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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. Strangly I watched less than normal the last 3 weeks. Read news way more than typical instead. But bought tons of the low=price special offers or however to call that - digital form of movies, so I can watch them on the ipad (no one here likes the same movies, son and me have an overlap with action movies, hubby does not watch action, sci=fi, fantasy, most of the genre movies), when I feel like watching again
  2. OS they tend to release a week earlier... (excluding A4), see Valentine. And OS the President’s Day wont have an impact. Not sure how Valentine‘s Day and certain bias countries will react to some details in the movie (have not read up since more than 6 months)
  3. 16y old Logan Williams died. No idea why yet. Played young Flash just in case
  4. We had (non-April-like) snow a few days back. I hope it was the last one before summer (but here in ‚crazy-weather-changes’ April all is possible). For you I guess it is the first one ....
  5. thx for the info, and I guessed right, not astonished to see that at BOT
  6. Do you happen to know where those get stored? I am curious which studio (I am guessing ....)
  7. I forgot 4 titles, added them per pm If its too late its fine, only to give a heads up.
  8. Thank you! I just realised how man movies I have not seen on my 'to watch list', I guess my list will be very CBM heavy, as those are the kind of movies my pupils tend to pick for m media subject in school Not that I have a problem with that. Many part 2s or 3s I also missed... For the moment I can only remeber 46 titles to even have seen
  9. Oh, shi.... I missed the thread (was too long away and now too focused). Hmm, the decade I saw way less movies than of every other decade since movies were more than a handful per year. That might get difficult to get enough together.... But I‘ll try (only 90 minutes left for me!?)
  10. (he is ~ a decade younger) = he is not that old 😜, not even a half century 😉 Just checked, I actually have seen Patrick Stewart in I Claudius, Dune and ... forgot the name, before he started as Picard. Like/love him in all I remember him playing in
  11. (runs to IMDb to look up the ages) plus baumer 😉
  12. For that I preferred then The Streets of San Francisco (sadly then only in German)
  13. Stupid me, I thought its about the Movie, but I guess the show is similar
  14. why did you get me (I am a self-responsible person, more a figure of speech) to look that one up 🤯😨😳🤮💩🤢 Actually, I think so eone gave me the link then, should have remembered the title. Shudder and agree (its on my I will never ever watch it, even the description, trailer whaterever was too much list)
  15. A little bit OT: for the Germans here, who do use itunes/apple TV: there is always a 3.99€ offer thing for movies and documentaries, I am used to around 500-600 titles at once. Actually there are 1016 titles listed, maybe bcs of Corona? I‘ve done a fast check, e.g. all Lord of the Rings / Hobbit movies, Matrix, 2 of the 4 Mad Max, older Superman, some German successes,.... are listed there. A few classics as well, rather new ones too. But a few of those only have the German language, a few Indie-movies do not have the German language, so just in case, be aware. I do not know if the Austrians get the same titles? In addition: starting Monday, I think till Friday you can buy itunes gift cards at Aldi Süd (Aldi South), if you do buy them there and you redeem the ones starting at 25€ up to 100€ (not the variable amount ones) before / latest at 18. April 2020 you‘ll get an added 15% bonus. Can be used for all purchases beside German books, for those a Rabatt.... is not allowed per law here. = the 3.99€ movies would be even cheaper.... I am not typically one to advertise such kind of offer, but in times of social distancing, closed cinemas.... maybe someone finds it helpful?
  16. As you know I am actually very much out of touch with BO, as I am back to the theme less than 24h. So please excuse if this is a stupid question: is it possible some cinemas put the old animated version back into the cinemas for ...? Drive through? A combination of whatever? 🤪🥴🙂
  17. Last June test I remember, but didn’t remember if you have 1/2-year tests of full year test or.... That sounds good, much time to learn I guess. And helping the family? Family gatherings are not allowed here anymore since a week or so, that includes marriage parties, even funerals (depends on state and region, a few have a far bigger count than the most for reasons outside of the region, see the problems a ski-region somewhere else caused by not reacting to sick people working there and infecting seemingly a lot of visiting people). I think very small funerals should be o.K., not sure. In a near to me county the at risk people are not even allowed to buy groceries by themselves, they organized a cost-free bring service (the service is cost free, I think the groceries are not free for the able to pay). Beside medical trips (pharmacy, doctor,...) and buying groceries, bank, putting gas into your tank... = Here you can meet as a solo person only one other person not living in your household e.g. outside, but you can take a walk with people who live in the same household and that is it. No restaurant is allowed to seat people in any form, they can sell take away meals (not sure about pick up or driver?). No non essential store is open, no clothes, shoes, sport, computer, whatever. Not even DIY markets are open anymore (at the beginning those were on the exceptions list, so people can actually do something useful, not anymore since at least a week too). You can drive here to work (if work is not closed), you can drive if you do support work, to grocery.... you can still drive for fun too, but they they you should stay near to where you live. If too many again ignore it, they will probably forbid that too. The most of the rules that got more and more intense got so bcs too many people still ignored them, did not understand the exceptions and so on. = very astonished about your family‘s gathering, there seem to be rather big differences still. Family is good to see, very important I think, e.g. today I read about an 11y old who called the police here bcs both parents have to work and he felt stressed-out about being alone, was overwhelmed - cried whilst speaking to the call-center person, 2 cops came, made him a Nutella-bread... and calmed him down (I think he had a kind of panic attack). His world was alright again as his mom arrived. That is the bad part of working in a medical field or in a grocery store, police,... you can not stay at home, are not allowed to ‚park‘ you child with the age-based at risk grandparents or other high risk persons (if neighbor, always the same, small group only) and only children up to 6th grade can get a emergency thing at schools, if both parents work an important for that kind of situation profession. Not a fun time for one-child families. Or any family. Or anyone.
  18. Hi again 🙂 Thx a lot As told in the Corona thread, I am at home now, but not since the same time than the pupils in our state. I still try to be a bit useful, also do at home some things. Hubby is an at risk person (e.g. age and weight...), my brother is very high risk (he had 6 surgeries sine December for cancer in the ~ throat beside never having smoked cigarettes), myself I think am hopefully not at risk (not 100% clear, I did have had in the far far away past 2 times bad pneumonia, means lung volume is slightly less, but not in a real life impacting way, never ‚felt‘ it). Hubby‘s store is closed, financially that is a bit bad for now, but as he did not take a vacation day since at least 5 years, 7 years if not counting a 3 day vacation, we take it as a much deserved and needed family vacation at home (adult son lives also here, but has his own area, with a common kitchen, son and me take turns, hubby can not cook (but can wash salad....). How are you? How did your studies go? How will your next tests happen/work? Moved dates? Staying also at home? How is your family doing? Good thing is, I have finally time again for BOT and even looked into another forum (son showed me something that does interest me). And I bought some under 4€ itunes movies, also Disney+ started this week, I am working in MY little wood-work-shop at home = not bored yet no going crazy yet 🤪 (better said: not going more crazy as usual 😉)
  19. they needed a special permission, only 2 adults per car allowed, online booking only, no kiosk for snacks and so on. Maybe its a question of which location has what kind of sanitary possibilities? Also its a per state permission thing, not all states here are under the same kind of restrictions / rules, a few are (far?) more restricted than others, see e.g. infected per 100000 citizens counts
  20. I am guessing old contracts. I actually had hoped for e.g. a certain Touchstone movie, sofar = nope, looks like here its rather limited to wither franchise fans, and/or very child-/family-focused
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