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BOT's 36 Worst Films of All Time - Ceremony Complete! Master List on Page 1.

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No, it's not remotely one of the worst films ever. (And I think it's terrible, so it's not like I'm biased toward it).


There is definitely a lot worse out there, but it is one of the worst ever for people who are smart enough to avoid stuff like Battlefield Earth, After Earf, The Last Airbender, and Batman & Robin and all those other movies in the pantheon of shit.  Most of the people I know haven't seen any of those 4.

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Boredom turns people off.


I would much rather watch a movie with bad acting that moves along than a boring movie. That's why my list will not change much if I saw B level horror films because even if they're bad, at least I wasn't bored.


But if you talk to film students or people in the film industry, then they just look at movies completely different from the rest of us. They don't mind boring because they're focusing on other technical stuff that most of the movie-going audience doesn't even notice.

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I think lisa should participate in the next one, will all the random ass movies she requests all the time on Rate That Movie, I'm sure she's seen a lot of obscure stinkers.


I think 300 would still be pretty high on her list, she hates that film.  I enjoyed that film as well as Transformers 2 - quite a bit of the dialog is pretty bad in TF2, but the action scenes are well made IMO of course.


You should definitely do the list again next year; it has generated a lot of dialog, which is a good thing.  My only suggestion would be to scale it back to 25 films.

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Sure, but there's a big difference between that and " one of the worst ever".

Oh I agree it's not even close to one of the worst ever. BTW I was going through my guide for the next few weeks and Paint Your Wagon is going to be on HD movies
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Transformers is what it is. A popcorn movie. Michael Bay is the popcorn movie guy. He's the best at it. Unfortunately his movies don't attract the critics but they sure do get an audience.Transformers 2 = bad, but not bad enough to be on this list.

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Let me put it this way. If anyone who put Man of Steel (a movie I enjoyed) or Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (A movie I most certainly did not) on their list then give me 2 weeks with them to play 36 movies and I guarentee they will be BEGGING to quit and watch ROTF or MS by about movie 6. But noooo suckers, we still got 30 more to go!


I could not guarantee that if I chose a couple of movies at random from their best of list, that after 6 movies of my choice that they will be begging to remove their choices from that best-of list. 


I thought about this post before I responded. After thinking about it, it is a straw man. The object was to list the 36 worst movies that you have ever seen. That is why you need to have watched at least about 30 minutes of a movie to be able to vote on it.  People had the option of making their votes public or private. I have no idea if you voted or not because no one can see the private votes. However, my vote was public.


My vote was public because I wanted everyone to see how I voted. By making my vote public, I allowed people the time to see the movies on my list in case they never have, which allowed them the chance to see if they wanted to put those movies on their list or not.


You did no such thing. I can't find your vote in the voting thread. You never listed 36 movies that you felt were the worst of all-time. You never made any suggestions about bad movies that people should consider. Now, after you have seen the results of the vote, you keep talking about how there are all of these bad movies out there that no one has ever seen. You say you can name all of these bad movies that are worse than what was on our respective lists. Yet, you offer no evidence of that. You just offer words.


You need to accept that these are the 36 worst movies of all-time. Maybe if this vote is done again next year, instead of complaining after the fact, you will submit your list early. That will allow people to at least see the movies that you claim are so bad before voting. And, if you can't do that, then you need to accept the results of our vote.


That applies to everyone else complaining also. I have no idea if this will be done again next year. However, if it is, instead of acting like you are above this type of vote (which you aren't), you should make your lists public and get them in early. Especially if you believe that people haven't seen all of these awful movies that you claim exist.


I voted and only 3-4 movies out of my 36 made the list. And I am much more passionate about my list than a lot of you (certainly more than those that didn't vote because they didn't even bother to vote) because my top 15 has been that way for a long time (with the exception of Cloud Atlas, which is a new addition to my list). Yet, I am not complaining about the results, nor am I trying to convince anyone to despise the crap that I don't like or to not despise the stuff I like that others despise.

Edited by Walt Disney
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You need to accept that these are the 36 worst movies of all-time. 


No one needs to accept an absolute. What we can accept is that these are the 36 worst movies of all time... as voted by a few members of this forum and not even the whole forum. So calling these "Boxoffice.com's 36 worst movies of all time" is pretty wrong. 


This list has only evoked interest because it has been pinned on the top of the Box Office Discussion forum. If this was in the speakeasy which is where the voting took place, and which does not attract as much traffic as the discussion forum, then this would not have invoked the reaction it has. Next year, if there is a voting, then it should be pinned on the main forum. Same thing applies to "Best movies of the year" and any other such.


But again, No one needs to accept this list as the 36 worst movies of all time. Absolutely no one. It may have been a fun exercise for the people who participated, but acceptance that movies like Citizen Kane, 2001, MoS, Transformers 2 etc. belong on the worst 36 movies of all time cannot be forced on anyone.


Your entire stance seems to be "You didn't vote, so you don't have a voice". That is a fallacy in itself - if the results are made public like they have been - then everyone has the right to publicly state their opinion of the list. If the list and opinions were to be limited to those who voted only, then the list should have been a private one. But since it is publicly shared, I have the right to say that the list as presented here is complete and total <redacted for fear of the mods> as much as anyone who voted on it. So if the list was not be commented upon by anyone who didn't vote - why make it public in the first place?

Edited by grim22
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No one needs to accept an absolute. What we can accept is that these are the 36 worst movies of all time... as voted by a few members of this forum and not even the whole forum. So calling these "Boxoffice.com's 36 worst movies of all time" is pretty wrong. 


This list has only evoked interest because it has been pinned on the top of the Box Office Discussion forum. If this was in the speakeasy which is where the voting took place, and which does not attract as much traffic as the discussion forum, then this would not have invoked the reaction it has. Next year, if there is a voting, then it should be pinned on the main forum. Same thing applies to "Best movies of the year" and any other such.


But again, No one needs to accept this list as the 36 worst movies of all time. Absolutely no one. It may have been a fun exercise for the people who participated, but acceptance that movies like Citizen Kane, 2001, MoS, Transformers 2 etc. belong on the worst 36 movies of all time cannot be forced on anyone.

Uh it was pinned for a week during Catching Fire's opening (one of the busiest times on this forum) during voting, and I advertised it in my signature and spammed it in some daily numbers threads.  23 is a pretty decent showing but I was hoping for more, and maybe this controversy will get more people to submit lists next year.

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Your entire stance seems to be "You didn't vote, so you don't have a voice". That is a fallacy in itself - if the results are made public like they have been - then everyone has the right to publicly state their opinion of the list. If the list and opinions were to be limited to those who voted only, then the list should have been a private one. But since it is publicly shared, I have the right to say that the list as presented here is complete and total <redacted for fear of the mods> as much as anyone who voted on it.



I will agree that you are right that I went over-board with my proclamation that everyone has to accept it like it's a fact. I certainly am not changing my own list to conform to the results list (although I will change it because I left off a few movies that should have been on my list).


Everyone has the right to agree or disagree with certain movies being on the list. Whether you voted or not, you have the right to agree or disagree with the results. However, it's beyond ridiculous for people to declare that the list stinks and that is why they didn't vote in the first place. It comes off as being pretentious and whiny at the same time.


Also, it's pointless to declare that you know all of these movies that are worse than what was on the results list. If you voted for the movies that you claim are so bad, then make your vote public. If you didn't vote, then there is no point in telling us about all the movies that are worse. Instead, tell us which specific movies you think are worse.


It's very easy to complain about lists. It's much harder to make up your own list. There is a lot of criticizing going on and it isn't constructive at all. No reasons are offered why any movie deserves or doesn't deserve to be on the list. Just non-sense like any list with movie X on it can't be taken seriously. That's utterly ridiculous and it comes off as nothing but whining.

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Enjoy your millions of explosions and dumb dialogue.


PS: I'm completely aware your a fan of the series, but that's still insane.


Insane that I liked something that you didn't?  



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I would much rather watch a movie with bad acting that moves along than a boring movie. That's why my list will not change much if I saw B level horror films because even if they're bad, at least I wasn't bored.


But if you talk to film students or people in the film industry, then they just look at movies completely different from the rest of us. They don't mind boring because they're focusing on other technical stuff that most of the movie-going audience doesn't even notice.


That doesn't make it a good film.  If you are making a film simply to impress film students, then your career will be short and you will be broke.  Films are first meant to entertain, if they were'n't then no one would spend the 100's to 1000's of dollars a year they do on film.  

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No one needs to accept an absolute. What we can accept is that these are the 36 worst movies of all time... as voted by a few members of this forum and not even the whole forum. So calling these "Boxoffice.com's 36 worst movies of all time" is pretty wrong. 


This list has only evoked interest because it has been pinned on the top of the Box Office Discussion forum. If this was in the speakeasy which is where the voting took place, and which does not attract as much traffic as the discussion forum, then this would not have invoked the reaction it has. Next year, if there is a voting, then it should be pinned on the main forum. Same thing applies to "Best movies of the year" and any other such.


But again, No one needs to accept this list as the 36 worst movies of all time. Absolutely no one. It may have been a fun exercise for the people who participated, but acceptance that movies like Citizen Kane, 2001, MoS, Transformers 2 etc. belong on the worst 36 movies of all time cannot be forced on anyone.


Your entire stance seems to be "You didn't vote, so you don't have a voice". That is a fallacy in itself - if the results are made public like they have been - then everyone has the right to publicly state their opinion of the list. If the list and opinions were to be limited to those who voted only, then the list should have been a private one. But since it is publicly shared, I have the right to say that the list as presented here is complete and total <redacted for fear of the mods> as much as anyone who voted on it. So if the list was not be commented upon by anyone who didn't vote - why make it public in the first place?


These are the 36 worst films as voted on by the members of this forum.  As Ice said, it was pinned in the main forum for a week.  I don't like the list either as it has a few films that I like immensely, namely New Moon and Transformers 2 and TCM2003.  But it is what it is.  If you disagree with it, maybe next time take 30 minutes out of your day and send in your own list.  

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So should I hold this again next year?  Would the people who felt scorned by this year's list actually participate next time?


All I would suggest is that you change the criteria next year. Make it so only films that had a U.S cinema release that was backed by a major studio and the list instantly becomes a little less.....lame.

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