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Everything posted by Eraserhead

  1. Even though I had a lot of problems with the movie, I'm so glad Superman is back up there with the big dogs where he belongs! We will be getting our Justice League movie now, guys. No doubt about it.
  2. Anyone else get the feeling that this is gonna end up hitting 55m today?
  3. Probably, post-Avengers. I'm still crossing my fingers on MOS, the tracking looks too good to be true...
  4. Eh, let's see how Friday and Saturday go before we jump to any conclusions.
  5. People have to have their free popcorn. On nom nom.
  6. Well, Thursday midnight shows are technically on Friday. And didn't it only beat Harry Potter's OW by like 5 million? Iron Man 3 made over 15 million from Thursday evening shows which started at 9 (although I know my theater, for example, didn't even follow that rule and actually started shows at 8). They were able to get a whole lot of shows in at various times before midnight. I don't think it's fair that studios are folding in what's basically an extra half day into the Friday estimates.
  7. Only if you include shows from Thursday night. That still feels really wrong to me.
  8. Maybe he meant on the weekends? Or overseas/worldwide? Iron Man 3 will not be topping 448 million domestic.
  9. I certainly don't think you'll see many fanboys going to this again and again like they did with The Avengers.
  10. Ugh, that seems so unfair towards the older movies but whatever....
  11. Are you guys including the Thursday previews in the OW?
  12. Great weekend for TDKR. I was honestly thinking it'd only get about 30 m. I think some of the casual Batfans who got spooked the first weekend by the coverage of the shooting and got distracted by the Olympics opening the second weekend are finally coming out now. 450+ domestic, here we come.
  13. I think TBL definitely has TDKR's number. They must feel very good about the move to that weekend. Now they'll get that headline about finally taking down Batman.I have a feeling The Campaign isn't going to do anything though. Maybe if regular people were actually interested in the presidential election this year, it'd have a shot, but this election seems to be producing the least passion/enthusiasm since 2000 pre-recount or perhaps even since the 1996 Clinton-Dole snoozefest. And I don't think people will buy tickets just because of Ferrell and Galifianakis are in it. If that were the case, Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie would have at least made a few bucks.
  14. Let me just say that TDKR smoked Total Recall at my theater today. TDKR even had a sold theater (unlike last Friday). Total Recall was just... dead. The estimates for it are still too high, I suspect.
  15. The predicted Sunday drop for TDKR might be a little too generous. Hope not though.
  16. Fantastic increase! Go Batman. Go Batman. Go Batman.450 million or so domestic would be amazing after all of the crap this film has had to deal with.
  17. 25-26 m would be worthy of a Batusi!Hmm, didn't work today, wonder what the theater was like...
  18. It really doesn't do anything for me. Scott Pilgrim was excellent though!
  19. Sucker Punch was complete garbage imo. I mostly loved Watchmen though.
  20. Perhaps but it's nothing like a Ratner film. At all. I'm not sure how one could write it off as Ratneresque, even if they don't like it.
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