congrats to Spectre for passing Skyfall in yen. I think only few markets managed to do this (having Spectre > Skyfall in local currency), so that's great.
  20. Corpse: Alright, so the weekend actuals for the full Top 10 has almost certainly been delayed for the week. So, I'll just proceed with the older weekend results format that I used to post every week instead. All of the updated totals have been released, so the only numbers missing will be the weekend grosses of a couple holdovers in the Top 10. Weekend Results (01/09-10) 01 (01) Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Disney) Week 4 02 (02) Yo-Kai Watch: Great King Enma and the 5 Stories, Nyan! (Toho) Week 4 03 (--) Kizumonogatari - Part 1: Blood and Iron (Toho Video Division) NEW 04 (--) Bridge of Spies (Fox) NEW 05 (03) Orange (Toho) Week 5 06 (--) Pink and Gray (Asmik Ace) NEW 07 (--) Life's Promise (Toho) NEW 08 (04) Living With My Mother (Shochiku) Week 5 09 (05) 007: Spectre (Sony) Week 6 10 (06) Chibi Maruko-chan: The Movie (Toho) Week 3 >Star Wars: The Force Awakens retains its position atop the box office, and did so by posting an impressive 25% drop coming off an increase over last weekend's holiday frame. The seventh entry in the Star Wars series grossed ¥619,644,800 ($5.28 million) with 391,207 admissions, which after including Monday's earnings (holiday), brings its four week total up to an incredible ¥8,241,016,200 ($68.69 million) with 5,337,920 admissions. Its running total is the fifth highest of all-time after four weeks in release, and the impressive post-New Year hold is an indication that post-holiday legs should be solid. It'll exceed the ¥10 billion ($85-90 million) uber-blockbuster milestone by the end of the month with ~6.5 million admissions (possibly in two weeks time), making it the first live-action film since 2010's Alice in Wonderland to achieve this milestone. Also, at its current pace and projecting solid-to-good legs from this point forward, it'll probably exceed the ¥11 billion ($90-95 million) mark as well (~7.1 million admissions), and I wouldn't rule out ¥12 billion ($100-105 million) with ~7.8 million admissions yet either. In terms of revenue and admissions, it'll easily beat Episode II and Episode III and come quite close to matching Episode I in both categories as well. >Yo-Kai Watch: Great King Enma and the 5 Stories, Nyan! stays strong in second place, dropping an impressive 21% in its fourth weekend, and yet again improving upon last year's film's weekly holds. The second Yo-Kai Watch film grossed ¥297,244,600 ($2.53 million) with 258,016 admissions over its fourth weekend frame, and after including Monday's take (holiday), brings its running four week total up to an impressive ¥4,812,386,500 ($40.17 million) with 4,398,002 admissions. Since it has improved upon its predecessor's weekly holds every week, that's unlikely to change, so its post-holiday legs should be pretty decent. It will exceed the ¥5 billion blockbuster milestone over the upcoming weekend with ~4.6 million admissions, and should go on to exceed ¥5.5 billion admissions with 5 million+ admissions by the end of its run. >Kizumonogatari - Part 1: Blood and Iron debuted quite impressively in third place, despite playing on just 108 screens. The first film in the planned series grossed ¥177,058,000 ($1.51 million) with 131,973 admissions over the weekend. >Bridge of Spies settles for a fourth place debut, which is slightly disappointing rank wise, but considering the two blockbusters from December still holding strong, it's better than it looks. Spielberg's latest earned ¥141,867,600 ($1.21 million) with 112,937 admissions across 348 screens over the weekend. And after including its Friday and Monday earnings (first day and holiday), its four day total reached ¥251,898,600 ($2.14 million) with 203,974 admissions. Unless legs prove to be unexpectedly poor (unlikely), it'll be a safe ¥1 billion earner. >Orange continues its excellent performance into its fifth weekend by remaining in the Top 5. After five weeks in release, and including Monday's earnings (holiday), its total is up to a nice ¥2,649,859,500 ($22.03 million) with 2,257,418 admissions. It has outgrossed every shojo/josei manga adaptation since 2009, and has a good shot actually reaching the ¥3 billion mark (~2.5 million admissions). >Pink and Gray only came in sixth place, but its debut in rather impressive for a limited release; especially since it managed to edge out the film below in gross (a bit less in admissions). The Yukisada Isao directed film earned ¥102,127,000 ($870,000) with 77,769 admissions on 96 screens. Not bad, not bad. >Life's Promise settles for a very poor seveenth place debut, but on the bright side, it managed to barely break the ¥100 million mark over the weekend. Playing on 291 screens, it earned ¥100,525,200 ($856,000) with 81,868 admissions over its debut weekend. It won't become a ¥1 billion earner, so its ultimately going to be a disappointment. >And finally, but certainly not least considering the major accomplishment, Spectre has grossed ¥2,776,435,900 ($23.19 million) with 2,112,130 admissions after six weeks in release. It has officially outgrossed Skyfall's ¥2.75 billion total to become the highest grossing 007 film of all-time in the market.
  21. Not really impossible. It's heading to around $85M. $100M is a stretch but if it holds better than expected after the holidays, it could get there.
  22. I agree about the new cast. The old cast and the nostalgia were what made me excited to see this. But the new cast (including BB-8) are the ones that made me love this movie. And they are also the ones that made me very excited to see Episode VIII. Although I did enjoy the old cast as well.
  23. That 30% loss in Japan is pretty big though. Avatar made $188m, but in today's dollar that would be around $129m. That's a huge $59m gap. I even think the average ticket price for Avatar was still bigger than SW7's thanks to 3D. Anyway, I'm curious about the OW in Indonesia. The Numbers says $2.8m, but that's so much lower than I estimated. It had the biggest release ever (some theaters used all of their screens for SW7), and sold out shows everywhere. It's so hard to get the tickets. So I thought it could get at least $6m OW. I mean, the hype is HUGE, bigger than AoU and that movie got $6.5m OW. I don't get it.
  24. 3-day weekend? The weekend number will be only for 2 days. Christmas Day is not a holiday. Also, with New Year's box office, I'm thinking at least 85m.
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