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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. Shanghai action sequence? Special Chinese cut featuring Fan BingBing and Wang Xueqi?
  2. It didn't occur to me that Vixen could be used here like how BvS/CW utilized Wonder Woman/Black Panther and prime her for a solo film, but the idea sounds great. At the least, she needs to be included so that another charismatic actress of color like Letitia Wright can have a chance at being the next great find.
  3. There's a chance Sameer, Charlie and Etta are alive and a little over 100 during the time period of this film Kind of a stretch to believe all three survived that long or if they were all in their early 30's in the first film, but passable and nobody would care much. Chief btw was confirmed to be an immortal Native American god, so it's super easy to include him.
  4. Yeah, it totally is the even dorkier younger bro of Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim. Spielberg's name may give it an edge over the other two when it comes to cross-over appeal, but really doubt it would be by much.
  5. The films deemed to be less appealing to Chinese audiences with a high potential of underperforming are the ones most likely to not receive theatrical releases. The surefire hits just have to ensure they don't get in the way of local films and it will be smooth sailing.
  6. If they're doing the modern version, then she transforms into a literal cheetah-woman. So she's probs Serkissing it (unless they're going for DCEU's Best Make-Up and Hairstyling Oscar #2).
  7. Yeah, Phoenix wasn't going to lose sleep over turning down Doctor Strange. Well, one is a mandatory multi-picture contract while the other is a one-off film, and that DC label was supposedly created to attract "prestige" actors like Phoenix to play DC characters without them needing to sign franchise deals. Phoenix accepting or rejecting the role would be a good indicator of the film's script quality.
  8. Or do a Harvey/Two-Face from TDK where Dr. Minerva (hmm, wait, both Captain Marvel and WW2 will be featuring female villains named Dr. Minerva?! ) is an ally for the most part before her tragic transformation into Cheetah and have an emotionally charged fight scene at the end. But the primary villain has to be Circe, right? I mean, unless Steve Trevor is shown only in flashbacks, he needs a witch/god to resurrect him, right?
  9. Are these love triangle movies? I think the same could have been said about Riverdale (Isn't this every other CW teen soap?) but the Archie branding and characters along with the "darker" twist set it apart. The article mentions a twist in the planned film as well.
  10. This got a super shameless plug on Riverdale (also a Berlanti produced show) last night. But that show's crazy popular so I don't blame them for trying.
  11. There's a Patty Barbie being released for the occasion of International Women's Day
  12. This could be groundbreaking if financially successful and could inspire other international IP's that are popular in India like Marvel, DC, Fast & Furious etc. to produce films with Bollywood casts. Sony might give its Spider-Man: India property a try.
  13. Apparently filming back to back with Wonder Woman 2 at Leavesden once Smith and Robbie finish with Gemini Man and Once Upon a Time... respectively
  14. A special thanks to Deadpool and Fox for setting a domino effect in motion that will hasten a merciful death for this instead of drawing out a BO tragedy for 3 whole weeks.
  15. Why not just repeat the 5 past winners praising each nominee thing they had done in... 2009, was it? That was nice. I guess they need to save a few more minutes for generic montages.
  16. Out of left field choice but I like it. Need to watch more of Wiig's non-comedic stuff but she can do unsettling pretty well.
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