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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Season 2 is amazing, in a totally different way to Season 1. Season 3 so far is hitting the right notes too and holds much promise for the second half. You are in for a treat.
  2. LMAO knew that the very first hint of A Whole New World would rapidly change opinions. Makes you wonder why they didn't just start the marketing with it, like how the BatB teaser started off with the haunting prologue music and TLK with the Circle of Life opening.
  3. Camila is so vivacious and charming. Would have been amazing as a more traditional take on The Wasp.
  4. Gunn has many flaws but I'd be surprised if he scripts something straight up Islamophobic. The current season of Young Justice has a pretty poignant and ripped from the headlines take on Qurac and its people, innocent refugees just seeking to get away from their war-torn nation but facing discrimination in the countries they try to enter and make a living in. So there's precedence in showing Qurac as more than Terrorist Nation 101. At worst, I think Gunn will just have Quraci civilians as hapless victims who need to be saved by the American good for nothings.
  5. Especially since Wonder Woman contributed almost as much as, if not equally, as previous MCU films to Captain Marvel's numbers. If WW hadn't existed or worse, had actually been bad to terrible, CM may have had a more uphill climb. Regardless, both scenarios turned out perfectly. WW for wowing week after week during her summer and refusing to stop just like Diana through No Man's Land, and CM for opening so ginormously that trolls are probably weeping silently onto their keyboards.
  6. Really curious as to how people are reacting to Shazam trailers in theatres. We know they are keeping a lid on most of the things that reviewers and early watchers are raving about so we will watch the movie regardless. But as a standalone, how is the marketing faring to draw in people who don't follow the geek internet hoopla?
  7. Except... Venom was a campfest (a very well done one at that) and not exactly an action spectacle for the ages. Also, Coco broke out due to its themes of family like Shazam seems to have, so you never know.
  8. Hi, how are your? Regarding the Shazam Family, there's already merch featuring them so it is confirmed. But I'm more excited for the kid interactions.
  9. @chasmmi Just sent my list. FYC some GOATS that I don't see anybody else voting for. And Ms. Brie Larson placed pretty high on my list too!
  10. Lol 99.999% of people who would see a scene where a warrior cries out in anguish over the death of a comrade would not think they were lovers.
  11. BatB majorly made money because the fangirls and boys rushed to watch the actress who played one geeky heroine play another one from their childhood memories. It also released in a perfect time about 4 months after the disillusionment of Elections 2016, where people were really in need of more empowered heroines, and Belle was one they were always familiar with. I still can't believe that tripe passed 500M domestically lmao
  12. I don't see much difference. Both are on the gaudier side, with a darker and duller tint for their night scenes than their respective animated movies. The glimpses of Gaston and the town scenes at the end of the BatB trailer look a little better but then again it is more than a minute longer than the Aladdin trailer.
  13. Venom and "Damaged" forehead tattooed Joker were plenty mocked too. Didn't stop those two films from making a killing at the BO (and Suicide Squad didn't even have China).
  14. Passing the first one would be enough of an outstanding victory for this considering what a phenom the OG was. As of now, this has the best chance of foiling Panda's all 2019 movies under their predecessors club IMO. Which is amazing in many ways.
  15. They should have continued with the Eisenberg recruiting villains in post-credits theme that they had started in Justice League.
  16. ...did it though? People were complaining about everything from Watson's stilted acting to the sad monstrosities that were the anthropomorphic furniture and Beast's weird face. The only place where I can legitimately say it does better than the Aladdin first trailer is the use of music.
  17. It is. Too bad that odd rape analogy took me out of it for a bit because then I couldn't stop thinking that Jodorowsky was one of those. Googled it after the movie only to have my suspicions confirmed in the most awful way possible. Back to the project though, I still wish the designs by the other (non-rapey) artists he had assembled had made it to some adaptation or the other. Satoshi Kon would have killed it if he had crafted a Dune animated movie based on the concepts.
  18. Funko's official Twitter account casually dropping major spoilers
  19. The first Frozen thread was BO/BOT's most Googled thread if I remember correctly. Single-handedly brought in an influx of new members and refused to die down until... 2016 I guess?
  20. Just watched the Jodorowsky doc. His glee at finding the Lynch film to be a failure was Wonder how much of the Moebius, Giger and Foss designs will be used in this film. Also, will WB setting this for Nov 2020 impact Ava DuVernay's New Gods, which I assume wouldn't be much long after? Both properties have many similarities. Can't wait for to see the visual aesthetics for both films.
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