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Everything posted by jb007

  1. I have a crude system that has been doing ok this week. Based on that, Suicide Squad will make about 8.73 to 9.31 on Wednesday. I want to see whether my crude system works or is a big bust.
  2. No doubt about it. The potential was there to set the movie up for a few successful sequels of its own. Now that may be a stretch. While I'm uncertain of the real potential of SS, I would like to think a good Superman and Batman movie would have approached a multiplier of about 3 ala The Avengers. IMHO, the potential loss was of an additional multiplier of 1 due to the movie being terrible i.e a potential loss $160 M from domestic market . I'm just speculating that this is what DC/WB left on the table in the domestic market.
  3. It is really hard to work out the break even point or profitability/loss without the following, 1. Actual production and marketing budgets including discounts vide tax breaks etc 2. Actual overseas theatrical share ratio: for ex. FF7 Overseas theatrical share is way smaller than TFA given FF7 had a much bigger China gross 3. Actual ancillary revenue share for the studio So without the above, we are left with speculating as to what the actual profitability/loss is.
  4. Superman: A Superman 2: A+ Superman 3: B - Superman 4: C Batman: B+ Batman Returns: C+ Batman Forever: C Batman and Robin: D MOS: B- BvS: D- SS: D- Nolan's movies are rated separately since I consider them to be more crime dramas than SH movies. The comment regarding MOS is related to the current DCEU slate.
  5. The marketing brought them in on the first day. Then the WOM came into play, I suppose. Looks very reasonable.
  6. There are a few things at work with CW. 1. Franchise fatigue - 13th film in the series 2. Audience top out - ala HP series (Not SW), not many new auds will be added to the rest of series movies. The potential for the rest of movies will have a predictable arc. Even the finale movies are likely to be closer to AOU ticket sales than The Avengers ticket sales numbers. 3. Cap2 did 2.7 with a 95 M opening, so Cap3 was never going to be anywhere close to that with a 179 m OW. 2.5 multi was probably the best it could have done and it failed to do so indicating that the franchise fatigue is real. BvS and SS are not affected by franchise fatigue. The potential for BvS was way higher than what was achieved given the movie had the two most iconic superheroes in history. For that movie to not reach 2 multiplier is just horrendous. Comparing that to HP series shows a lack of basic box office knowledge.
  7. There is nothing wrong with Suicide Squad. The biased critics have been brutal. Otherwise it would have been considered an awesome movie. Those darn "bought" critics brought this and BvS down.
  8. Liked it. It is a fun movie. Loved Karl urban and Sofia Boutella. The 3D showing I watched it in was too dark. I just despise 3D but could not avoid it since 2D was not available. Rating: B+
  9. Not if it had minions legs. The weekdays are confirming it. If 2nd weekend holds decent it will do it.
  10. Pets performance is amazing. Looks to be the 7th $300m+ movie of the year. Wow.
  11. It is quite good. It also does not fall prey to dull horror sequel syndrome a la The Ring 2. There are some good scary moments. B+
  12. The part to like is that CA: CW is an excellent movie and advances the universe in a very positive way. Like you have mentioned, it is the 13th movie in the universe, so $400m+ is an excellent number for this.
  13. The Jungle Book and Zootopia have done phenomenally well. CW is heading for around 400. Just as expected. X men Apocalypse is below expectations but not by a big margin. Alice is a legitimate bomb. Depp is BO poison. This is a sequel to a movie which most did not care for and benefited heavily due to 3D.
  14. Unlike CW, the potential for BvS was much bigger given that DCCU is still in its infancy compared to MCU. BvS may turn a profit. With regard to advancing the universe, it was a pitiful failure. BTW if CW is a disappointment for some here then on the same scale you could term BvS a disaster.
  15. Why is CW being around IM3 a bad thing? IM3 had a superb performance coming on the heels of TA. CW is doing very good by matching it. It was never going to match TWS legs. MCU movies auds are set and they will.not increase. Even IW movies will fall in the range of AOU and that is excellent. These movies will not match The Avengers in any way. That was an event and novelty which none of the remaining movies can match.
  16. Well made thriller. Great casting with good performances by Clooney and Julia. Good job by Jodie Foster. A-
  17. Liked it more than I thought I would. The pacing is slower but just as entertaining as the two predecessors. B+
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