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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. I think the DCEU "Phase 1" structure was fine. Doubt we needed yet another Batman solo reboot before JL. BvS and SS's massive OW's despite everything showed people didn't want a total replication of the MCU method. It was the actual films not named Wonder Woman that left much to be desired. Regarding Cyborg, I think the problem is that he is nowhere near the most popular or interesting black superhero even at DC. Geoff Johns is simply pushing him because the character is one of his personal favorites. John Stewart GL, Vixen, Black Lightning and his daughters, Static Shock etc. have far more potential IMO.
  2. And near 2 Billion WW. Take that, Idiot Perlmutter and Alejandro "Superheroes are a white male power fantasy" Inarritu.
  3. I still think this is going to do just fine. And the literal next line to the above sentence from the DHD article was: Disney has to be trailoring the pic on Black Panther. Meaning even they are expecting BP to bump AWiT's estimates.
  4. I think Jenkins probably wanted more creative freedom, which included greater control of writing duties. Johns and she were reportedly working on the story and script months back, even before the Expendables guy was hired on her request, so I assume they had already finalized on most of the details (in her WW interviews, when asked about a sequel, she always said she had a clear idea of where she wanted the story to go next and what aspects of the character she wanted to explore further). Besides being confident in Jenkins' vision and ideas for the character and film, another reason I'm chill with Heinberg not returning is from his works that I've read, his forte always seemed to be younger and more idealistic characters. The Wonder Woman comic he wrote had Wonder Girl Donna Troy take on the WW mantle to help track down a missing Diana. So he seemed like a great fit for a "green" Diana from the original movie. The Diana here however is rumored to have already spent about 70 years in Man's World, and is no longer the naive fish out of water she was during World War I. My guess is they hired him just for the first film because they (especially Johns) were aware that he was particularly good with coming of age superhero stories (Heinberg's most famous comic work is Young Avengers, who are basically Marvel's Teen Titans).
  5. It doesn't have to be BP level breakout. Hidden Figures level seems doable though. The same kid who raised money for a 1000 little girls to watch HF last year did the same for this movie. And AWiT releasing in the afterglow of BP can only be a good thing.
  6. It was the next movie after Aquaman since the first time the DCEU movie schedule was released in October 2014: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2014/10/15/dc_comics_film_schedule_warner_bros_announces_at_least_10_new_superhero.html The Flash is the only movie that has missed its date on that original schedule so far. "Justice League Part 1" simply became Justice League (which explains a LOT of things about that film), while Wonder Woman 2 got fast-tracked after the massive success of the original film.
  7. Lol @ both Fox and Sony not quite knowing how to market these horror tinged superhero movies with The New Mutants and this respectively.
  8. I was first exposed to the bizarro fantasy realm of DC and Vertigo horror/eerie titles through Neil Gaiman's The Sandman (for the longest time, I didn't know that most of those characters were pre-established in DC Comics). That particular corner of characters and stories have a lot of potential to bring something new to the CBM genre table now that the New Line Horror folks are taking charge of DC Films. Regarding the GLAAD nom, there's a non-binary character in the story who has a romance with the heroine who helps Deadman with solving the ghost mystery.
  9. He had a Jane Eyre-esque gothic romance haunted house title last summer that received a GLAAD nomination: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love Interesting sub-genre for the DCEU to tackle IMO, even though the last gothic romance haunted film didn't exactly set the BO on fire (Crimson Peak). But then again CP was weaksauce as heck (and also the main reason I still haven't bothered to check out The Shape of Water , especially as some of my friends confirmed it's overrated too ).
  10. You guys know that Ritchie is completely capable of delivering relatively "safe" and competent fare like the Sherlock Holmes films right? The way some of you keep going on about him, people would think it's Lars von Trier directing a Disney live action remake.
  11. An actress named Marta cast as the mom in a DCEU movie. I'm disappointed in all of you for not noticing this earlier.
  12. First film to officially adopt PGA's new Anti-Sexual Harrasment Policy
  13. Looking at start of production in fall after Smith wraps Gemini Man, according to The Wrap
  14. And it's not like superhero movies are overflowing with Latino representation, and WB specified in one of their quarterly reports last year that the character attracted Hispanic demographics to movie theatres, so unsurprising that they want to bring back one of the elements that actually worked. Anyway, assuming this starts shooting in the next few months, are they looking at another August release here (2019 in this case)?
  15. It's more of a deconstruction of video game tropes*, which helped it escape the whole "Feels like watching somebody else playing a video game" criticism that video game films usually get. *I loved it when that first "cut scene" just awkwardly started to play.
  16. Meh, almost every blockbuster for some time now has technically been about superheroes anyway. If GotG counts as superhero, then shouldn't Jedi starring SW too? If The Incredibles count, then shouldn't Despicable Me count too? These Silver and Black and Black Widow features if they ever see the light of day don't seem that different from something like Lucy or Red Sparrow. If I didn't know better and someone told me that stuff like TMNT, Transformers, Power Rangers etc. were Marvel or DC franchises, I would have believed them. Jumanji featuring characters with multiple lives is comic book-y as well, complete with throwaway, stick figure villain and an Infinity Stone like MacGuffin jewel. Don't see what the big deal is. The same tropes found in CBM's are already rampant in other blockbusters too.
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