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Posts posted by GiantCALBears

  1. 1 minute ago, Barnack said:


    Comparing leg in pure absolute or pure relative to OW can both be misleading way to do so, to score "legs quality" both number need to be used imo.


    CW  legs: 228.9 million

    MoS legs: 174.4 million


    OW %

    CW: 43.9%

    MoS: 40.1%


    That is pretty similar leg performance indeed.


    CW excuse is being by now very far in a story line that create a lot of resistance among people that have not seen previous movies from 2 different branch or didn't like them, with a huge opening weekend (a bit like an Harry Potter movie toward the end), those are to expected to be very front-loaded.


    What does CW have to do with MOS anyways? They are completely different films outside of being CBMs. Any reasonable comparison really makes no sense. 

  2. Just now, God Emperor Tele said:


    There's no perfect way to calculate it except to acknowledge it was an unusual situation that doesn't match well with other comparisons. The closest way that makes sense to me (in terms of calculating legs) is to pull the Walmart total from the OW and domestic total and go from there but obviously it's not a perfect solution. It makes more sense to me than just using 128/292, but YMMV. Either way, MOS's legs weren't particularly good for the time. They weren't awful but weren't great either. 

    Either way SR made more after OW adjusted despite grossing significantly less in its OW. That's not good for what WB was trying to accomplish and some of that mattered in trying to forecast and then what would be the actual for BvS. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, MrPink said:


    I'm not saying it wouldn't, I don't know why it's the focal point of discussion, as if this discussion has never occurred before.


    Wonder Woman probably isn't going to have legs like Man of Steel, BvS, or Suicide Squad so focusing on whether those respective films had good legs or not is gonna be moot in the end in regards to Wonder Woman


    I agree but this discussion was also on what happens with JL now and those films do impact it obviously 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Brainiac5 said:

    No,You can't count special previews that were  purchased trough Wal-Mart.

    MOS o.W is 115 without the previews the film gets an 2.396551724137931x.

    While facing 66mil in WWz and 85mil in MU in its second weekend.

    These two big openers at one time really is the reason the film missed 300 dom as it was only 9mil away.

    IF you push WWz back a Week MOS easily gains another 9-12mil and would have avoided an 60% second week drop.

    When you look at it that way the film actually preformed very damn strong.

    SS had a 2.5x and is very well liked amongst the G.A. This is the very reason why the film has already made 80mil in home video sales and most likely will be close to passing the 100mil mark by August.

    The film only had that 65% drop in its second week because of the T-Mobile deal as the company actually brought a margin of tickets to give to their customers.

    When you look at it that way the film actually preformed very strongly.

    No it didn't but agree to disagree. It's all a matter of perspective I guess. 

  5. 1 minute ago, CJohn said:

    MoS faced TONS of competition. The legs are fine. The best way to look at MoS is 116/279M. Remove the Walmart previews from it.


    BvS's legs are hilarious. SS could have had BvS sort of legs if it didn't had August free of competition. 

    No they aren't man lol and why are you removing Walmart preview exactly when it's very similar to what is done now with Thursday previews? Superman Returns made more money adjusted after its OW than MOS did. That's not good sorry. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Brainiac5 said:

    Not as dumb as your comment was.

    hell if BVS did 199dom or will still make 743 Ww.

    The film would have to have done a Sub 150 to even miss 700ww.

    In terms of Shared universe and not just some iconic icon theory this is very damn good as the Dceu will still average 700ww.

    Things are slowly building up as they should be.

    It's batman vs Superman, two of the most iconic characters in film history with WW also included. Your comments are dumb because the movie itself underperformed getting what it did. Done talking about this with you. 

  7. 1 minute ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

    Didn't say anythi g about jl. I was just saying avengers ow was more like deadpool. A novelty factor of seeing multiple heroes in a single film, start of a interconnected franchisee. Iron man becoming a social media icon.

    So your point of avengers ow has anythjng to do with ca and thor is wrong according to me. They didn't stop but didn't help either.

    I don't disagree the novelty played a factor, my point is the goodwill from the first run did contribute to its overperformance. 

  8. 1 minute ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

    That's easy to say now. But at the time people were not predicting big numbers for avengers. "It's iron man 3, ca and thor disappointed". 

    In coming weeks people started to say it could do 130 ow.

    Week before release, most sites started comparing it to hunger games 150 ow. 

    And than that week started, and went from #notaevent to destroying the ow record.

    That's not happening with JL unless the movie itself is really good. Possible? Yes but how likely is it? It will have some goodwill from WW now so we'll see. Made it a lot more interesting that's for sure. 

  9. Just now, John Marston said:




    not really



    Thor and CA and Iron Man 2 all had average legs. They weren't disliked or anything but people didn't go crazy over them


    only the first Iron Man was extremely loved


    the concept of The Avengers alone helped power it to those numbers

    Want to compare audience scores? All of their first installments were better recieved than MoS, BvS, & SS. Maybe not in terms of BO but in terms of quality yes, they didn't have a single rotten film. 

  10. Just now, damnitgeorge08 said:

    If we include all dvd sales, merch, etc. DC is doing real good. SS made same profit as civil war(dhd). Man of steel profit were less but bvs did good again. This is much better than beginning of any other franchise.

    Let's be real about this... WW is their first "good" film, so it's a step in the right direction but your momentum as a studio is only as good as your next project so lets see JL before we declare this "on fire" or a massive success etc. 

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