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Everything wrong with your screenplay in one infographic

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I read somewhere that for a studio to even look at your script without throwing it in the garbage, it has to have been registered with WGA.


Of course there's the copyright protection as well.


Even more than that. Studios, production companies, and agents won't open un-solicited scripts. It's a liability issue.

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I'm still trying to get into writing the idea I've had for some time now. It's just that I don't write something down until I feel it's the best thing I came up with and works perfectly in my head.


I always wanted to write either a novel or a script...

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Even more than that. Studios, production companies, and agents won't open un-solicited scripts. It's a liability issue.

There are production companies that accept online scripts, or you could get an agent and hope he's good and knows what he's doing.

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I'm still trying to get into writing the idea I've had for some time now. It's just that I don't write something down until I feel it's the best thing I came up with and works perfectly in my head.


I always wanted to write either a novel or a script...


No no no no no! :)


If you do that, you'll never write it, plain and simple. Get what you have down on paper (or in a file, more accurately. :lol:) Build from that. Re-work it. Re-work it. Re-work it.

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Woo! Got another screenplay draft printed! That makes 5 now? And i have another 2 or 3 in progress and about 14 ideas in total.Its an R-rated comedy called "That Lost Night" about a middle aged couple who gets the idea to hold a prom for adults. Their friends get on board and well, they hold a prom, and lo and behold a wild and unexpecting night there ensues. Its 114 pages, and I promise you its not your typical "R rated wild night" movie, I try to be as original as possible. I believe the dialogue is pretty funny, but the real LOL comedy will come from the dancing. A bunch of 40 year olds trying to grind, move and twerk like theyre 18 to todays music, and thats the hook.TBH I got the idea last summer when i was home and i was flipping channels and Disney's Prom was on. I decided to watch 10 minutes to see how terrible it was and at that same time i was researching Hangover 3 and it just came to me - "what if a group of adults held a prom instead of teenagers?" And i havent seen a movie like this so i drummed up an idea and bam! Hopefully you guys will be seeing it and my others on the silver screen in the near future! And once I get these copyrighted yall can read and provide feedback if you want. Welp, on the next project - "The Negotiation" (tentative title).


I haven't read your script but I love the idea. I will give a very small suggestion though; hopefully I'm not imposing on it... your title doesn't grab my attention. Your idea is pretty creative, it's just that title doesn't say anything about it being prom or even a dance. If I could suggest a different title, SENIOR PROM could easily grab some attention. Then again, this is just what I think after reading your brief description.


Congratulations btw on finishing a screenplay! :D 

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I have a cool concept here and there I'd like to see explored in a movie but I'm not experienced or smart enough to write a home run screenplay.I'm wondering if it's worth my time to muster up a few sci-fi short stories with the hopes of them being adapted one day.Does anyone adapt sci-fi short stories any more?

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Came up with a new idea! It's called Silo. Collins is a secluded farmer in rural Illinois. One evening something crashes into his backyard. He soon figures out that it is not human. 4 years later, Collins keeps it hidden in his grain silo. The government comes knocking, knowing something is suspicious. After the gov finally takes the alien, Collins becomes vulnerable since the alien has been seen by such few people and he cant stop their "plan" for it. He has to learn to just let go. The government, having a hidden agenda for the alien, transports it to Lake Michigan, but after it breaks free in Chicago, Collins must go and prove to now the world, that whatever it is, it’s not here to harm us, and that "just listening" to someone - or something, will go a long way.


I know it sounds like Super 8, E.T, Iron Giant, and other alien movies, but I'm aware so I'm trying to make sure I go a different route. Right now I picture the alien as looking like Groot/an ent - a tall, dark, spikey creature, with electrical powers. It doesn't understand anything anyone says, but it understands Collins' gestures. It also only attacks in self defense/when startled, like a snake or honey bee, so obviously problems arise the more people panic, mess with it with force, especially in Chicago. I'm very excited about this and I've written a full outline down and about 30 something pages of script so far. It's going to be very character centric/driven, intimate, and relational. It's not going to be some dumb huge-budget action extravaganza like TF3, it will have heart. Didn't really want to spoil anything, I know it sounds cliche right now, but I have some really cool visions for it. Just lemme know if you're interested in hearing more. Hopefully youll be able to see it one day.


I haven't read your script but I love the idea. I will give a very small suggestion though; hopefully I'm not imposing on it... your title doesn't grab my attention. Your idea is pretty creative, it's just that title doesn't say anything about it being prom or even a dance. If I could suggest a different title, SENIOR PROM could easily grab some attention. Then again, this is just what I think after reading your brief description.


Congratulations btw on finishing a screenplay! :D


OOOH SENIOR PROM I LOVE THAT! It's so simple, but gets the point across, and its punny.  :D To be honest, I don't like my title and have been trying to think up another one. You're right, TLN just doesn't have that magic to it, and every time I see it I think of that Kevin Hart movie. Thanks for the suggestion, Blank! Suggestions are always wanted  :D .

Edited by Jandrew
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Networking/Selling a Script Tip of the Day -- don't do this:





When I actually read that first I thought the bad guy was the exec. By the end I was, 'that can't be right' but then I saw that it was the other way around (even in the article mentioned - I misread it).


Anyway, when you go to someone and say 'Dude, I tell you, I have the best script ever' that's already a red light for me, no matter who you are. Attitude counts a lot, I'd say

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What's tough is that once you've done something like that, it's hard to overcome... because not only will that exec never read your stuff again (or maintain any sort of relationship), he'll mention it to his friends and other execs (as he did with Chris Jones) and pretty quickly you get the reputation as "That Guy".

Edited by Telemachos
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