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Wknd Est: MU - 46.1M; The Heat - 40M; WWZ - 29.8M; WHD - 25.7M; MoS - 20.8M; (pg 104)

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Long Beach, CA





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Irvine, CA (No sell outs for the openers)



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Almost 20 pages since Nikki's numbers were posted and I'm still scratching my head over her MOS weekend "guesstimation".  The weekend number has a range of 6? but her cum range is 15m?  Someone help me understand!!


Basically it's all a bunch of poppycock. Her 6-9 range for friday would mean anywhere from 18-32 for the weekend, that's some mad range right there.

Edited by Louis Lux
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FRIDAY 9:30 PM UPDATE: Newcomers Twentieth Century Fox’s The Heat and Sony Pictures’ White House Down add to an already crowded pre-Fourth Of July domestic box office.  Fandango reports that the Melissa McCarthy-Sandra Bullock pic is the #1 ticketseller among new releases, selling 50% more advance tickets than at the same time for director Paul Feig’s previous hit Bridesmaids. No doubt that the Channing Tatum/Jamie Foxx actioner is disappointing and a potential bomb considering its high cost. Neither new pics’ Thursday late show/Friday midnight grosses were significant. Based on early evening trends, my sources say numbers look like thisfor Friday. Updates and analysis to follow:


1. The Heat (Fox) NEW [Runs 3,181] R

Friday $15.0M, Est Weekend $40.6M

Can’t help pointing out that the women brought the heat for this $41M-budget buddy comedy. Chalk up another strong box office performance for McCarthy and Bullock who began with $1M from Thursday’s 10 PM shows and Friday’s midnights. Should end #2 for the weekend behind Pixar’s family fare. Interesting that in a fandango survey 88% of ticketbuyers said they wanted more female-oriented laughers.


2. Monsters University 3D (Pixar/Disney) Week 2 [Runs 4,004] G

Friday $14.6M, Est Weekend $48.8M, Est Cume $173.7M

Great -41% weekend hold. Should jump into #1 after the Saturday kiddie bump.


3. World War Z 3D (Paramount) Week 2 [Runs 3,607] PG13

Friday $9.5M, Est Weekend $31.9M, Est Cume $126.0M

After last week’s surprise success, new audiences will check it out. Expect a -52% weekend hold.


4. White House Down (Sony) NEW [Runs 3,222]

Friday $9.0M, Est Weekend $23.5M

This expectedly puts pic’s grosses under Olympus Has Fallen which had a similar plot. But studio admits White House Down is in a tough slot now after WWZ opened so surprisingly strong last weekend. White House pic did $1.35M in Thursday late shows/Friday midnights. Studio admits budget was an expensive $150M. (“If you see the movie, you will see the money on the screen. And compared to other summer fare and budgets, it very reasonable given the film,” a Sony exec tells me.) No way this pic earns out. Could be big loss depending how it does overseas. Opens day and date in about two dozen small countries this weekend (ie Aruba, Ethiopia, Kenya, Iraq). The first major international territory will not open until mid-July.


5. Man Of Steel 3D (:egendary/Warner Bros) Week 3 [Runs 4,131]

Friday $6.1M, Weekend $20.1M, Est Cume $248.0M

Maybe too stiff box office competition for Superman right now continuing into the Fourth Of July holiday.

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Edwards Ontario Palace, CA








The Heat http://images.fandango.com/r90.0//core/en/images/ticketing-icons.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat; background-color: transparent;">NEW!

R, 1 hr 57 min



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