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Everything posted by DeeCee

  1. Huge in Australia compared to other OS markets. Bigger then France and Germany combined.
  2. Check the first few posts in the Aussie Thread.
  3. Lionsgate must be really pissed off with Collins for not writing more books in the series.
  4. So the UK and Australia are looking at fairly similar totals. Looks like the UK is underperforming a little bit.
  5. The most likely explanation is that the averages for those other films are for the same point in time on opening as the $12,000 average she is reporting for THG. The Rentrak reporting system runs off hourly reports throughout the day. Lionsgate is probably just giving her a bit more detail then she usually gets. So whatever numbers she gets she posts on her site.
  6. Every IMAX I've been to has had only 2 trailers at most.
  7. It just works for 2011 and now as nothing much has changed with regards to the exchange rate for the last few months. The Aussie dollar has been hovering just above parity. In 2008 I think the Aussie dollar was a lot lower.
  8. Just a note on comparing the USA/Canada to Australia.In 2011 films screened in Australia earned AUD1.09Billion which is roughly USD1.1Billion. Which is about USD47 per person spent at the movies.In 2011 films screened in the USA/Canada earned USD10.2Billion. Which is about USD29 per person spent at the movies.Now dividing 10.2B by 1.1B gives us 9.2. So if the Domestic:Australia ratio is bigger then 9 the movie performed better in the domestic market then it did in Australia. If the ratio is smaller then 9 the movie performed better in Australia.
  9. Just checked At The Movies. They both basically hated the movie. http://www.abc.net.a...xt/s3442322.htm DAVID: So it’s a really horrible story but they’ve had to make a film that will appeal and will be censored, classified, for young people and I think that’s a compromise they’ve never managed to come up with. The queasy-cam is deeply annoying, but worse is the lack of suspense or involvement. One mystery: there's a credit for Snake Wrangler at the end, but I didn't see any snakes. Where were the snakes?
  10. http://www.deadline.com/2012/03/hunger-games-scores-huge-1-8m-in-australia/Let's sayT-$1.741mF-$2.25mS-$3.0mS-$2.0mTotal-$9m
  11. That's awesome. I forget what the usual multiplyer is in Australia. Some strange films to compare it to.
  12. I expect around $9-11m for the 4 day. We shall see.
  13. I remember a Canadian show called Danger Bay. It starred Donnelly Rhodes(Doc Cottle in BSG)
  14. I've fallen about 3 episodes behind now. This season just hasn't grabbed my attention like the first.
  15. I haven't read the books and wasn't even aware Woody Harrelson and Lenny Kravitz were in the movie.I have to say this is quiet a good movie. It builds nicely at the start and then really picks up the pace once the games begin. All the main actors give good performances although the Capital City characters are a bit over the top sometimes and their fashion sense is an aquired taste.
  16. At An 8:50 session that looks like being about half full.
  17. $3,092,526 in Australia which is about 3.25million US dollars.
  18. 9:15, Thursday night at Melbourne IMAX. Only about 1 third full. The movie was good but the audience size was not a good sign.
  19. Go Fox. My Super Fund owns News Corp so I wouldn't mind and Avatar every 2 years.
  20. Yes. Funny thing is that the 3-eyed crow is accurate to the books(Bran's dreams).
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