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Everything posted by jb007

  1. It is better in some ways, but also more uneven compared to the first one. Also the signature line from the first movie was not used here.
  2. One time watch if you nothing else better to do. It is not as entertaining as the first one. B
  3. Ghost Rider 2 8:15 Pm Friday 50% in a 353 Seater Trailers: Wrath of the Titans Movie: Decent entertainment. Nothing great or terrible. Slight change from the original. B
  4. 1. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly2. High Plains Drifter3. Dances With Wolves
  5. Potter: Sorcerer's Stone: C Chamber of Secrets: Prisoner of Azkaban: Goblet of Fire: Order of the Phoenix: Half-Blood Prince: Deathly Hallows 1: D Deathly Hallows 2: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring: B+ The Two Towers: B Return of the King: B- Star Wars: A New Hope: A+ Empire Strikes Back:A++ Return of the Jedi: A The Phantom Menace: A- Attack of the Clones: B+ Revenge of the Sith: A+ Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl: A- Dead Man's Chest: B- At World's End: B- On Stranger Tides: B- Twilight: Twilight: New Moon: Eclipse: Breaking Dawn 1: Transformers: Transformers: A Revenge of the Fallen: B+ Dark of the Moon: B+ Mission Impossible: Mission Impossible: A Mission Impossible 2: B Mission Impossible 3: B+ Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol: A Toy Story: Toy Story: A Toy Story 2: A Toy Story 3: X-Men: X-Men: B+ X2: X-Men United: A X-Men: The Last Stand: B- X-Men Origins: Wolvierine: B+ X-Men: First Class: A- Spider-Man: Spider-Man: B Spider-Man 2: B+ Spider-Man 3: Batman: Batman: A Batman Returns: B- Batman Forever:D Batman and Robin: F Batman Begins: A+ The Dark Knight: B+ Matrix: The Matrix: A+ Reloaded: A Revolutions: B- P.S.: have not watched the ones that are not rated
  6. Revenge of the Sith is a fantastic movie and is my third favorite movie in the series after ESB and ANH. While some may nitpick stuff like Hayden's acting, I have to say it is just as bad or good as any other franchise like LOTR or HP. I did not see any oscar wothy acting in those either. There are plenty of cringe worthy acting in those two franchises from the main actors as well.The action scenes and set pieces are fantastic. The scene where Vader watches the skies from the destroyer at the end is hearbreaking and makes me tear up everytime I watch it.I'm one of the few on these boards that has watched all six in their original release itself. For me, the end of EP 3 was bittersweet. A big part of my childhood and adulthood memories are tied to Star Wars. I'm one of those that hopes the Star War universe continues with more episodes.A+
  7. Bollywood is a joke. The current Agneepath is laughably bad compared to the original with the Great Amitabh. It is bloated, uneven and completely boring. but for one scene where Vijay stabs the bad guy during Ganesha festivities and proclaims his name as Vijay Dinanath Chauhan.I had not watched bollywood movies for 22 years till last year. Having warched third rate gems like Don 2 and Agneepath, I will go back to not watching these pointless and boring movies made by talentless hacks. The lead female was so irritating in Agneepath that I was ecstatic when she died. I was happy to not see her pathetic performance continue for the rest of the movie.
  8. I started following box office in 1981 with the release of Superman 2 and Raiders of the Lost Ark. I tarcked box office info. from magazines that would print weekend/weekly numbers for the movies.
  9. Not only a troll, but a liar too. Show me where I said that TPM would get $37M. Don't just make stuff up to make your ridiculous assertions.
  10. You are as thick as they come. It was not downgraded. It is Nikki adjusting for the upmteenth time that Nikki is known for doing every week. You act as if people went back and asked for refunds and that resulted in a lower gross. Her numbers from the beginning of the day were projections, It is not like the actual went down.. BTW a $12m OD would have been fantastic. A $8.5 Mi OD is good and is in line with most expectations.You are a troll without any common sense and argue with nothing but ridiculous assertions.
  11. A personal sampling? Having you been hiding under the proverbial rocks? Just read the posts related to TPM over the last several weeks.If if were doing what was being predicted , how come majority of the people are shocked. Your reactions border on the ridiculous. You seem to be basing your reactions on your seeming personal hatred of TPM.
  12. Why is it fantastic?All we have heard over the last month is that TPM has no buzz and bad WOM finally will catch this time, 3D conversion is no good etc.Inspite of all this negativity it has had an excellent OD. That would be fantastic also considering 95% of the predictions had it less than $21m for the weekend..
  13. Fantastic for TPM. Great number for Safe House and Good number for The Vow. The number for Journey is ok given the other three did huge numbers and not much was expected from it to begin with.
  14. Excellent actioner. The screenplay is very brezy and good. The action scenes are fabulous. Burg scenes are breathtaking. The score is mediocre. Very entertaining. A-
  15. MI: Ghost Protocol 7:30 PM Thursday 12/15/11 Sold Out in a 338 seater Trailers: Players (Indian Movie) Movie: Excellent actioner with an entertaining screenplay. The action scenes are breathtaking and got several applauses and wows from the audience. The MI theme was different and did not sound good. A-
  16. Immortals 9:55 PM Friday 60% in a 332 seater Ahmedabad, India Trailers: None Movie: Decent movie. Ended up being better than I thought it would be. B
  17. I love this movie. I think it is my favorite Nolan movie. The acting, the genesis story, score and the atmosphere are wonderful. It is way better than The Dark Knight. A
  18. Amazing movie. Great performances along with awesome battle scenes. Not only the best war movie ever made, but also one of the best movies ever made. A+
  19. I think the holidays are over. The weekend gross will be muted in Russia.
  20. The movie is an all out entertainer. The colors are vivid and the screens just shines unlike the dark 3D movies. The script is crisp, action fun and the movie moves at lightning speed. Don't Miss it. A
  21. Fantastic for Puss in Boots.
  22. Tower Heist 11/05/11, Saturday 6:35 PM Ahemedabad, India 50% in a 330 seater Trailers: None Movie: Entertaining movie. While loosely based on Madoff episode, it did remind me of the fantastic Trading Places. B+
  23. In Time 11/04/11, Friday 8:45 PM Ahemedabad, India 90% in a 353 seater Trailers: The Phantom Menace The Darkest Hour Movie: Nice concept. The execution is above average. Decent pacing and does not bore. B
  24. The Adventures of Tin Tin 11/08/11, 8:15 PM Ahmedabad India 70% in a 353 seater Trailers: Jack & Jill Puss in Boots Movie: Fantastic entertainer. It is filled with action, crisp editing, funny moments. Loved it. A fan of Tin Tin since my childhood days. The SMA is incredible and the movie is very bright unlike many 3D movies. A
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