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Man of Steel (2013)

Man of Steel (2013)  

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Still thinking of 300?  :rofl: Do you know exactly how much this movie has made domestically right now?


Still pretty close, besides what was the last non-sequel to hit 290m (or wherever its at) with bad reviews?? I'll save you the time, it was Transformers and Alice in Wonderland, the latter we all know why it hit the heights it did.


MOS 'could' have ended up at the top of the leader board this year if it didn't suck.

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really didn't like this film. Failed on pretty much every single level for me.


I'd already heard about the film's mixed critical reaction when I went into the cinema, so I wasn't expecting much from the story/characters. However, being a Zack Snyder movie, I was at least expecting to be slightly entertained. I mean, Sucker Punch was a godawful movie, but even it had some entertaining action scenes. I didn't even get that. I walked out of the cinema bored out of my mind and when you manage to make a Superman movie with plenty of action boring, you know you've screwed something up.


Honestly, I think the worst thing about the action scenes was the goddamn shakey cam. Now, I'm not one of those people who hates shakey cam in all of its forms. I think there are plenty of examples where shakey cam has improved the movie. Take Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, for example. In it, Batman is supposed to be a figure who keeps to the shadows and tries not to be seen. Shakey cam helps that, because we, the audience, can't get a fix on him and thus, his camouflage and theatricality works much better. Superman does not need to keep to the shadows. He punches people through buildings. So why so much shakey cam? Let us enjoy the fight scene, damn it! 


Another thing that bugged me about the film was how dark it was. And no, I don't mean how dark the tone was, I mean literally how dark the screen was. It was like there was some weird grey filter over the screen at all times, which made everything seem dull and boring. Hell, even the Batman films seemed better lit than this! Here's a hint, Snyder, when people ask for a darker Superman film, they mean explore less family friendly sides to the Superman mythos. They don't mean make everything look as grey as possible.


You may noticed that I haven't talked about the story yet. Mostly because there's not much I can talk about. It's bland. Really bland. Cardboard-flavoured-oatmeal-with-extra-grey-food-colouring bland. It was almost all bland exposition given out as blandly as possible. And the only bits which weren't bland were stupid. Pa Kent's character in particular was just butchered in this. Other people have probably gone on in length about this, so I won't do so here.


What disturbs me most of all about this movie is that, for the archetypal superhero, there's a distinct lack of heroism from Superman. Seriously, the only real superheroish actions he took in the entire movie was rescuing one helicopter pilot and telling fleeing people in Smallville to 'stay inside' (even though he punched Zod into Smallville in the first place). That's it. (And before I get people reminding me about the oil rig, I'd point out that, unless he has superfortune telling powers, it was just complete coincidence he ran into it and he wasn't actively seeking out people to save.) Worst of all was in Metropolis. While I'm not one of those people who gets angry at the fact that Superman couldn't prevent the damage, since most of it was done before he got there, the fact that we never see him help out with rescue efforts is just unforgivable. Heck, it's not even implied that he helped out. Not a single character says anything even suggesting it! Millions of people are probably trapped/injured and we never see Superman lift a finger to help! How do you even screw Superman up that badly?! 


So yeah, awful movie. Second only to Die Hard 5 for worst movie I've seen this year.

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WB heard GA main complaint about SR, they hired Snyder because of it and seeing Transformers box office WB executives must told Snyder to include action as much as possible. Unfortunately the old saying is true "less is more"

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what MOS2 needs to be perfect:


- Get rid of shaky cam

- Get a new editor

- More practical effects in Hand-to-hand combat

- Less action (less is more)

- Hans Zimmer should use the wonderful theme with moderation


B (75)


That's not his job. It's the sound editing's guy job.

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