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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. You can recognize the insiders at their user name color, violet in this case, and he is deep into the job (means the whole year, since a ling time) Charlie too has insight, but not every year the whole year, depends on e.g. if he is in some finals of the year phase, and other details. He is not fully working in that field, but does at times and still has sources, but see the virus, not everywhere all in the field are actually working or not working full time, so the sources will be re-open for him.... I think he said something about in (early?) winter?
  2. I do not think its about looking like TV or whatever else some here seem to not like about part 1, I think that has more to do with it very heavily based all on it happening in the ‘90, some scenes with her as an adult even in the ‘80. CA1 too had a lot of details not looking like an actual action movie, and that was too with a big based on history in a very rough way reason. As Vers on the Kree home planet it has a complete other feeling as Carol on earth.... As part II will be probably far more in the now or at other planets I am guessing the feel will be again very much another one. Story and so on trumps to me some of the things others see seemingly as more important, I only hope there is a continuation of her as a person and still also growth, I hate it if they change too much without a reasonable given reason, like if a character behaves like a bad imposter aka a new character. Not a lot of work to check on about to get a feel for the new director, but that was so with other directors working for Feige too the case, I’ll wait and let me surprise myself. Certain people will hate her, Brie, the movie.... for their bias and worse anyway, and search for the slightest possible reason to blow it up to unreasonable heights anyway, curious to see how bad it will go (went?) this time.
  3. Thank you a lot, sounds like it might be worth looking into it.
  4. I’ll stay open minded for whatever they do till I see the movie and see for myself how they did it. I think its way too early to already ~ finalize what is oK and what not. We do not know even a little bit about whatever in the background might have been discussed already since how long? That includes a possible input of him. Or what will added as ideas... in the future. Also we do not know if the delays caused by the virus might make some things possible or not possible later on too, so many unclear details very much atypical and so on. I am also guessing tons of websites / clickbait people will do anything to stir the fires 🔥 aka increase the time they will be heard (sadly). hence why wait and see the end-product - and not fall for false news or whatever they’ll do later on - should be IMHO the sole method, no need to get fired up without reason. He was seemingly such a private person, I am not sure, its even possible he might have added a wish for to keep his opinion private later on still too. He is in a way not replaceable, but who knows, maybe they’ll find a solution we do not even think about now, also - as others said already - its about Wakanda as a kind of character too, I think in especial the BP movie had the country as a kind of a lead character in a way usually not seen in movies. They might even come up with something completely unexpected by us, maybe even with something that sounds completely whack on paper but will work? Hence waiting till seeing the final product....
  5. So, for the ones who want to watch something with him before Monday, just found this at Deadline. acc Wikipedia that station has over 90 million paying subscribers, so a few here might be able to use it?
  6. A few probably rather stupid questions: does Zoom give e.g. data to google? How is their privacy, security,...? I am (outside of BOT) usually a bit on the better ‘too’ secure (as that is still not secure), and the ‘I do not like google/Facebook....’ side, than the other way around. Movie over zoom, does that mean we all see/speak to each other too or is it still in writing? Like e.g. as I trained my English mostly myself, its probably difficult to understand for others if I try to speak it and so on. I am usually way better in writing than in speaking, as I can focus a bit better on finding the words, I very very rarely speak in English, in especially the last 10 to 15 years.
  7. Its good some are already in that age range I think, especially for the younger ones there will be a continuous group of people present, that does help in the cases I know with similar ages (not my family). In too many of the cases the oldest’ needs to get some love, words, support... true one on one time too got missed for a while, especially if they are strong people. Maybe look for a self help group of families supporting mentally each other (like families of AA going people?), or youth specialized therapists who might be able to give advice on what to look out for for all of them, and how to approach the situations (as they are changing details, I chose the multiplier version), for all of your kids per age, and your partner, who will need some coping mechanisms for himself, but also how to support the kids per age. Same counts for you, its not only to have the strengths to fight it. Take every support, so you all can focus on the mental side too, as that in turn will help later on with the strength to continue the fight. No matter how it develops, a lengthy time of insecurity about the outcome alone can have ling lasting impact. As in decades long, some of them not getting obvious for some or even many years. Again, especially counting for the strong ones, as they themselves, but also all the others, do not start early enough to cope, accept the feelings, the need to let it out too in their own ways. Not meant as being pushy, or... probably the most or all you already considered, but just in case maybe a little point added in a detail to your own thoughts might help a little bit, you have a lot to think and remember in addition to all the new details to work through to help to support your strength, like a maybe changed diet or whatever the doctors tell, and your mentioned driving, newly to balance schedules... hence the ide to write this post. Please no ‘oil’-based therapy out of the Internet! Best of luck, stay strong, hugs to all of you!
  8. My thoughts are with you and your family. If its not too obstrusive to ask, how old are roughly your children? On my side of the family nearly all of the many who died died either of cancer, or as the result of traffic accidents (including in a way a not secured, thickly iced over sidewalk at the exit of a governmental building, that case‘s main reason was ~ a bad hospital), not one caused by the deceased. Of the few still living, my (younger) brother did get through an agressive one last winter, looks good for the moment beside him reacting badly to the treatment, they had to abort it after only ~ 1/4 (quarter) to 1/3 (a third of) of the planed time/length. I absolutely hate cancer! I think his way to still go e.g. to visit sick children..., to still create, work, support others,... is a good way to focus on the positive sides, and I strongly believe if there was a chance it would have helped and will help in other cases.
  9. I tried to follow the quote Charlie quoted my reaction to from (did I just f... up the grammar?) to find out why I got quoted from a post from October 2018 I think it was a thread about an Indian movie with famous actors, maybe the last one with a now dead actress under maybe alcohol influence, like happening during taking a bath? It was a time back, like nearly 2 years or so, I quoted one of the very early posts of him into this thread, thinking he is too new to know about this thread or so. In the hope this helps... Was definitely bevor October 31 in 2018
  10. How to know BOT urgently needs cinemas opening up again? Coming to take a look and haven gotten thumbs up ... notifications of BO threads from up to 4 years back. From different people...
  11. I ate too much for lunch, now I am tired. Its difficult to get the own behind up and in hear, if there is no explicit time of day when to start with work during/at a public holiday like today...
  12. moderator: role model.... ? 😉😆🙃😎 And now I am hungry, within the hour lunch, and then hello work
  13. I wrote maybe something about it elsewhere, not sure: As my normal hours got cut back in a big way (I still get paid for them), I do since some weeks, steadily increasingly more rooms get added, in the evenings/nights or during public holidays/weekend during the day the daily disinfection of the school I am working at, as I have for reasons the masks for chemicals... and the knowledge how to handle them. The only other person who knows how to handle them has more hours than usual as teaching the basic subjects and being the director (you’d not believe how many governmental letters / forms daily arrive, plus tons of parents asking questions and so on. Plus we are in the finals phase too Next week a full week, followed by 2 weeks of school holidays, I’ll finally build my router table, the last material for that finally arrived, so yeah me, happy dance! The one I planed to use is as such was way too inaccurate, not useable for anything in my workshop, maybe hubby ca use it, or I’ll disassemble it and store the material. Using the time of the ~ partial lock-downs, the things I usually like to do are not possible still, see cinemas ....
  14. The writer of the second post should have edited the tweet to the actual count of injured (I read 10-12, varying sources) Driver of the car seems to have had a stroke/seizure, I think without the car in fron of him it would have ended way worse, if I understand it correctly, meat: as a try to slow him down, see the strongly smoking wheels. Back to work, only did a break for the mail, see above )
  15. Its very funny to me, but in a bitter-sweet way, as so many of the actors playing them are already dead Someone at IMDb made a list, got updated just 2 weeks back, the older actors,... age = ~ normal but so e of them went way too early / are dead since years https://www.imdb.com/list/ls023048945/ It has now 70 names on the list (but some were not that much involved, but kudos to the person who does find them all). The good case: Stephen Furst (Vir) only made it as long because a B5 fan gave him a kidney (no joke, OP happened between seasons), that gave him additional ~ 20 years The worst case in my POV based on age at time of death and how small his children were: Richard Biggs, who died in 2004 as only being 44years old, had married ~ only 6y back, both children were under the age of school going children. I think its only known to fans about he only heard on one ear partially and was fully deaf on the other one.
  16. the clip at the end of the post made me remember a movie I actually like a lot and had forgotten to add: We Own the Night 😢
  17. I am bad with foreign languages (English being the best, but at the time English was my worst subject by far, including what my teacher said about my English skills in the final grade), but (as OT, I‘ll use spoiler tags)
  18. Thank you for adding that, I read it only a few days back and thought about mentioning it as she saw some rather big changes in her live due to the age, in combination with her experiences I guess even more than the most of 100y old ones. I love to imagin she had an opportunity to see the movie
  19. What about a top... list for rewatchable / rereadable movies and other media? Like not the best of quality orientated, but the best ~ I‘m feeling down, am ill. the weather is bad,... I‘ll watch/hear/read this movie, that TV-series, read this book (series)/ hear that audio book series? Forgot the term, like in a way ‚what will me get up again if feeling poorly‘?
  20. Oh, yes, at least ~ 20 - 30 movies didn’t made it on my list, that I’d consider worthy.... and I had before that already to stop myself from thinking about what else to add.
  21. I understand that, but.... its about not only sport, its about a sport I have no connection to at all. Beauty... never clicked to that theme too, probably because I am face-blind. I think nearly every aspect has nothing connected to my ~ culture’s history. I feel like I SHOULD be in interested into it, but can not click. Like a missed opportunity in a way, but missed it by ~ myself. That is, what I find ... sad (? not the correct word, too bad? dictionary says also pity, but pity sounds even more wrong) at the same time. Not logical.... (as it got released I had already a 3 in my age)
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