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Everything posted by jb007

  1. Sometimes you want to see the world burn. So I say keep Zack Snyder for JL movies.
  2. Could be. Rth can clarify with another cryptic hint.
  3. There is a 3.99 next to 12. We don't know whether it 12 or 16
  4. My niece and nephew are on spring break in Irvine (Orange County, CA). I'm not certain whether the rest of CA school system are on spring break.
  5. BvS is in the last of March where as F7 was in the first week of April. Whether BvS will have the same type of fall as F7 depends on whether the schools were out on spring break during the first week of April in 2015.
  6. Since about 40% of the schools are on spring break, it may not fall that hard.
  7. That needs to be seen. Last year, the easter weekend was in the first week of April. Not certain whether spring break was on for part of the schools last year during after easter weekend.
  8. RTH's cryptic post. If it is 12, that would not be a good hold.
  9. True. The semi holiday helped matters. That also means Zootopia has 80m+ left in the tank when measure against Home from 2015 at the same point.
  10. Zootopia 4.74m Monday. It dropped only 20% from Sunday. Amazing. Deadpool dropped 49%. Very good.
  11. A good screenplay and even a decent director would go a long way in bringing some good movies from the DC universe.
  12. I predicted 171 OW also. I did not like the movie either. But all through the years, bad movies and/or critically reviled movies have done well. So the reviews would not impact the OW but the legs. SM3 is the perfect example. Even with bad reviews for SM3 (for a franchise that had stellar reviews for the first 2 movies), it got the OW record in 2007. But the legs were bad due to WOM.
  13. +1 BvS has out opened TDKR domestic also, but will fall short by $70 to 80M in total. BTW, AOU's OS-C OW (including later than 4/22-24 releases) is 264.07 M Total Gross - C = 706.3 Multiplier = 2.67 So a 2.54 multiplier, I have used for OS-C is reasonable and that would give BvS OS-C 197 x 2.54 = 500. It isn't like I just threw some numbers without any analysis.
  14. It will be close. I think it will do about 500M OS-C (2.5 Multiplier). China will do around 100 Domestic about 370 I think around 970 +/-
  15. +1 BvS is almost as bad as any third rate bollywood movie. After spending $250M if that is the best CGI they could come up with, it is way beyond pathetic. Screenplay is laughably bad. All in all a forgettable mess.
  16. Disaster of epic proportions. Zack Snyder may tried his best to make the worst movie possible. Almost nothing works. The set up is overlong and boring. The batmobile chase from the Ship is absolutely horrible CGI. The visuals sucked for the Doomsday fight. Ben Affleck was ok and was not even close to Bale. Gadot is good for about 2 seconds and that's it. Amy Adams is irritating. Cavill was not bad. Eisenberg is horrible. People were laughing at some of his lines derisively. Jeremy Irons is solid and looks like an older version of RDJ. The score was below average and the screenplay is a big letdown. I cannot believe that this is the best they could come up with. I'm amazed this POS has 30% rating at RT. It should be in single digits. BvS makes MOS look like a good movie. D-
  17. The latter Potter movies have had major front loading. I had compared multiplier drops from TA and TDK. They drop is almost identical. Multiplier drops: TDK: 3.38 TDKR: 2.8 Diff: 0.58 TA: 3.0 AOU: 2.4 Diff: 0.6
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