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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. It's a good film with fine performances, but it never truly resonated with me.BIllusionist was better.
  2. Well, yes, since two have a 20+ year advantage on Potter.
  3. Why did DH2 become 7.5? Was it because it left the top ten?
  4. I'm not gonna watch because of Potter's snubs. Nothing more or less.
  5. I think I'm going to boycott this year's Oscars. They look to be horrible.
  6. My favorite Pixar film behind only Finding Nemo. It's intelligent, inspiring, visually gorgeous, and always makes me hungry! A+
  7. Out of all the films since 2000, Hedwig's Theme is one of the most well-known.
  8. I don't know. It was only the brooms. Very strange.
  9. Baumer cried after watching TF3 because of how much he loved it. I wish I were making this up.
  10. The Reader has a brilliant first half, and then a truly terrible second half.
  11. Then what was the best scene for visual effects in DH2?Maybe the dragon, but the phoenix, bear, and snake on fire looked spectacular. I thought the only time it looked obviously greenscreened was when they were on the brooms. There was a second where Potter zoomed and it looked so fake, but only a second.Actually, you're right, the most impressive scene involving visual effects has to be when the forcefield gets burned down.
  12. What on earth? Changeling was one of the best films of the last decade, hands down. It's an emotional rollercoaster and features one of my favorite female performances ever. A huge achievement for Eastwood and Jolie.
  13. One absolutely beautiful and emotional track that was used regularly throughout the film. War Horse's score doesn't come close to Jurassic Park, Artificial Intelligence, Sorcerer's Stone, Prisoner of Azkaban, Memoirs of a Geisha, and Revenge of the Sith. Sorry, but it's a fact.
  14. I haven't seen it, though I seriously doubt it.
  15. The Room of Requirement scene had much more striking effects than Transformers 3. It is so much harder to alter fire, and the fire animals looked perfect in that scene.
  16. Changeling should havebeen nominated for Best Picture, and Jolie should have won Best Actress.
  17. The Academy is all about backway deals, politics, and money. So, yes, it wouldn't surprise me to see The Artist win. However, when you compare it to Hallows or Hugo - it pales horribly in comparison. We all know I'm rooting for DH2 in this category, as I think the series has been known for its stunning production design throughout each and every single film, but I wouldn't be too disappointed if Hugo wins since it is the only film this year on the level of Potter in Art Direction.
  18. One of my favorite animated films of all time. A+
  19. War Horse deserves to win, Impact? Seriously, what do you smoke? It has absolutely nothing on films like Potter and Hugo - easily the two most impressive films when it comes to production design.Pirates wins? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  20. Oh, I would love to see that happen.
  21. PotterTransformersApesTree of LifeHugo
  22. You've been dishing out these 0's like it's candy, baumer.
  23. Hedwig's Theme has easily become one of the most iconic tracks in film.
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