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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. OMG that end had the same impact on me as the Sloth gag from Zootopia. This could explode (no pun)
  2. Battle Ground: Leaked cellphone pix of unfinished movie costumes
  3. Costume looks good. But it's the kids and how they are utilised that could really make this film.
  4. If it's true, then I think they may be going for Greg Rucka's new Rebirth origin for Cheetah/Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva, where she was a close friend of Diana's before being cursed. That would make it a more meatier role than the run of the mill comic book villain, close to Harvey Dent/Two-Face in The Dark Knight. So I guess they are looking at "big name"/Oscar calibre actresses for the part. First choice should've been Charlize though.
  5. I'm pretty sure that character was inspired by Margot Kidder's Lois Lane from the original Superman films (Sridevi puts DCEU Lois to shame and much more fun than Kidder's version as well). Mr. India is probably one of the best superhero movies ever made, and the leading lady was a big reason why. RIP.
  6. This guy is just a step away from leaking pics of the suit himself...
  7. Same old alt-right trolls attacking her as she's seen as an "SJW" on social media. Yawn. It will be funny if they cast Bryce Dallas Howard as Audra, considering how so many people think JC/BDH are the same person.
  8. Well, they could have in this case. Why should people really care about Thanos when all he's been doing is sitting on his golden toilet seat for 6 years? People should have been given the chance to get to know the character before the big showdown. The initial rumors about GotG2 being about Gamora and Nebula being hunted down by Thanos's third adopted daughter (speculations were it was Moondragon, Drax's own daughter who Thanos exploited such like he did with Gamora and Nebula) seemed far more interesting than what we actually got in the film. That story would have upped the personal stakes for IW, and movie goers would have known what Thanos was truly capable of, making them be more invested in seeing him take on the combined might of Avengers and Guardians. Anyhoo, there's poetic justice in BP exploding on this level and overshadowing IW after years of Perlmutter's bs. Just find it amusing how the reluctance to highlight women and minority characters in other films, even when said reluctance takes away from the 10 year long story arc you've been building, created this "perfect storm".
  9. It's really all Marvel's doing for better or worse. Perlmutter denied minority and women led movies for years on end, leading to an insane building up of hype and demand for films like BP and Wonder Woman. And they also didn't actually set up Thanos very well for a villain who was supposed to be the "Big Bad" of the first ten years. So much attention was given to the MacGuffin Stones but at the end of the day, they are just static plot devices. Thanos was whom they should have been focusing on. Gamora and Nebula's relationship with their father should have been the primary plot line of GotG2 instead of taking the backseat to yet another Gen X white dude daddy issue rehash. IW is going to make a shipload of money regardless and BP making more than IW domestically will be an incredibly valuable lesson for Hollywood if it's willing to learn from it. So I'm not complaining. But if Marvel wanted to ensure IW to be bigger than BP, they should have taken different crucial decisions and approaches.
  10. I mean, JL being received well by critics, audiences and even Snyder fans would have helped JL much more than WW could've helped it. Just a hunch.
  11. Even domestically, it "only" did 325M. And if it manages a fresh RT score, then I don't see SS2 plunging all that much on the domestic front either, provided they bring back and emphasize some elements that clicked well with their respective demos (by which I also include the Top 40 artist heavy soundtrack which some people can turn their noses up at but no doubt did a lot to drum up a lot of hype for the first film among youngsters).
  12. Near 750M without China for a new franchise is "not that hot"? And the SS fanbase is different to the BvS/JL fanbase. There is an ample overlap of course, but those people would turn up for SS2 regardless. SS also has its own army of Harley Quinn/Hot Target fangirls and fanboys, Hispanic and black audiences who enjoyed El Diablo and Will Smith/Viola Davis, and if they include The Rock, then it would be catering to a wider F&F demo. Maybe if they include new 21 Pilots/Imagine Dragons/Lil Wayne or some other current artist OST's, then teens and tweens would return too. As Jonwo said, reaching the first film's dom total would be hard, but OS with China sure to come into play unlike the first film, it may more than make up for any domestic decrease.
  13. Margot Robbie and Will are busy people, brah. Also, rushing it would have done more harm than good. I like the rumored new plan of including The Rock in it. Could be a breakout in China especially if it gets a release there.
  14. Audiences being less interested in superhero team-ups than superhero solo movies is an oversimplification IMO. If a team-up has an interesting enough hook, large numbers will turn up. Of course, is Thanos collecting dem stones a big enough hook to beat something as groundbreaking as BP? I dunno, especially as the MCU has done a really inadequate job so far in setting him up as the villain of the "culminating story arc of the first 10 years". IW may have some "shocker/gamechanger moments" up its sleeve but by the time people discover them, it may be too late to have a major impact on the film's BO run with stiff competition arriving pretty soon after. I guess we'll see soon enough.
  15. Depends entirely on how Sony markets it. Disney and Feige saw the waves Wonder Woman made and promptly went about positioning BP to be a similar phenomenon. Debuting the first BP trailer debut just a couple of weeks post Wondy's release was a masterstroke. If Sony plays their cards anywhere as well and emphasizes how and why an African-American/Latino Spider-Man is revolutionary and how anybody can see themselves as Spider-Man (which in many ways is the point of Spider-Verse), then yeah, it could be a WW/BP on a smaller scale (assuming the impact of an animated superhero film will be muted as compared to a live action superhero film).
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