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Everything posted by jb007

  1. Any tracking that shows a quasi Avengers movie tracking above the OW of an actual Avengers movie has to be taken with a grain of salt.
  2. Rogue One is different. It cannot be counted as a part of the 7 Star Wars movies. It is an off shoot with a completely different cast from the 7 movies but in the same universe. The closest comparison at this point is GOTG.
  3. Shrek2 is funny and awesome. Btw, it probably has sold more tickets than all movies since 2000 with the exception of TFA. Some of the online hate is due to fanboys of various franchises getting severe burning due to its phenomenal success.
  4. Captain America is the most adult oriented movie in the MCU. While it is still funny, the movie portrays the real divisions between the Avengers effectively. Russo bros have succeeded in delivering a fine movie. The action scenes are just spectacular especially the all out battle scene at the airport. I loved the slow parts just as much. Spiderman was a hoot. His interaction with Tony and Cap was just superb. Black Panther got a good intro. Apart from the disagreement regarding the Sokovia Accord, it came down to Cap considering WS as Bucky and Tony viewing him as The Winter Soldier. While not as wholesome as The Avengers, it is still an excellent movie. Rating: A
  5. Cap 3 may not be no. 1 this weekend. According to Deadline list, an Indian movie is on track to make $176M this weekend. 11). 24 (Tamil & Telugu) (CGX) 180 theaters / $310K Fri./ 3-day cume: $176.4M-$975K/ Wk 1
  6. Spin is going on from both sides. This is not a Captain America movie. But at the same time this is not Avengers 3 either. As a quasi Avengers it is doing excellent business.
  7. The opening is just about as I had expected. My range was 175 to 185. A semi Avengers movie coming around 5% of AOU opening is very good. Good WOM will be reflected in its legs. Anyway loved the movie.
  8. I was thinking about 5m considering 83% drop normal for family movies. I think it is a very good number.
  9. +1 I could not have put it any better. @Aristis, I thought BvS was a stinking pile of crap and yes, it is my personal opinion, which also seems to be the majority opinion world wide given the horrible drops worldwide.
  10. The 1967 Jungle Book is my most favorite animated movie ever and I consider it a masterpiece. With that in mind, I went to this CGI/live adaption. While the storytelling cannot match the animated version due to obvious live filming restrictions, this is still a very good movie. Neel Sethi is excellent. The voice work is very good. The cinematography is excellent. Songs which are a highlight of the 67 version are sparingly used here. The movie has an adventure element to it and ends with Mowgli staying in the jungle. Unlike the 1967 version, he does not go to the man village and meet Shanti at the end. Rating: B+
  11. +1 The problem with BvS is not negative media buzz but awful quality. I cannot remember a highly anticipated tent pole movie that pretty much failed in all ares of film making like BvS has done. This movie opened big even with bad reviews. So that rules out the huge impact of bad reviews. What did BvS in was the terrible WOM. OS it dropped 68% in the second weekend and 60% in the third weekend. That is just about as bad as I have seen for a big movie. No amount of laughable defense makes it any better. This may be the first big movie to probably end up with a less than 2 multiplier (Dom) or barely squeak past it. These kind of drops are unheard of and it is not so because of some ridiculous conspiracy. Quality does matter, at least to some extent.
  12. The legs will be good. While not a masterpiece like the 1967 version, it is very good.
  13. Tone is just part of it. Snyder's re imagining of Superman as a lighter version of Brooding Batman does not work. This was a huge misstep especially in my age group who grew up with Christopher Reeve's sunny and charming Clark Kent and/Superman. In fact in my entire life the only few superhero comics I have read are that of Superman. He was the most popular and iconic superhero during my childhood and teen years. This re imagining has put second tier SH well ahead of him. This was a huge problem for MOS and became a much bigger problem for BvS due to expectations where in nothing seemed to work in the movie. A movie with Batman and Superman should have performed well above the level of Avengers 2. The failure here is complete with regards to realization of potential. The negatives like poor screenplay, bad action, horrible doomsday, ultra irritating Eisenberg, boring sequences etc make it a terrible experience for the majority of the audiences which has lead to these horrible drops. Geez, even the look of the movie i.e. color selection, brightness is off. Whatever DC does in the future, they will carry the baggage and stench of BvS. The only way out is to make really good movies. period.
  14. It is a good movie to watch when you have had a few drinks. The sad part is that the director Martin Brest has made some of the best movies I love like Midnight Run, Beverly Hills Cop, The Scent of a Woman etc. It is just hard to take that a quality director like Brest came up with Gigli.
  15. BTW, Watched The Jungle Book last night. It is very good. I think it will be huge. It opened to fantastic collections in India.
  16. The key is people may like BvS when compared to those timeless classics. If you were to ask somebody few years from now, which do they like, Gigli or BvS? they will certainly pick BvS.
  17. That is because BvS is a misunderstood masterpiece according to a couple of people here. Years from now when people look back, they may grow to like it in comparison to classic movies like The Adventures of Pluto Nash, Super babies, Son of the Mask, Gigli etc.
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