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Deep Wang

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Deep Wang last won the day on February 4 2019

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About Deep Wang

  • Birthday 04/01/1979

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  1. I guess I’m confused why everyone goes to John Carter and not something like Mars Needs Moms when talking about biggest bombs of all time?
  2. Okay, so this goes back to what I was saying about folding space-time because they didn't know Ms. Marvel wasn't going to be a hit or that The Marvels was going to flop. I promise they will not go forward with Ms. Marvel as the lead because they have data now that they didn't then. The problem is that you don't know until you try.
  3. I don't understand this at all. How exactly do you think they are "trying really hard to make Ms. Marvel another Spider-Man??" By just existing in this universe and being young or something?? Yes, you've been saying this for a while(or maybe it was someone else?) but like if you just deleted all characters that were in flops, we wouldn't have the Hulk anymore because he got 2 solo movies that did nothing, but he works pretty great in support. You're also trying to compress time and space by saying they shouldn't have put her in this movie because her show flopped either ignoring or forgetting that the show came out after them movie finished filming.
  4. Biggio was my fave player growing up and I went with my dad to see him get inducted into the HOF, but it's getting harder and harder to deny Altuve the title of greatest Astro lol
  5. The problem wasn't that there was a voiceover it how it was implemented that was dumb. "Get ready for...._____, ________, ______, etc." just reading the giant text that's on the screen like we are all idiots.
  6. Yeah, 3D sucks, but that's a pretty clever poster.
  7. There's a leaked version on twitter and it is fun, but the VO is a real mood killer.
  8. Because Trinity was a shit-show from the jump and we know Reynolds has a sense of humor about GL and Origins.
  9. The thing about the new Blade is that it's impossible to be either better than the original or worse than Trinity. So it's got that going for it.
  10. I can't remember which critic it was that I used to read that did this, but he explicitly stated that his star rating was NOT a grade of quality, but rather how much he recommends the movie. That's kind of how I just look at most ratings now whether or not that's what their intention is, because yeah, pitting two 4 star movies against one another and saying they are 'the same' is foolish.
  11. You are way over-simplifying how important reviews are. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Quantumania presales started off very strong and then died off when the bad reviews came out. Then on the other hand, GOTG3 started off kinda tepid until the good reviews rolled in. Then it definitely was up to the audience reception and we know how that went. Not going to say your wrong about audience reception mattering, just that the baseline start after good or bad reviews really shifts the starting point for that reception. We don't have enough data to show it, but just from the universal rejection of Quantumania to the really slow start to GOTG3, the general public for the MCU might be at the 'wait for reviews' phase and not just storming out for everything just because.
  12. We can ease up on this movie being a "TLJ situation" or whatever, because that is literally impossible. Based on ya'll's rules, it can't be divisive if nobody cares about it right? It can be bad and do a Quantumania though.
  13. And you would know this how exactly?
  14. You are focused waaaay too much on who is(or in this case, who isn't) a "STAR." That shit does not matter at all.
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