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Everything posted by mattmav45

  1. 1. Stoker 2. Spring Breakers 3. The Place Beyond the Pines 4. Pacific Rim 5. You're Next 6. Mud 7. Side Effects 8. The World's End 9. The Iceman 10. Upstream Color 11. The Conjuring 12. Trance 13. Fast and Furious 6 14. Monsters University 15. Star Trek Into Darkness 16. Evil Dead 17. The Great Gatsby 18. Pain and Gain 19. Iron Man 3 20. World War Z 21. Meet the Millers 22. The Call 23. Elysium 24. Oz: The Great and Powerful 25. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 26. Warm Bodies 27. Dead Man Down 28. Beautiful Creatures 29. The Last Stand 30. Gangster Squad 31. Jack the Giant Slayer 32. Safe Haven
  2. I wouldn't say it's going to be one of my favorite films, and I didn't really love it, but this is just a really well-made movie in all aspects. It is a bit unfortunate that the third act, while good, doesn't quite measure up to the previous two acts. However, in the end, it's a testament to how strong the script, editing, acting, and direction are that the drama here feels natural and unforced. Easily one of the best of the year. A-
  3. Ehhh, it's ok I suppose. In the end it just didn't have enough to differentiate itself from being a mediocre film, and there's something inherently lame about a PG-13 zombie flick.C+
  4. Well, at the very least, the thread has more value than some pointless post merely asking if the thread is needed.Dude is a talented guy. Heaven forbid this site acknowledges an individual talent and strays from the franchise obsession.IMO.
  5. Dude is sick as fuck, IMO.Watched The Iceman last night. Top 3 actor working today easily.
  6. You know, in a way, this film was made for Michael Bay to direct. It's a dumb story about shallow characters who really don't need any character development to work. It has its moments, but it is absolutely overlong by about 30 minutes. Still, this is Bay's best work in some time. B-/C+
  7. Holy shit!In a great year for horror, You're Next stands apart as something of a minor masterpiece. Funny and downright visceral, this proves you can laugh while showing the artistic and macabre side of heavy violence and gore. You're Next showcases a fantastic score with a smart story to boot.Makes The Conjuring look like child's play.A-
  8. Just re-watched this.I'm going to have to do some re-ordering on my 2012 film list, because this film is just too damn good. I was basically engrossed by the opening scene, I love films with subtle philosophical depth like this. Such a thinking man's movie. Likely my favorite of 2012 followed by Cloud Atlas.
  9. I feel like some are short-changing this film by viewing it as merely a comedy. Sure, it's funny, but there's many different dynamics at play here that make it more than a comedy.There is indeed a lot of exposition, but it really doesn't matter once things get going. The last hour was great, minus the epilogue as some have stated. The climax at the end was one of the best scenes of the year, Wright killed it in those 5 minutes.Hot Fuzz remains king to me, but this is another damn strong addition to the Wright/Pegg/Frost library.B+
  10. Welp, I guess somebody had to fill this role, and at this point I'm more than happy to fill the role of the heartless douchebag who doesn't get the greatness of this series. I still have to see Before Midnight, but after the first two films I still can't really relate to the characters displayed on hand here. The taxi ride was a great scene, and seemed to show progression and the culmination of how the characters have grown from the events of the first film. Besides that, I was left a bit cold. B-
  11. 1. Stoker 2. Spring Breakers 3. Pacific Rim 4. Mud 5. Side Effects 6. Upstream Color 7. The Conjuring 8. Trance 9. Fast and Furious 6 10. Monsters University 11. Star Trek Into Darkness 12. Evil Dead 13. The Great Gatsby 14. Iron Man 3 15. Meet the Millers 16. The Call 17. Elysium 18. Oz: The Great and Powerful 19. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 20. Warm Bodies 21. Dead Man Down 22. Beautiful Creatures 23. The Last Stand 24. Jack the Giant Slayer 25. Safe Haven
  12. I enjoyed this.I dug the leisurely vibe and pace, it's perfect for moody films like this. It's the kind of movie that becomes more rewarding as a result. The film had great characters centered around the powerful rural drama at its core.It may take a while to grab ahold, but once it does it latches on and doesn't let go.B+
  13. Why the hell is this movie so damn somber in tone? Revenge films are generally pretty trashy in general, so I suppose it's different in that respect. However, there is not an ounce of fun or entertainment to be had in this film. A deep meditation on revenge would have been one thing, but this movie was centered around a revenge motive through and through, not much depth went into the repercussions of vigilante justice. As a result, the mood and atmosphere of the movie was just weird. It's an interesting case in that nothing is really bad about it. But it's way too damn serious for its own good, and it a hell of a lot more fun to review than watch. C+/C
  14. So is it the Oscar Bait middle class film of 2013?IMO.
  15. This was simply fucking terrible. Granted, I'll hold off on a grade as I could only make it through the first hour.However, it's a testament to how bad this film really is that it doesn't even succeed as being a bad fun movie. Incompetent on every level, IMO.
  16. Is this a joke?You're just coming across as dense as fuck now. Dear god man, I knew you were a Nolan dick blower, but you're just parodying yourself at this point.The special thing about the Toy Story trilogy is how every film can stand on its own and has different themes. Easily a better trilogy than Batman.
  17. As Gopher alludes to, it's caught between a darkly comic drug comedy and big mainstream comedy. The result is a very uneven comedy with highs and lows littered throughout. There are some funny scenes, but when viewed as a whole We're the Millers is nothing more than a middling viewing experience.C+/C
  18. Count me among those in the disappointment camp.The biggest issue for me was the attempted emotional foundation with the childhood friend and her daughter never really works. It feels tacked on and never really works within the main storyline. As a result, the epic tone and music comes across as hammy and bland.That isn't to say it's all awful. Blomkamp knows how to film action, and Sharkto Copley provides a memorable performance. It's just too bad that he had the only noteworthy performance in the film, as everyone else was simply flat to me.This is a case of the past coming back to haunt Blomkamp. Following up an inventive sci-fi gem with a safe and somewhat contrived plot can only lead to disappointment. However, this is still a talented director. While he may have gone of the trail a little with Elysium, the promise remains for the future.C+
  19. Is it wrong that I didn't love this near as much as everyone else?Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad. But I didn't find it that great either, and find its greatness to be a bit overstated. It seemed too cutesy for its own good, and suffered from pacing issues. A better score and style would have done numbers for this film. I thought Weekend did a much better job of portraying a temporary fling, and had characters/situations that seemed much more real.However, I am still interested to see how the last two films in the series play out.B-/C+
  20. 1. Stoker- A- 2. Spring Breakers- A- 3. Pacific Rim- B+ 4. Side Effects- B+ 5. Upstream Color- B+ 6. The Conjuring- B+/B 7. Trance- B 8. Fast and Furious 6- B 9. Monsters University- B/B- 10. Star Trek Into Darkness- B/B- 11. Evil Dead- B- 12. The Great Gatsby- B- 13. Iron Man 3- C+ 14. The Call- C+/C 15. Oz: The Great and Powerful- C+/C 16. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone- C 17. Warm Bodies- C 18. Beautiful Creatures- C 19. The Last Stand- C 20. Jack the Giant Slayer- C- 21. Safe Haven- D-
  21. Absolutely fucking terrible.Sometimes I feel like I'm a glutton for punishment, as I like to see almost all released films because I enjoy critiquing them. In this case, I was watching the seconds crawl by before the midway point. It's not scary, it's boring as fuck, and the characters are so damn stupid and annoying that I started rooting for their demise. Easily one of the worst, and maybe the worst of 2012.D
  22. I thought this was a fun pulpy ride.Sure, it's not very deep or character-oriented but that didn't really bother me. The color, visuals, and score were enough to entertain me. The story was more than adequate for movie of this type.Damn good trashy B-movie from a pretty solid director, IMO.B
  23. An absolute powerhouse film from a powerhouse director.I love movies that start strong and just get better as the running time progresses. The controlled tension Park is able to display is masterful. I thought it had the perfect blend of style and substance.You never really know where the story is going, but it's told in such an interesting way that you are merely along for the ride. Matthew Goode and Mia Wasikowska are fantastic in playing off each other. About thirty minutes in this became a surreal and transcendental experience for me.This is an art house horror that is beautiful and disturbing in equal measure. Hypnotizing stuff, and my favorite film of the year this far.A-
  24. Just how long has Squaremaster had Nolan's dick in his mouth?Nolan is a fine director, but his constant obession leads to ignorance and close-mindedness regarding other films.
  25. This was pretty bad, IMO.The few laughs to be had here don't make up for a story that is so damn boring and contrived. Carrell seems ill-suited to pull off a role like this. In fact, I felt like the character would have worked if written for Will Ferrell. As such, there's not really much to recommend here....just comes across as another boring, unfunny, and lazy Hollywood comedy.C-/D+
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