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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. I agree completely. I've always loved the story of the Malfoys - and Narcissa's lie was a truly great cinematic moment. The music used as Narcissa gets up, turns around and pronounces Harry dead was just utter perfection.A scene I truly enjoyed was when Voldemort began beating Harry with his hands and feet was because it showed how extremely desperate he was. Voldemort easily views physical beating beneath him when he could use his wand - so to see him retort to brute physicality was great.
  2. It took me a very long time to come to a conclusion as to which I preferred. DH1, like I've said, is the most personal film I've ever seen. But I give the slight edge to DH2 due to scenes like The Prince's Tale, Courtyard Apocalypse, and the Resurrection scene. Oh, and Gopher, I actually saw DH2 straight without any pauses or forwards last week. The pacing is pretty great. The ending is great for me. My favorite part of the ending was when Kingsley shields some of the people with his spell, Neville steps forward, gets blasted away by Voldemort, and then it immediately cuts to Narcissa/Draco running off the bridge. Amazing little sequence. Narcissa/Draco on the bridge was one of my favorite little moments.
  3. That is what grates me about PoA. That was pure laziness from Cuaron. Those five minutes could have added so much more depth. Anyway, this is the third best in the series, behind the last two.
  4. War Horse, Tree of Life, Deathly Hallows 2, Hugo, and Melancholia are probably the best five films in terms of cinematography. DH2 and Melancholia, unfortunately, will not receive a nomination.
  5. I saw The Prince's Tale again, and for some reason, it resonated with me even more. The editing is utterly masterful and it was incredible to see a climax within the memories (Snape seeing Lily's dead body). I really have a new found appreciation for it.
  6. DH1 and DH2 are the best in the series for me. DH1 is still slightly better for me, it's so great.
  7. DH1, without a doubt, is my most personal film. I don't think I've ever connected to a film as much as I have with this. This film really means so much to me.
  8. I have never seen any of the previous Mission Impossible films besides this one, so I went into the film knowing very little to nothing about the series. I was pleasantly surprised, as the film blew me away. This is easily one of the best action films in years. It's absolutely exhilarating (the Burj Khalifa scene was stunning), endlessly entertaining, and smart without being too self-serious. A great and smooth transition from animation to live-action for Brad Bird. Very well done. One of my favorites of the year. A
  9. As a fan of the first one (give it an A-), I found this one to be a disappointment. The action sequences and slow-motion used during the film was far too reminiscent of the first Sherlock, and it often made me feel like the filmmakers simply didn't have any desire whatsoever in being creative. Robert Downey Jr, an actor I love, simply did not work too well in this film. His charisma saves him, but his delivery and accent made me roll my eyes far more than necessary. Jude Law was the best and easily the standout among the entire xast. Whoever played the French woman was good, but her character in the end seemed a bit pointless. Nevertheless, it definitely has its moments. Some of the action scenes were orchestrated well, and I enjoyed seeing Rachel McAdams again, even if it was only for a few minutes. Moriarty was decent as a villain, but I couldn't help but feel that he never, not even once, felt like a genuine threat. It has a good ending, though, and there are some funny scenes interspersed. Also, McAdams was a far better female lead. It's a shame she was killed off. C+
  10. Very enjoyable film with dazzling visuals and thrilling action scenes, but the film suffers in its overly-fast pace which prevents the audience from connecting with the characters. B+
  11. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1. Mirror of Erised 2. Seeing Hogwarts for the first time 3. Through the Trapdoor 4. Flying Lesson 5. "And...you are?" 6. "Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed...or worse, expelled." Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 1. The basilisk scene 2. Aragog and the spiders 3. Harry talking to Voldemort through the Diary Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 1. Entire sequence of Harry/Hermione going back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak 2. Buckbeak's Flight 3. Harry and Remus talking on the bridge 4. Hermione punches Draco Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 1. The Second Task 2. The Yule Ball 3. The Dragon Chase 4. Harry/Ron/Hermione talking about dates 5. The last seconds of the film 6. Hermione lunging on Harry Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1. Voldemort vs Dumbledore 2. The battle of the Ministry 3. Harry and Luna talking about the thestrals 4. Luna comforting Harry after Sirius' death 5. Trio discussing Harry's first kiss and Cho's emotions (hilarious scene) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 1. In Noctem 2. The photographers taking pictures of Harry and Dumbledore 3. Firestorm in the cave 4. Harry comforting Hermione in the staircase 5. Draco killing the bird and then crying 6. The wandlit vigil 7. The trio looking out at the sunset as Fawkes flies over the horizon Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 1. Obliviate 2. Godric's Hollow Graveyard 3. Harry/Hermione dance 4. The Tale of the Three Brothers 5. Snape in Malfoy Manor/murder of Charity 6. Bellatrix torturing Hermione 7. Ministry of Magic Infiltration 8. Forest Chase Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 1. Statues + Protections go up around Hogwarts (astounding and seamless blend of music and visuals) 2. Courtyard Apocalypse (incredible music and the shot of Lavender being eaten by Greyback was so sad) 3. The Prince's Tale 4. The Forest Scene/Resurrection Stone 5. Dragon Flight 6. The Grey Lady + Death Eaters attacking the forcefield 7. "I'll go with you." 8. Narcissa lies to Voldemort and the Death Eaters. 9. The Tunnel 10. Procession 11. Harry/Voldemort duel 12. The trio on the bridge 13. Voldemort disintegrating to ashes as Lily's Theme plays. 14. The trio on the bridge 15. Snape's death 16. Room of Requirement Scene
  12. The Dark Knight Rises, without a doubt whatsoever. It's common knowledge that The Hobbit is a work that is less ambitious than The Lord of the Rings.
  13. Really enjoyed this film, even though I became really frustrated with Mavis during the end of the film. But it's hilarious in many parts, and Charlize Theron's performance is fantastic. Oh, baumer, at the end of the film, you can tell she's more aware of her problems and that she wants to overcome them.B+
  14. Gopher being pretentious? NO WAY.Looks like mindless fun at the cinema with fantastic visuals. I'm there.
  15. I don't think there's anything wrong with it aside from the abrupt jump to Bella attacking Ginny.
  16. LOL, please don't tell me you're proud about the dowry system or that your mom is already choosing girls for you. Like, what? She chooses the girl and then you two get married?
  17. Real Steel more crowded than DH2 on opening day? Who are you trying to kid?
  18. I hope Williams wins. Best performance of the year.
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