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WKND BO: #StarTrek $70.6M/$84.1M, IronMan3 $35.2M/$337.1M, Gatsby $23.4M/$90.2M

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IM3 just appears to be better than TREK I suppose, which is why it continues to do so well, Overblown Twist and all..


Yeah, if Cumberbatch was going to be the centerpiece of the marketing they should've been up front about him being Khan.  It wasn't even a great reveal, the character's completely different from Montalban's version.

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I just got too much conflicted feelings these past days. On one hand, IM3 keeps doing well, especially OS, passing 1B. etc..., on the other, Trek is underwhelming  :unsure:

Yeah it's been a real roller coaster. I just came from watching it myself. Theater was pretty full for a late show. I'm still going to hold out though.
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I think it's safe to assume that with IM3, maybe there's an overdose of blockbusters happening. Buzz for this seemed pretty high, lets hope it rebounds.

IM3 is huge, but it's not on the same level as TA or TDK, overshadowing everything else. And it is JUST IM3. It may be the fact that it's in a similar vein to IM3 - high-concept CG sci-fi spectacular...Maybe Fast Six will deliver.

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Geez, IM3 may have close to a 200% Friday bump. :blink:


My summer game questions this week are totally shot to hell.

Did you answer No for the BSG question about IM3's jump?

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Wait'll you see how he handles SW7.. It'll be 1 big Mystery Box.. It'll be interesting to see Abrams ways and Disney and their ways butting heads over the marketing of SW7.. Abrams wants to be all secretive and shit while Disney will want to actually promote the movie...

I'm not quite sure he'll be able to be as secretive as he has been
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Think I'm just going to give up on working out STid,  looks like BOG earlier est he got 21-23m is more on the cards, strange but still it happens, I can't see anything drastically happening to increase it

Stid 21-23, IM3 9.2, TGG 7.4

Damn! I was hoping for upper 20s at least! :(


Hopefully, STID can still increase.

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Imagine if Fast Six underperforms...there'll be riots in the streets, people screaming for Superman to save the summer movie season.  :P

What would underperforming be? Under 200?
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Yeah, most of my answers are screwed with STID underperforming like this.

I think I did alright this week. We're all doomed if those numbers for Trek hold though.


After the jump IM3 had last week, I just can't doubt what it would do on the weekend anymore, so I answered "Yes" for that question  :lol:

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Domestically, 3D might be fading, but overseas it's delivering 600-700 million grossers where you'd normally have 400-500 million, and  it's only increasing. 


I'm not hating on 3D,  I think it works for some movies (Life of Pi, Hugo, Avatar) but I think for most movies domestically people go out of their way to not see it in 3D.  If it sells overseas that's great and they can keep it if they want it, but I've never sat in nearly empty 350/400-seat theater for newly released blockbuster before.  It was really strange.

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Or, IM3 is simply that much better than everything else and everything else compared to it simply sucks..

That would mean that everything else is subpar... Listen man, I acknowledge IM3 is a huge hit. But it is not a great movie. It's better than the second, but nowhere close to the first and its success, especially OS, is owed to The Avengers.


IM3 is a decent movie, and a fun time at the theater, but its overall quality is not mind-blowing, thus driving audiences to theaters. Is it better than Trek? I dunno, haven't seen Trek.


Honestly, and I'm not saying this to rile you or any other Marvel fan up, as I actually did enjoy IM3, as I have most of their movies - if Trek is worse than IM3, then that would be a shocking drop in quality from the first one. Entirely possible, I admit...But I can't judge just yet.

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