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2016 Discussion Thread (Gremlins/Goonies In the Works)

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Dwayne Johnson playing another hero with superhuman strength? Look at Hercules being bitch-slapped by Lucy last weekend.The X-Men franchise is bust. Fassbender as Magneto is the best thing that ever happens to the series though.If BVS did less than $500M, fans, critics and myself will wonder if Warner/DC is relying more & more on hype, buzz, and twitter trafficinstead of the creativity they had shown with Donner's Superman, Burton's 2 Batman movies and Nolan's moderntrilogy of Batman movies.

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Dwayne Johnson playing another hero with superhuman strength? Look at Hercules being bitch-slapped by Lucy last weekend.

The X-Men franchise is bust. Fassbender as Magneto is the best thing that ever happens to the series though.

If BVS did less than $500M, fans, critics and myself will wonder if Warner/DC is relying more & more on hype, buzz, and twitter traffic

instead of the creativity they had shown with Donner's Superman, Burton's 2 Batman movies and Nolan's modern

trilogy of Batman movies.

I wouldn't say Hercules was "bitch-slapped" by Lucy just because it came #2 OW. Both films met or exceeded expectations (depending on your expectations obviously), but considering Hercules had really nothing going for it besides The Rock (bland marketing etc.), I think it did just fine this weekend. People come out to the theater to see The Rock, and people come out to see superhero movies. Put those two brands together and 200M seems reasonable, no matter how big the audience overlap. 

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Lets see November so far!

November 4:Trolls + Skull Island(I believe that probably both of them will do well but Skull Island will have a bigger opening)


November 11:The Sinister Six(I am dissapointed with Sony and i believe that this will flop or will barely make its money back -_- )


November 18:Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them(Its not locked that this will be its title but hungry potter fans will watch it and it will probably do the biggest OW of November 2016)


November 23:Giants(I am not excited for this but its release date is very good and it will do at least $200m DOM)


Sony did pretty good with Captain Phillips & 22 Jump St. But I think they are rather ambivalent, indifferent, unchallenged, complacent or - whatever- when it comes to Spider-Man franchise or SH movies. Look at TASM2: GA still wants to see a great Spider-Man movie (hence $700M WW) but everybody agrees the movie is below par.

Edited by zackzack
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Really really REALLY early predictions for the first Quarter (jan-march) These months are closer, and the release schedule is more "set in stone" than the later months, which will see countless date changes and shifts and films getting pushed back. 


Nut Job 2:  16/38    Did ANYONE care about this? Still, it's a kiddie film and it had a decent OW this January so it'll still make a bit of money.


Ride Along 2:  36/105   I saw the first just recently and I didn't hate it, but I didn't really like it either. Seems like that was the general reception also. Bad reviews and meh/ok WOM, this will decrease but won't bomb by any standards.


Gods of Egypt:  43/131    Okay, I'm actually looking forward to this. Don't know how much actual mythology they'll incorporate, but I really like fantasy/adventure films. Plus the Egypt setting can give this a cool visual look in the marketing. I like Alex Proyas' work, I own I Robot and Knowing on DVD. This should do decent #'s in America but overseas will still determine if this gets a sequel. 


Illumination "Pets":   37/111    This weekend could play like the 300/Mr. Peabody weekend, with one film opening in the mid 40's and the other opening in the 30's. Illumination makes appealing looking films for kids, so this should have a decent OW, with decent 3x kiddie flick multiplier. 


Ben-Hur:   26/67   I'm really not sure what direction Paramount wants to go with this. The director of Wanted and Lincoln: Vampire Hunter... Really hard to make a prediction before we know a lot about it. Who knows? Could do 100M+, but for now I'm keeping it in the 65-70M range.


Miss Peregine:   30/85    Never read the book, but reading ABOUT the book (on wikipedia) it sounds like it could appeal to a decent portion of the GA. However, perhaps it plays to a niche group and does only 18/45...


Zootopia:   63/197    Disney Animation brand, good release date. Should be a very solid performer.


Warcraft:  69/164    Boy do I want this to be big. Never played the game, but this could make for a very successful franchise. Big OW will be there because of the hype, but BvS will hurt the legs. Still, 2.4 multiplier is doable. Some may be saying that this could flop, I personally don't see that happening, however this needs a huge OW to succeed.


Allegiant Pt 1:   58/161   I expect this franchise to stay flat DOM. OS may increase, but I see all the movies performing between 150-165M. Maybe the last will cross 175M, but this one probably won't.


Boss Babies:   28/94    Who knows? Maybe this will be a really cool movie and pull Croods numbers. However, as of now, I don't know enough about it to make that assumption. I can see this performing on the very low end for DWA right now.


Beverly Hills Cop 4:   21/58    Uh-oh. Unless this movie changes dates, it's gonna flop. BvS just moved to the same date, and there is no way this will have any breathing room. Sure fans will come out, but that's it. It's too bad, I could have seen a decent run for this.


BvS:     155/395    So this took Geostorm's place (which I had pegged as a potential flop). Is March now the new beginning of summer?!?! I see a MASSIVE OW for this, maybe just slightly beating out The Hunger Games for the top march debut. I can see better legs this time around, and a final tally of around 400M would be stellar for DC/WB.

Edited by DAJK
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1. Avatar 2 - 580 

2. Batman v Superman - 430

3. Zootopia - 390

4. Finding Dory - 345

5. Star Wars spin off - 325

6. Capitain America 3 - 315

7. X-Men: Apocalypse - 310

8. Dr. Strange - 285

9. Shazam! - 280

10. Fantastic beasts - 280

11. Jungle Book - 245

12. Giants - 240

13. Planet of the apes 3 - 235

14.  Star Trek 3 - 210

15. Ben Hur - 200


Trought the looking glass - 180

Sinister Six - 135

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1. Avatar 2 - 580 I'm with you on this one, though I have my doubts it'll get finished in time :( 

2. Batman v Superman - 430 I think this will go a little higher. Has a decent shot at 500M.

3. Zootopia - 390 No clue what this is. Have to Google it.

4. Finding Dory - 345 I see this making more. Maybe 400M or so. It seems to open on the same date as HTTYD 3, but I guess one of them will move.

5. Star Wars spin off - 325 You may be right. SW is insanely popular in the US and if the first one is good then I can see this making 350-400M.

6. Captain America 3 - 315 That sounds about right. Maybe a little less. The only bad things going for it are BvS a month earlier, similar to the CAP2 - TASM 2 situation this year, and Alice 2, X-men three weeks later, cutting off it's late legs. 

7. X-Men: Apocalypse - 310 I really wish I was with you on this one. Loved DOPF. But with CAP and BvS before it, Alice on the same date and TMNT2 two weeks later I don't see it going that high. I think 250M. That would be terrific.

8. Dr. Strange - 285 I know Marvel is on fire right know, but this will be the fourth SH movie of the year, after three locked big hits. And that is not it's biggest problem. It has insane competition. ID2 (and Tarzan, but that won't be that big) coming a week earlier, stealing it's male-action audience, Ice Age and Bourne a week after it, taking a big chunck of the family audience (that is so important for Marvel properties), King Arthur and Planet of the Apes after that, completely cutting off it's legs. But I can still see it around 200M.

9. Shazam! - 280 This is a big wild card. On one hand it'll be the fifth SH movie that year. Some fatigue will appear. On the other hand, if BvS is good it'll be the first DC movie after it (similar to The Avengers case) and has way less competition than most movies. I say around 200M or so.

10. Fantastic beasts - 280 Man, I really hope you're right about this one. :lol: It has to compete with Sinister Six and a Disney animation but the hype for this will be massive. For now I predict 250M and with 3D, inflation and 5 years without a Potter-related movie this seems like a pretty safe bet.

11. Jungle Book - 245 I have no clue on this one. It has little competition, but I just don't know. Seems a little high though.

12. Giants - 240 I had to Google this. Again, no clue.

13. Planet of the apes 3 - 235 That sounds about right. 

14.  Star Trek 3 - 210 What's the date for this? I can't find it on Mojo's schedule. But I hope it can go higher. The second one was sooo good.

15. Ben Hur - 200 It has little competition but other than that I just don't know anything about it. Still, seems a little high.


Trought the looking glass - 180 I don't see this going under 200M if Depp is back. 

Sinister Six - 135 Ahh... such a wild card. It'll be fronloaded and it'll have Potter's spin-off second weekend but I hope it'll make 135M. I seem to be one of the very few people excited about it :lol: 

I'm not criticising your predictions or anything. I'm just too lazy to make a list of my own :lol:

Edited by James
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1. Avatar 2 - 580 I'm with you on this one, though I have my doubts it'll get finished in time  :( this is going to 2017-18 i guess. anyway zero interest


8. Dr. Strange - 285 I know Marvel is on fire right know, but this will be the fourth SH movie of the year, after three locked big hits. And that is not it's biggest problem. It has insane competition. ID2 (and Tarzan, but that won't be that big) coming a week earlier, stealing it's male-action audience, Ice Age and Bourne a week after it, taking a big chunck of the family audience (that is so important for Marvel properties), King Arthur and Planet of the Apes after that, completely cutting off it's legs. But I can still see it around 200M. ID2 is not going to be 2016 (if never) and seems that Marvel wants this to be pivotal in its future universe, i think they're going to put all they cards with this. 


9. Shazam! - 280 This is a big wild card. On one hand it'll be the fifth SH movie that year. Some fatigue will appear. On the other hand, if BvS is good it'll be the first DC movie after it (similar to The Avengers case) and has way less competition than most movies. I say around 200M or so. if they decide to go lighter and use the kid character a lot i see this being huge among kids. Plus BvS bump. 


Sinister Six - 135 Ahh... such a wild card. It'll be fronloaded and it'll have Potter's spin-off second weekend but I hope it'll make 135M. I seem to be one of the very few people excited about it  :lol: No clue on this, right now it seems a mess and zero confidence on Sony.

I'm not criticising your predictions or anything. I'm just too lazy to make a list of my own  :lol:

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1. Avatar 2 - 580-

2. Batman v Superman - 430

3. Zootopia - 390

4. Finding Dory - 345

5. Star Wars spin off - 325

6. Capitain America 3 - 315

7. X-Men: Apocalypse - 310

8. Dr. Strange - 285

9. Shazam! - 280

10. Fantastic beasts - 280

11. Jungle Book - 245

12. Giants - 240

13. Planet of the apes 3 - 235

14.  Star Trek 3 - 210

15. Ben Hur - 200


Trought the looking glass - 180

Sinister Six - 135

 Zootopia over Finding Dory! Finding Dory< 400M! come on Finding Dory is going for those animated records.

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Dwayne Johnson playing another hero with superhuman strength? Look at Hercules being bitch-slapped by Lucy last weekend.

The X-Men franchise is bust. Fassbender as Magneto is the best thing that ever happens to the series though.

If BVS did less than $500M, fans, critics and myself will wonder if Warner/DC is relying more & more on hype, buzz, and twitter traffic

instead of the creativity they had shown with Donner's Superman, Burton's 2 Batman movies and Nolan's modern

trilogy of Batman movies.


X-Men Franchise was revived due to DOFP and Shazam would probably do a better job than Hercules has who really knows though.

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1. Avatar 2 - 580 

2. Batman v Superman - 430

3. Zootopia - 390

4. Finding Dory - 345

5. Star Wars spin off - 325

6. Capitain America 3 - 315

7. X-Men: Apocalypse - 310

8. Dr. Strange - 285

9. Shazam! - 280

10. Fantastic beasts - 280

11. Jungle Book - 245

12. Giants - 240

13. Planet of the apes 3 - 235

14.  Star Trek 3 - 210

15. Ben Hur - 200


Trought the looking glass - 180

Sinister Six - 135

I actually think that Shazam will beat Dr.Strange.

Anyway most of your predictions are very good :D

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1. Avatar 2 - 580 

2. Batman v Superman - 430

3. Zootopia - 390

4. Finding Dory - 345

5. Star Wars spin off - 325

6. Capitain America 3 - 315

7. X-Men: Apocalypse - 310

8. Dr. Strange - 285

9. Shazam! - 280

10. Fantastic beasts - 280

11. Jungle Book - 245

12. Giants - 240

13. Planet of the apes 3 - 235

14.  Star Trek 3 - 210

15. Ben Hur - 200


Trought the looking glass - 180

Sinister Six - 135

Switch Finding Dory and Zootopia.


I actually really like how you're so high on Zootopia, I really hope it can do that well.


I also hope you're right about Jungle book. Apes 3, Giants and Fantastic Beasts are spot on in my opinion

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Switch Finding Dory and Zootopia.


I actually really like how you're so high on Zootopia, I really hope it can do that well.


I also hope you're right about Jungle book. Apes 3, Giants and Fantastic Beasts are spot on in my opinion


Zootopia seems like an old Disney classic in the post-Frozen era. Merchandising its gonna be huge.


Finding Dory, as now, its only a moneymaker sequel to me, i hope Pixar puts all efforts to bring us a good movie, b/c Monsters 2 was lax (is that the word? :)). If its on the level of Toy Story 3 sky is the limit and I can see beating Batman vs. Superman.


i though Dawn would do better, we'll see where Fox is going with this franchise. 


Jungle Book has done really cool cast announcements  and although Favreau is no Truffaut it can deliver a good product I guess. IMO zero interest but should do well. Its goint to kill overseas. 

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Zootopia seems like an old Disney classic in the post-Frozen era. Merchandising its gonna be huge.Finding Dory, as now, its only a moneymaker sequel to me, i hope Pixar puts all efforts to bring us a good movie, b/c Monsters 2 was lax (is that the word? :)). If its on the level of Toy Story 3 sky is the limit and I can see beating Batman vs. Superman.i though Dawn would do better, we'll see where Fox is going with this franchise. Jungle Book has done really cool cast announcements and although Favreau is no Truffaut it can deliver a good product I guess. IMO zero interest but should do well. Its goint to kill overseas.

I'm now certain that I've been under predicting Zootopia all along. While I hope Apes can do 250, I agree with the 235 predict.Jungle Book is going to have an interesting marketing campaign that will give the film a unique visual style. And Dory, well, it's Dory. It's gonna be a money maker no matter what Edited by DAJK
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Zootopia seems like an old Disney classic in the post-Frozen era. Merchandising its gonna be huge.


Finding Dory, as now, its only a moneymaker sequel to me, i hope Pixar puts all efforts to bring us a good movie, b/c Monsters 2 was lax (is that the word? :)). If its on the level of Toy Story 3 sky is the limit and I can see beating Batman vs. Superman.


i though Dawn would do better, we'll see where Fox is going with this franchise. 


Jungle Book has done really cool cast announcements  and although Favreau is no Truffaut it can deliver a good product I guess. IMO zero interest but should do well. Its goint to kill overseas. 

You are confusing two movies. Favreau's 'Jungle Book' distributed by Disney comes out Oct. 9, 2015. The 2016 adaptation, 'Jungle Book: Origins' will be distributed by WB and directed by Andy Serkis. That comes out Oct. 21, 2016.

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1. Avatar 2 - 580 

2. Batman v Superman - 430

3. Zootopia - 390

4. Finding Dory - 345

5. Star Wars spin off - 325

6. Capitain America 3 - 315

7. X-Men: Apocalypse - 310

8. Dr. Strange - 285

9. Shazam! - 280

10. Fantastic beasts - 280

11. Jungle Book - 245

12. Giants - 240

13. Planet of the apes 3 - 235

14.  Star Trek 3 - 210

15. Ben Hur - 200


Trought the looking glass - 180

Sinister Six - 135

I understand Avatar, but why Giants and Shazam.

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