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Movies that SHOULD be remade

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A modern remake of Jaws would just focus entirely on the shark scares and neglect the second half interaction between the main trio. 'Audiences won't want to see that', the producers would say.


No matter who made it, it would pale in comparison to the original.  But it would still get people to see the original and that would be very cool.

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Goonies is a timeless coming of age adventure - still gets tons of time on cable 

BTTF... no explaination needed - the best paced blockbuster in history IMO: no need for a remake at all!

The Fugitive... the one in the 90s was fine, won a few Oscars too. Plus, people today haven't heard of the show

The Shining,,, Stanley Kubrick and Jack Nicholson made the film great. Without them, it'll be another torture porn, dime a dozen horror remake.


Those 4 do not need a remake in the slightest!!!!! I agree with the rest of them though - all of them had terrible films. 

Eh, the Shining is one of the greatest horror novels ever written, I doubt with a great director it'd be "just another torture porn"

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Also, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. This time they could try not to make it the lamest thing ever.


And we have a BINGO!


Loved the TV version, but that movie got virtually everything wrong, the only thing they got right was having Alan Rickman as the voice of the robot.

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I wonder if they will remake the Star Wars films sometime this century...



I had that same thought but got it shot down.  I still think it's definitely possible.  We still have 85 yrs left this century.  Perhaps 2077, the 100th anniversary.  JJ Abrams' grandchild will direct the trilogy. You heard it here first.  

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How about they remake The Exorcism only this time it’s about an emo teenager who gets possessed, and the devil is now a badly done CGI monsters that kills people. 


Add in several random explosions and slo-mo shots and you got yourself a hit.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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How about they remake The Exorcism

Didn't they already do that? I think it was called 'The Last Exorcist.' Or 'The Devil Inside.' Or about 50% of recent horror movies.

Edited by rukaio101
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