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Everything posted by XenoZodiac

  1. Oh yeah, you are making me all pancakes, huh? You won 4 golds playing 10 games before I came to the arena to stop you. I won 6 golds in 9 games. Look who should be going pancakes...
  2. The Battleship must increase by 1.3M. I have always been lucky with estimates not in my way.
  3. I am not happy with my top 12. I didn't have enough time for research (I mean I had, just procrastinated ). At the last moment I got so busy with my research papers at college and a few other things that I basically put random films and numbers.
  4. Battleship and Dark Shadows sunk. I just hope the other 10 gets to the top 12, and I get a few juicy bonuses in the way and we are back in business.
  6. [*]No [*]No [*]No [*]No [*]No [*]Yes [*]Yes [*]No [*]No [*]Yes [*]Yes [*]Yes [*]No [*]No [*]No Bonus: [*]47.750% [*]135M [*] [*]3: What to Expect When You Are Expecting [*]4: The Dictator [*]9: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel [*]11:Chimpanzee [*]13:Safe [*]15:The Raven
  7. And yes, change the deadline to Friday 1PM at the latest. Early estimates can change the whole game.
  8. BO ALLIANCE SEASON 1 REVIEW Summary: This game took some new avenues from last year at BOM. While the purpose of the changes was good, the methods and implementation was not very impressive. Full Review: I am not that good at writing reviews, but I'll try my best. This was the pilot season of Box Office Alliance in this forum. Through 16 nerve-wrecking weekends, we finally got a winner, Alfred. Also, various players won various awards, most notably "Player of the Season" award won by CEDAR for his outstanding performance throughout the game. Not only this season differed from the last one at BOM at naming (the previous name was Box Office Obliteration) there were some noticeable changes as well. I'll compare them one at a time. BO:Obliteration had a simple structure. Teams play to win the weekend, the winning team selects one team to go to the Challenge, where one of the members remain and the others are obliterated/eliminated. Though a great concept, this had one problem. The top players were constantly targeted by the winners. As it happened, the top 5 consisted completely of underdogs who started the season under the shadow of players like Fake, Baumer, Mattrek, CJohn and a few other notable ones. To counter it, the host introduced the system of points. Points would be awarded to players for their achievement in weekend games or challenges. With points, immunities for the challenges could be bought, and a few other bonuses also. This allowed the better players to avoid the challenges and advance further into the game. However, it started with a hiccup, as the original plan was to give points to teams, which were dynamic and volatile. This lead to the misunderstanding and elimination of acsc1312 who was later allowed to stay in the game. A few changes in the rules were immediately made. These were not the first though. As the game progressed, more and more problems started to arise and new rules were unfolded to solve them. This should never have happened. The players need to know the rules before the game started. Points, though it somewhat managed to serve its purpose, raised more problems than it solved. Though I think that through careful planning, points can be a great feature to the game, I don't think it can better than the simple structure that BO:Obliteration had. The good thing is that points are not the only way obliterate the flaw of BO:Obliteration. I suggest that average scores of all the players/teams be kept track of and the players/teams in upper half in ranking gets an automatic immunity from the challenge. This way, the simple structure is kept intact and its flaw is eradicated. The second notable change was 5 options instead of 1 that the winner had. Breaking up one team by putting one member in the winner's team and the other in any other team was a great addition. I didn't like the other additions much, though. Almost all of them were related to the points system (which I didn't like much), and they were actually elongating the game, because eliminations were not happening that week. This also lead to changes in rules to speed up the game when it was dragging. There was another slight change in selecting the players for the challenge. Now any 2 members from any team could be selected for the challenge, instead of a whole team. It was a bad decision in my book considering that we had 22 players at the start of the season and it required 15+ weeks at minimum to complete the game (21 if no players are eliminated through strikes/no player resigned). It should have been a whole team. In that way, within a few games most teams would have 3 members, that would lead to the elimination of 2 members per challenge. The awards ceremony was a great addition. I enjoyed seeing the various awards unfolding. It should definitely be there next season. The concept of the game alone was enough to give the players an amazing experience. But I think the original one was better than the refurnished one. Rating: 6/10
  9. Where's the chart of Fake that everyone's going OMG at?
  10. I think I made sure that I was selling it in two 50% lots.But whatever, its still the same.
  11. Which incorrect films will be in that spot?I need to know it or else its sabotaging my whole excel template.
  12. Woohoo...... Congratulations to both Alfred and acsc (Alfred more of course). I agree with all the awards except the underdog one. Fake isn't really an underdog, its just that he underachieved this season. But winning 6 weeks in a row when life's at stake is a great achievement. When it comes to player of the season, I think it'll be close. I actually have no idea who it should be. I'd like to cap off with: My best moment in the game: My worst moment in the game:
  13. What happens if someone doesn't have any movie for a slot? (Neo didn't predict no. 11 and 12 and Goffe didn't for no. 8)? There must be some penalties, because those who predicted all the spots have the possibility of losing some points.
  14. Goffe messed up a bit.He has no films at no 8 and his prediction for Madagascar 3 is 1M.
  15. And he put Prometheus (208M) below Ice Age 4 (205M)
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