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Posts posted by Silverice92

  1. With all of this talk of the action genre dying, I have another question: With recent bombs like Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, The Host, and especially Vampire Academy, why is it so impossible for young adult adaptions to be successful? Since Harry Potter kicked off the YA adaption trend in 2001, there have only been three really successful YAAs: Harry Potter, Twilight, and now Hunger Games. Why is so hard for any of the others to pick up any traction? I think this could also be a topic Shawn could discuss.

    All of the successful ones seem to have high RT score with the exception of Twilight.
  2. Hopefully, between this and TITE, Hollywood will release more original movies. This movie is one of the big gamble of the summer because there is no big stars or famous tv/movie franchise that supports it. Original ideas shouldn't be just for Oscar or indie film festivals.

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  3. Does that mean we have to change our religion?

    Well, we can add him as one of the god in our religion so we don't have to change it. I'm not sure how Rth will react if I treat him like Maitreya Buddha. Is he going to be ok with tummy rubbing for good luck?
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