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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Always thought Clara Bow looked like Sarah Michelle Gellar SMG would have killed it as Bow (using past tense coz if Hollywood didn't know what to do with Gellar in her 20s, they sure as hell wouldn't know what to do with her in her 40s)
  2. Licensing losses would have given all the more incentive to hold out for recovery via a theatrical release. It's not unusual for licensed products to hit markets months before the movie release, even if the time frame was extended longer than previously this year. Also, the official communication being released from Jenkins saying just a few weeks back that the probability of a Christmas release was reducing to the studio putting out ads with "Releasing exclusively in theatres" just a few days before this news hit doesn't really point to a predetermined decision. It's primarily a Hail Mary for HBO Max as being reported.
  3. GOT being so massive for HBO despite rampant piracy is probably one of the factors that made this decision easier for AT&T. They chose to ensure IP awareness reaches a much bigger audience during the peak of release season than the profitability of a single installment of said IP. Some people not paying for the actual content does not matter in the long run if they are financially supporting it in ancillary ways like purchasing merchandise and spreading strong WOM.
  4. That doesn't make sense as no matter how terrible the actual quality of the movie, the OW would have been massive based on the goodwill and popularity of the first film alone (whenever things went back to normal). Even mediocre legs would have ensured profitability at the BO.
  5. WB apparently were as helpless as Patty and were completely on her side. Heck that Swarovski ad they put out earlier this week claimed WW84 would come exclusively to theatres. It was AT&T who pulled the trigger after Disney Plus overperformed in their quarterly reports.
  6. I meant worldwide as even if the deal with Roku goes through, what percentage of OS collections will really get affected by Roku? Also, if things stay the way they are throughout Q1 and Q2 of 2021 with WW84 being the only major blockbuster playing in cinemas during the whole time period, it could overtake Bad Boys' DOM collection too.
  7. Lol did the BOT server crash because of the shock and trauma? Now with one day's benefit to consider everything, maybe it's for the best as we still aren't sure when things will go back to normal and the entirety of 2021 will probably see muted BO returns anyway. At least WW84 still stands a chance to be 2020's biggest film as Jenkins said she's trying to ensure the film plays in theatres for months on end. Having said that, they are making moves to ensure streaming is an option OS as well:
  8. Needless to say, S4 is going to shatter previous season records.
  9. Morgan clearly intended to give a more balanced view of the whole Charles/Diana affair but if Twitter is anything to go by so far, Season 4 has only strengthened people's Lady Di love and hate for the RF. I guess the whole Harry/Meghan debacle made it a lost cause to garner sympathy for Charles and the Royals. The time period covered by this season was so eventful that just ten episodes weren't enough. Charles proposing to Mountbatten's granddaughter, Reagan/Gorbachev Cold War antics, Indira Gandhi assassination, attempted assassination on Thatcher, Diana at the White House with Travolta have all been skipped.
  10. I mean, it's not an entirely altruistic decision when it comes to WW84. Wonder Woman was the only WB release of the decade to top the summer DOM box office other than DH2 and is their third biggest movie DOM after TDK and TDKR. Currently, WW is their biggest theatrical franchise domestically, the only market HBO Max is currently available in. It would be a Pyrrhic victory to "save HBO Max" (still an unsure thing in the long run even if WW84 increases subscription numbers temporarily) at the cost of sacrificing their biggest theatrical franchise in the market.
  11. Wonder Woman is currently WB's biggest domestic franchise. HBO Max is only available domestic, so a simultaneous/1 month-window release will affect WW84's most lucrative BO market atm and OS would get affected by piracy. Such a decision would be as whack as the original HBO Max model of launching without any 'tentpole OG programming' (Snyder Cut being a year away from release) and launching when DC Universe, HBO Now and other sister platforms still existed to dilute subscription numbers. Instead of panicking, AT&T need to focus on the Snyder Cut to buoy HBO Max instead of sacrificing one of their biggest theatrical franchises for the job.
  12. What are theatres gonna do when the pandemic finally lifts then? They can't keep playing Hocus Pocus till eternity.
  13. What? The last time I had checked Awards Daily, they had Hudson as the frontrunner for Best Actress. So missing the year/streaming is surprising. Studio must be really confident this is a moneymaker.
  14. Cheetah Probably confirms the theory that all the other DC Comics characters/franchises exist as fiction in this universe
  15. Unless they are super spoilerish, I've assumed BOT lets you post BTS images. Colin F. is still unrecognizable
  16. That's simplifying what Gavin Feng was saying. The Russos themselves have gone on record saying Feige wanted to do Civil War because DC was doing BvS. So it's apparent his strategy can be recalibrated (like all good strategies should be) as and when factors like market competitors and evolving consumer tastes demand it. Feige is notorious for his (understandable) desire to be THE trendsetter in the ever evolving superhero movie landscape. He has said he wished Marvel had been the first to make a successful female superhero movie before Wonder Woman (to his credit, he genuinely did seem to have been pushing for Captain Marvel years before it actually came out, but Ike Perlmutter's sexism was what prevented such a film from releasing during the first two phases of the MCU). I feel Eternals by Chloe Zhao is also a response to DC announcing New Gods directed by Ava DuVernay which actually seems to be working in Marvel's favor as NG got delayed. Also, Lord and Miller said they originally wanted to include Maguire/Garfield/Holland in Into the Spider-Verse but Sony told them it was too early to do that. When they heard what DC was planning with The Flash, it may have served as an impetus to finally do their own multiverse with Spider-Man 3.
  17. Naah, Zendaya confirmed her MJ is the MCU's "recreated" version of Mary Jane Watson in Variety Actors on Actors interview with MJ Rodriguez.
  18. I want her back only if she is super unlikeable and keeps claiming that her Peter Parker and her MJ are the best versions in the multiverse "coz they came first". Kirsten Dunst MJ: The multiverse has a black MJ??! Zendaya MJ: The multiverse has a Karen MJ? 😒
  19. Sony probably hopes to milk 3 trilogies out of him (the current high school era, then a college era and then an adult era) so there are still six movies left after this one.
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