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BoxOffice.com Presents... 1000 Movies to See Before You Die

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I disagree on AVENGERS (though I expect to be outvoted there).SUPER 8 - no homages should make the list. Why vote for 'em when the originals are available? I liked S8, but it's hardly impressive on any level other than slavish imitation.WRECK-IT RALPH - decent but average animated movie. Why should its content distinguish it from the crowd?WARRIOR - solid enough but again we have a century of sports films to pick from. Does it really distinguish itself that much? IMO, no.SKYFALL - putting aside the fact I find it over-rated, how does it distinguish itself from other Bonds? Its sole contribution is stylistically being influenced by TDK. If you want to represent the new "darker" Bonds, CASINO ROYALE is the one that sets the tone (besides being a better film IMO).THG - again, decent enough but hardly distinguishing.


Skyfall humanises Bond. It also has an overarching theme of letting go of the old and accepting the new. it is a brilliant film. 



i think the rule should be that we start from the most recent and vote back from there, 25 at a time.


This. I'm looking at 2013, and I wanna get rid of like almost all the films. There's almost nothing to merit many of these films. I mean STID? Good film, but not 1001 movies you have to see. That'd be Star Trek 1. That redefined the franchise. ST2 was just the same-old-same-old continuation of ST1. NYSM. Please, don't be ridiculous, and etc. the list goes on. 

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after reviewing the list there is about 100 films from the 00's and beyond I would say need to go 


a few from the 90's and like 2 or 3 from the 80's one of them placed there by me, don't I feel special!


Now first off Id Like to Throw in 2 movies I haven't finished watching but was uninterested or disappointed enough for me to mention them. I'm sure I am creating enemies but this is my oppinion. Urotsakidoji: Legend of the Overfiend. I just don't think it fits within this list, I feel that this movie would be better suited in a " Craziest Movies you have to see before you die" list and I'l probably be the only one stating this, meaning it will probably end up staying. Telemachos you were right about one thing it is an unforgettable film.

and the Great Gatsby, clearly a pretentious effort, that seeks out youth as it's audience, that's never able from what I've seen to really keep flowing without intolerable distractions. A prime example of a film that tried to hard.


Man of steel - I have a question? can anyone tell me there favorite part of this film? that's not a special effect. this movie is loaded with crummy effects which helps the terrible dialogue and same old story we've heard a trillion times flow. Everything in this film especially all the characters are the most bland thing you can experience in a movie, even Amy Adams who I was really into before this movie made me want to puke, there was just No substance, and I know that's Zack Snyder all Style and no Substance, but it's the combination which makes a good movie. Now when we think about this film what comes to mind? the special effects which were sometimes pretty cool and that's it because there's nothing else in this film that anyone really ever cared about other then superman kicking ass, and flying around. My point being S.F/X don't make a film, they make a lousy film. 


And did anyone else notice the annoying shake cams, like god damn with all those millions you can't even use a tripod!

like it's fine once in a while but Zack Snyder just doesn't know when to quit with it.


Clueless - . I'd like to vote this off simply because it's not cool to be clueless.


Batman and Robin - I don't even think I have to say anything, this film will get voted off regardless. 


Alice in Wonderland(2010) - The Day I went to go see this, I have to say I was pumped to see what Burton had in store for us.

Too Bad I had high hopes because I didn't come out of this one with a new take on anything, I literally got a crummier version of what we've already seen, I mean Alice in wonderland the T.v movie was more entertaining then this. Burton's film is bad from the get-go the beginning feels flat and rushed, this movie never seems to take a breather. with all the big named actors and money to add in all these Special effects we see, we never really get enough development or interesting dialogue, and yes the scene with johnny Depp as the mad hatter who kept on appearing quite randomly, didn't strike me as interesting, well written or entertaining at all. when we heard that Tim Burton is making an Alice in wonderland movie, everyone thought, finally a dark take on a classic tale, but what we got was the exact same thing with big actors, which I think made the movie even more intolerable, maybe a laughable film come the future? 


The Little Mermaid - So I thought a lot about it and if i'm going to knock on one of these 80's- 90's Disney Films, this has got to be the one. So this movie starts off introducing us to a spoiled brat teenager who wants more in life which is all natural we are human, in her case a mermaid but what gets to me is how she gets what she wants and how they deal with it, I mean what she does sounds like a pretty good deal when you're young, stupid and naive right? the reason I'm mentioning this is because later on in the story she never really learns anything, what she learns, if she learns anything at all, is when I mess up daddy is going to come and bail me out no matter how crazy that SQUIDWOMAN is! Seriously this movie has one of the worst messages in any Disney movie to young girls.I'm not saying that this movie is or isn't going to effect you, but just look at honey boo boo and tell me our society hasn't taken a toll from sublimination, I mean maybe i'm looking into this to much or not enough but besides the music, this film really isn't all that entertaining, and knowing where I am I know this film won't get voted off but I thought people should see this point of view before thinking of this movie as a classic or one of the great Disney films because it is to many, but there's just to many wtf's in this movie for me to not say anything.


Mulan - BE A MAN ! best song for a birthday card! So I just thought I'd like to point out this movie is pretty darn stupid for adults a slender woman who disguises herself as a man and when everyone finds out there all surprised? like wth! what's the point of this in the first place, steal you're fathers uniform so that he won't go to war ><, You really outdone yourself here Disney! 

First of all the guy couldn't even walk he clearly wouldn't be along the front lines, he might have even been able to score himself a desk job. But stupid Mulan has to steal his Gear and I guess that makes him a free man? No one seeing this through? I guess not. Just terrible. little kids might not know the difference and that fine, I remember enjoying this movie at a fairly young age, but now, it's like give me a break and that's why I don't think it belongs on this list or nowhere near.

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Urotsakidoji: Legend of the Overfiend. I just don't think it fits within this list, I feel that this movie would be better suited in a " Craziest Movies you have to see before you die" list and I'l probably be the only one stating this, meaning it will probably end up staying. Telemachos you were right about one thing it is an unforgettable film.

It's certainly not a great film, or even a good one. I wouldn't be bummed if it ends up off the list... though it's definitely unforgettable. (I bet not many people have watched it though.)
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Ill post my (first) 25 later. But can I just say that many of the more recent films are only here because they are....well recent. If this list was made in the year 2000 we would have movies like The Mummy here which no one thought of mentioning in 2013. Even a movie like STID, which i really enjoy does nothing special that warrants its place here IMO.

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The Hunger Games wasn't very good, the cinematography in that film was atrocious. Also it makes me think of Battle Royal, Which is a great movie that deals with a similar type of game, but in a much more engaging kind of way. The Avengers I would also second in voting off just because it's totally boring the second viewing and couldn't imagine myself re-watching.

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this is year by year. i feel i'm being generous too.






after earth

the butler

despicable me 2

the great gatsby

grown ups 2

iron man 3

kings of summer

man of steel

monsters university

now you see me

pacific rim

place beyond the pines

star trek into darkness




before midnight

fruitvale station

upstream colour

side effects






wreck it ralph


a royal affair

pitch perfect

madagascar 3

les miserables

killing them softly

ice age: continental drift

the grey

ghost rider: spirit of vengeance

end of watch

dark knight rises

anna karenina

the hunger games




zero dark thirty


silver linings playbook

spring breakers

the perks of being a wallflower

moonrise kingdom

life of pi

django unchained

cloud atlas

the avengers


the act of killing

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1. Star Trek into Darkness - An enjoyable summer blockbuster however Star Trek 09 deserves the spot on this list because that film took the risks and updated ST for the 21st century, STID merely followed in its footsteps.
2. Pacific Rim - Really enjoyed it again. Does not do enough to seperate itself from the rest of the summer blockbusters vying for spots on this list.
3. Now You See Me - Massive plot holes and unengaging characters hold this movie back.
4. Monsters University - Enjoyable. But it certainly doesn't stand up to many other Pixar films including the original.
5. Man of Steel - See pacific rim except remove the first word from my summary.
6. Iron Man 3 - See Man of Steel
7. Grown Ups 2 - Lol.
8. The Great Gatsby  - Like most Baz Luhrmann productions, it has a pretty exterior hiding away a soul with no heart.
9. Despicable Me 2 - Hey its a fun film and one of the better non pixar animated films IMO. It does nothing that Despicable Me did though except be more unoriginal.
10. The Butler - Have not seen this film….But can we at least wait for a film to drop to 2nd on a Weekend before we say it is a 1001 film that we must see before we die? Give the film a little time to breath!
11. After Earth - Ummm, the 300 worst movie list is ------> that away folks!
12. Wreck-it Ralph - Good but Disney have done much much better
13. Ted - An enjoyable R rated comedy with a surprising amount of heart….but there are better r rated comedies with a surprising amount of heart out there.
14. Spring Breakers - Is this really a movie you must see before you die???
15. Pitch Perfect - Like many films I have selected, its good but not great. the top 1001 deserves better than a well made but forgettable musical comedy.
16. Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted - You are yanking my chain….right???
17. Les Miserables - Its too flawed an adaption for it to be on this list. 
18. Killing Them Softly - Solid but nothing special.
19. Ice Age: Continental Drift - No.
20. The Hunger Games - Battle Royale did it better.
21. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance - I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
22. Super 8 - It's been done better. You know it!
23. Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Hey good flick. Deserving a spot? Helll to the No. 
24. Rango  - Hey good flick. Deserving a spot? Helll to the No. 
25. Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol - Generic summer blockbuster movie #1243. Its one of the better ones, but it is not deserving of this list!
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22. Super 8 - It's been done better. You know it!


in what film? this film's great brings back 1980's elements, and put the monster/alien genre back on it's toes. the only film I think that shouldn't be on you're list.


That and maybe Wreck it Ralph but I'l let that one go.

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this is year by year. i feel i'm being generous too.



you are being generous, the avengers, Skyfall and spring breakers are on the list, then again, I feel the urge to mention the perks of being a wallflower, it's a good movie, but it seems to be getting to much attention possibly because it's new. that and it stole my song, never gonna get over that.

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Out of the Most Recent 101: (since 2010)





After Earth (2013) For sheer awfulness

Before Midnight (2013) 

Fruitvale Station (2013) 

The Great Gatsby (2013)

The Kings of Summer (2013) Go see the movie before passing judgement

The Place Beyond the Pines (2013) 

Upstream Color (2013) I haven't seen this, so I don't feel comfortable discarding it 




Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

Side Effects (2013)

Man of Steel (2013) 

Monsters University (2013)

Now You See Me (2013) 

Pacific Rim (2013) 

Grown Ups 2 (2013) 

Iron Man 3 (2013)

The Butler (2013) 

Despicable Me 2 (2013)






Amour (2012) 

Anna Karenina (2012) 

The Avengers (2012)

Cloud Atlas (2012)

Les Miserables (2012) 

Life of Pi (2012) 

The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) 

A Royal Affair (2012) 

Skyfall (2012)

Zero Dark Thirty (2012) 




Spring Breakers (2012) 

Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

The Act of Killing (2012)

Ted (2012)

Wreck-it Ralph (2012) 

Pitch Perfect (2012)

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012) 

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Django Unchained (2012) 

End of Watch (2012) 

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012) 

The Grey (2012) 

The Hunger Games (2012) 

Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012) 

Killing Them Softly (2012)  






A Separation (2011)

Attack the Block (2011) 

Drive (2011) 

Habemus Papum (2011) 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 (2011)

Hugo (2011) 

Killer Joe (2011) 

Midnight in Paris (2011) 

Super 8 (2011) 

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) 

The Tree of Life (2011) 

We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) 

Weekend (2011)




50/50 (2011) 

The Adventures of Tintin (2011) 

Another Earth (2011)

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) 

Detachment (2011)

Dolphin Tale (2011) 

Hanna (2011) 

Happy Feet Two (2011) 

The Inbetweeners Movie (2011)

Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) 

Melancholia (2011) 

Young Adult (2011)

Warrior (2011) 

The Turin Horse (2011)

Take Shelter (2011) 

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 

The Muppets (2011)

Rango (2011) 

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) 

Shame (2011) 






Beginners (2010) 

Black Swan (2010) 

Despicable Me (2010)

Inception (2010) 

Inside Job (2010) 

The King's Speech (2010) 

Of Gods and Monsters (2010) 

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) 

The Social Network (2010)

Shutter Island (2010) 

Toy Story 3 (2010) 

Uncle Boomnee Who Can Recall His Past Memories (2010) 




Carlos (2010)

Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010) 

The Fighter (2010) 

How to Train Your Dragon (2010) 

The Illusionist (2010) 

Incendies (2010) 

Megamind (2010) 

Mr. Nobody (2010) 

Nanny McPhee Returns (2010) 

Shrek Forever After (2010) 

Submarine (2010) 

Space Chimps 2 (2010?) 

Tangled (2010) 

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I think every 2013 film should be automatically dismissed. There's no clearcut absolute defining masterpiece that's been nominated, and it's ridiculous to think of a film that's only be released for six months as one of the 1000 best ever.


This isn't a list of 1000 best ever films. It's a list of 1000 films you should see before you die. There's a huge difference. Otherwise almost everything post like 1982 needs to be automatically dismissed. 

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That's true, but I still stand by my statement. :)


I think there absolutely are films that people need to see in the past 6 months. I mean Gatsby is a must see. and After Earth, if only for its Battlefiield earth level horrendousness. And there are little gems. I mean 2013 is ripe with masterpieces, and I've personally only submitted films that have been in release and passed through my arthouse theatre. I think that if you can walk out of the theatre with that speechless, cowed, and awed feeling (AS ALL ACADEMY MEMBERS SHOULD'VE COMING OUT OF AMOUR) then you don't really need time to tell. 

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I think that if you can walk out of the theatre with that speechless, cowed, and awed feeling (AS ALL ACADEMY MEMBERS SHOULD'VE COMING OUT OF AMOUR) then you don't really need time to tell. 


Yeah. But I haven't had that feeling at all so far, certainly not among the ones listed. AE hasn't gotten anywhere near B:E reviews or buzz, so I'm not sure why you keep equating the two (except for your personal opinion, of course).

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Yeah. But I haven't had that feeling at all so far, certainly not among the ones listed. AE hasn't gotten anywhere near B:E reviews or buzz, so I'm not sure why you keep equating the two (except for your personal opinion, of course).


I definitely thought AE was about as bad as BE. 

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Exit Through the Gift Shop and The Act of Killing need to stay at least because they are two of the most unique and striking pieces of documentary filmmaking to come out of the last few years (if not decades). The Turin Horse needs to stay because it's Bela motherfucking Tarr being the incredible director that he is. Unless I've missed it and Satantango and/or Werckmeister Harmonies is already in there as well, The Turin Horse is not to be kicked out.


I would also personally defend Spring Breakers as an interesting and ambitious (and successful) enough film to stay.

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