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  1. lol, good point. Totally forgot they existed. Which isn’t surprising I guess
  2. So Wicked’s making more money domestic than intl? I thought those kind of blockbusters were extinct
  3. keep forgetting most American cinemas don’t have assigned seats. Such a recipe for anxiety if you go to any big movie
  4. Re: dickheads taking pics, I’ve long said that cinemas need to decide if they want to be expensive luxury experiences or cheap, low expectations experiences. Right now they’re neither, and it’s anathema to crotchety fogies like me.
  5. Again, I can’t begin to understand the kind of mind that actually gets excited for this slop.
  6. an MCU movie without a shitload of green screen is pretty hard to imagine.
  7. As someone else said, this is what superhero fatigue actually feels like. The other two venom movies were shite but that didn’t stop audiences from turning up.
  8. Saw my first poster for this in the wild on the way to work. Still doesn’t look like a real movie.
  9. Can’t believe the funko critics lied to us. Again.
  10. I said it wouldn’t be very good but would make lots of money, so I was the most correct person on the thread
  11. The Jurassic franchise has settled into a rather sad but financially enviable niche where expectations are near rock bottom yet a lot of people will turn up anyway. Calling this “rebirth” when the previous three movies all came out within the last decade is a very Hollywood committee choice.
  12. Logan would have been an epic send-off until Reynolds got his money-grubbing mitts on the character.
  13. And this is why the industry’s screwed. A few mega-smashes every year and pretty much fuck-all else isn’t sustainable.
  14. they’re both bad and I haven’t even seen them
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