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Blue Jasmine (2013)


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I left disappointed, the cast and acting were perfect I loved that aspect but the film was well.... just boring.This is one of those movies that I have no idea what to say, Allen is always a hit or miss with me. I wanted to like it, but I didn't.Still glad I watched it though. Its very anti-hollywood and I appreciate that but it didn't work for me. C+ (78.5)

I kind of feel the same way but I liked it a little more than you
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One of the best Woody Allen films ever. He should focus more in drama i'd say. Excellent performances all around especially from Blanchett and a truely great and topical subject. It really moved me. The divide of the story between the 2 sisters, the 2 time frames and the 2 cities was great and the changes between comedy and drama were excellent. I had some minor issues like the way Sally Hawkins' character changes her mind at the end which felt kinda easy and rushed but it's by far my favourite movie this year so far.

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The movie has problems. With Woody you always get some awkward pieces of dialogue and dodgy line delivering, and the man still doesn't know how to direct the hand movements of his actors (they're all over the place). 


Despite those complaints this is still one of the best movies this year, and one that I'd really like to see a few more times. I've actually seen it twice this weekend alone.


Cate Blanchett really is amazing, as you probably know already, but I also really loved Sally Hawkins, who has a less showy but equally as sad and three dimensional role. Both women deserve Oscar nominations. 


There really aren't any weak links in the cast except for the two boys who played Sally Hawkins' kids.


Its a straight up tragedy, and a rather ruthless one at that. I havent seen Woody be this depressing in a while. Not much mercy is given to our main characters, and every time a male character is introduced you go "Geez, I hope this guy isn't a crook." Most of them are. 


Good stuff.

Edited by Jack Nevada
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Do people ever shut the fuck up in a Woody Allen movie ?


The diarrhea of words is pretty tiresome in this.


As usual, Blanchett hammers it more than Thor ( and his sons) himself.


Yes she s a virtuoso but I felt nothing for her character not even pity, as usual with Blanchitto except for Babel maybe.


Some of the one liners were midly amusing.


And yes we get it, she is cuckoo but after the fifteenth scene of Jasmine drinking, taking meds,shouting, crying, sobing, trembling, giving her (Oscah worthy) empty blank stare, talking & babbling all by herself, gasping for air, sweating ( wet armpits = deglam = oscah !!!) and sometimes all of of this in the same scene, you just want it to stop .


The part of Jasmine felt like a very long, wankery guitar solo with no soul.


This role is almot a caricature of a female Oscah part, you could make 22 Oscar clips out of it.


And those horrible clarinets interludes, My God !


Cate has already won for this thing, unless Sabu gets the vote of the people, which I hope.


C+ because I love sometimes wankery guitar solos.

Edited by The Futurist
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I expected a strong movie after all the praise, but I still didn't expect Allen to be so uncompromising, ruthless and cutting. In a way it reminded me of Killer Joe, of all films - there's no fried chicken blowjobs in Blue Jasmine, but both films are sharply bleak, unsentimental looks at the modern world made by directors who are already in their late seventies. For the first time in what seems like a while, Allen doesn't have his own surrogate walking around his movie, nor does he try to appeal to the viewer with nostalgia and beautiful European scenery. There's just a first-rate drama with some dark humor underneath, one powerfully written and acted scene laid on top of another, with hardly any weak parts. Like more than a few people already said, it doubles as a fantastic modern riff on A Streetcar Named Desire, and Blanchett is just about as riveting as Leigh is in that film. A performance that belongs with the greats.

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We liked it very much - in fact, we like most of Allen's films though only one of his gets a 10/10 from me (Sleeper). There's perfect casting and good performances all around, especially Blanchett, but I really dug Sally Hawkins' Ginger too. The weakest part was probably Alec Baldwin as the passed-away husband, that was one really one-dimensional asshole.

The story walks the line between drama and comedy and even a bit tragedy without stumbling, and Allen goes so far as to inflict some real pain on the characters, without cynical or ironical comments, which he doesn't do that often. It's maybe not one of his best, but very good and a bit of a disgression from his sometimes all-too-trodden paths - well worth a ticket!

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Blanchett is a goddess on Earth. Anyone who says otherwise is dead to me and their opinion is shit.

couldnt have said it better!


this film is so good I had to go see it 3 times


bottom line - men are @@&%#$&%$*%^*&(^&^*(^( :angry:

Edited by Tauriel
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A for the movie A++ for CB acting  this is an example of an actress carrying a film , heck she is the film


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkk whyyyyy did it eat my comment am i suppose to always remember to save what i write before clicking on post wtfffffff

i just spent 10 mn writing and poof...


whatever i'm mad, its hot and i'm already pissed off because serena williams lost a wtf match at the australian open she had no business losing ughhhh


and its so arbitrary how come the first two lines didnt get loss huh auto save my ***


going for a cup of tea need to calm the **** down  grrr

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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