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Films that unexpectedly blew you away...

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Scrolling back through the posts,  I see people listing movies like Avengers, The Dark Knight and Avatar.  It seems people here are not aware of pre release buzz.  I was blown away by these movies, just as I expected to be blown away.  It was not unexpected. 

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The word unexpectedly is key. Many films have blown me away over the years, but most of them I either expected them to be great or I expected to like them and they exceeded my expectations. Sometimes though, I expect a movie to be so-so or have no expectations at all, it's these ones that have the potential to really surprise.


In no particular order...


Shakespeare In Love- Normally I tend to dislike period movies, and I wasn't a fan of any of the actors. I was actually talked into seeing it, hounded actually, but something about it grabbed me, I loved every minute of it and ended up seeing it several times in the theater.


American Pie- I won tickets to see an advance preview for it and I knew nothing about it other than Alyson Hannigan was in it (I was a huge Buffy fan back then). I had low expectations, teen comedies are usually pretty bad, but this had the crowd laughing their asses off, myself included, but at its core it actually had heart. I literally laughed so hard during this movie my sides hurt the next morning. I went and saw it again on opening night a week later, just as funny the 2nd time with a fresh audience laughing it up.


Natalie Portman movies seem to surprise me.


The Professional- I was expecting a so-so action movie, but this was so much more. Portman put in a powerful performance, I had no idea at all that it was her first ever role. I actually thought to myself, "This girl will win an Oscar some day". I t took a while, but she did.


V for Vendetta- Again, this was so much better than expected. Great acting, excellent dialogue (loved V's rapid fire delivery of lines containing a lot of "V" words). Extremely well thought out and executed.


Black Swan- I literally only saw this because Natalie Portman was in it, definitely not the type of movie I'd normally see. This more than any other movie truly unexpectedly blew me away. I was mesmerized right from the start, so many subtle details. Mila Kunis was a revelation in this, I had no idea she had it in her. Opening night is burned into my mind as one of the most memorable movie experiences I've ever had. As the movie ended not 1 person got up to leave, it was like stunned silence, accentuated by the music playing as the credits started to roll (the music for the whole movie was perfect). I actually lost count of how many times I saw this in the theater. Sadly, it doesn't translate well onto the small screen, the details that helped make it so good get lost on the small screen.


Battle Royale- What can I say? Japanese movie with subtitles that I knew nothing about, but was recommended by a friend. Saw it, loved it, bought the DVD and even got a Battle Royale t-shirt , which is well worn but still wearable. :)


Most recently...


Dredd- After that Stallone crapfest my expectations couldn't have been much lower, but the movie was freaking awesome! So disappointed it did poorly theatrically. I still don't get that, good reviews and awesome movie but still did poorly.

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i'll add carrie and the last laugh to this. in the former case, i didn't really expect much from this brian de palma fellow, especially after the yawnfest that was mission impossible. but wow, was it good.

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Some off the top of my head.


The original Batman (1989)


Jurassic Park in 1993


Independence Day at the theatre was amazing all those years ago


How to Train Your Dragon. I was expecting a good movie, but not my favorite animated film of all time.

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