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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. That's actually far more accurate than I expected, as in I can see how the few disparities happened. A weak August/late July really helped propel TLK across the movies ranked 2-4 in that list. If FFH and TLK had their release dates switched, who knows how their BO would have shaken out, especially with their respective reviews. Glass died by its reviews and poor WOM so no surprise it didn't make the Top 10. Which only leaves DP. Is it possible the bad reviews and crowded marketplace played a bigger role than expected? Did GOT S8 actually kill some people's anticipation to watch Sansa lead a CBM?
  2. Re the accuracy or lack thereof of ticket booking year end polls, Fandango's poll actually predicted the original Wonder Woman being the biggest film of Summer 2017 and outgrossing Justice League, something people in late 2016 didn't seriously think would happen. Sometimes these polls can be misses and I'm assuming Atom has a smaller polling base than Fandango, but judging by the general reaction to the WW84 trailer, at this point it served its purpose incredibly well by getting people jazzed for the movie, so it's not hard to imagine that this really is people's most anticipated 2020 movie. At least right now.
  3. Coz maybe she and her team decided Meg is a good enough role to get in order to be attached/appear in LW but not worth the hassle of touring and doing the press rounds as there are other actors with more stand out roles who will be the centre of attention anyway. Her fanbase knows she's in the film. She doesn't really need the publicity especially when the media won't even shut up about a single innocent comment in an interview like the 'self-partnered' thing, giving her free exposure for weeks. Also, Watson being Watson is more interested in promoting the original book and literacy so she is raising awareness in her own way. It's seriously amazing that while her co-stars have to answer the same old boring press questions, she's busy writing secret notes in LW copies and hiding them all over London.
  4. DC has the benefit of incredibly diverse genres and tonalities. A Marvel-lite superhero team-up movie didn't work out? NVM, here's a swashbuckling undersea adventure, an R-rated grim Oscar bait villain origin story and a retro 80s' action fantasy. SW OTOH is stuck in the same genre. Even a so-called "Western" like Solo seems more of the same. You can't keep pumping out these flicks at the rate of Marvel/DC or even close. Burnout would happen far sooner than later. And the other problem already mentioned that unlike Marvel/DC, SW is not able to build a robust younger fanbase or have a strong overseas connect.
  5. The thread for the first film attracted an insane number of new visitors to the board, eager to learn about the box office and the impact of the film in auxiliary markets. And while Disney was already a rising mammoth in 2013, it wasn't obvious to many how well-oiled a machine they could be when capitalizing on a breakout. The development of Frozen in 2013-15 as a global franchise was fascinating to observe from the business side of things. And of course, for the children who grew up during the Renaissance years, Frozen's runaway success was like reliving the 90s again where Aladdin/Simba/Ariel/Belle dominated merchandise stores, the music charts, award shows and the theme parks. There was something new to discuss almost every day from late 2013 to mid 2014. To be fair to Frozen 2, it's technically one of the offshoots of the phenomenon. It is still part of the phenomenon despite being a separate film, so obviously there isn't nearly enough to discuss as was with the first film. That doesn't mean it is NOT a memorable film though. I'd rather discuss the story/thematic elements of the film on other forums more dedicated to those aspects of film and literature than the business/box office side of things here, for which the original movie was a much better fit.
  6. I don't think anyone views Darkseid, Lobo and Black Adam as "Superman villains". As for the rest: Doomsday is a gimmick, never was a real character, and is a one and done anyway. Bizarro and Mister Mxyzptlk are way out there to be accessible, Parasite is a little generic and low-key. So that just leaves Luthor, Zod and Brainiac.
  7. And Wonder Woman's Rogues Gallery is the opposite with how deep and diverse it is. Runs the full gamut from Greek Gods and mythological beings to were-cheetahs, misogynist mind-controllers and cut-throat yet sympathetic businesswomen.
  8. Is that terrible "live action remake" counted as an animated film? Disney itself is not entering it in animation awards.
  9. On the OS board, folks have it beating Ultron WW too, with a slight chance of it outgrossing FF7/Avengers to take #8 of all time.
  10. Megyn Kelly is just a scam artist rofl... but then again, so is everyone working/who worked at Fox News to some degree or the other. But I don't think Kelly is even an actual Republican.
  11. This film reclaims the franchise for women though. Maybe if the marketing had been more clear about that. But I still think it's mostly because Full Throttle was a weak note to end on for the previous series, the current trio of actresses are either up and comers or in KStew's case, need to have had another franchise under her belt to win back her following + the looming Frozen 2 is overshadowing every other female-led movie in the marketplace right now.
  12. Moana would have done better at the BO, if not quite Frozen-levels, if it hadn't been cut short at the knees by Sing, coming hot off the first SLoP (2016 was easily the height of Ilumination's popularity). There were multiple markets like DOM and Japan where Moana was gaining WOM but then Sing just came along and hurt it. Still though, the soundtrack at least has been killing it since. There was one of those Teens React YouTube videos where they had to guess the highest selling Disney songs on Spotify (or was it iTunes?) and both How Far I'll Go and You're Welcome were in the Top 3(!) after Let It Go.
  13. Yeah, I mean, TBF to Ayer, a trailer company did the final editing work on the first film.
  14. King killing Eddie just to fuck me up every time the second half of the book gets adapted.
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