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Count Down 100 Movies from 2013 (Multiple users) Tele page 20

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#7. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

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Review: Some people might roll their eyes on here about this movie being the #7 on my list however this movie really touched me personally and emotionally. The score was simply fantastic and so far there hasn't been a day that has gone by that I haven't listened to one of the songs. This should have been nominated for best song or score but whatever Academy .!.. Kristen Wiig is amazing and easily the best actor in the film. Ben Stiller is actually good (I normally hate him in movies) and he did a solid job directing the film. The story is very simple but beautiful and full of deep meaning. The movie flew by which I liked and didn't drag. This movie made me desperately want to go to Iceland and Greenland both of which are beautiful countries. Kristen Wiig singing Space Oddity :wub:  :wub: This is the most underrated movie of 2013. Yeah the movie isn't a Oscar winner but the story is inspirational and touching. The story appeals to all people. The shots in the film are absolutely stunning and breath taking. The best part of the film is the story how you just got to pursue life and life it up. BTW the Benjamin Button scene was hysterical  :lol:

Edited by Hiccup
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#6. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

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Review- Wow who would have thought this movie series would not only be a box office success but also a critical success...not this guy. The first film turned me from a passionate hater to a fanboy. The acting in this film is amazing especially from Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson. The visuals were a huge upgrade from the first film and the arena was well done and tense. Even though I have read the book, this movie still kept me worried about if the characters were gonna survive. I liked how they can't focusing so much on the love triangle but focusing on the social and political aspect of the book and movie. This makes it seem more mature and interesting.  The ending was well done and left me wanting Mockingjay Part 1 to come out the next day. Great job LionsGate! Btw the song Atlas is one of my top favorite songs of 2013. Why wasn't this nominated again?!

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Oh, one more due to popular demand: 


13. Blue Jasmine

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Woody Allen reinforces his status as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time with Blue Jasmine, which is Allen at his most misanthropic. It is the exact opposite of his 2011 movie Midnight in Paris, a colorful feelgood movie about nostalgia and how useless it is. Midnight in Paris is fantastic in its own right, but Blue Jasmine has Allen's sharpest and meanest writing in years. After two hours of punishing his characters the movie ends on a note of hopelessness. That might make it sound tough, but its quite the opposite. Blue Jasmine is a real joy to watch. It's clear Allen was on a good mood while making this movie, such is the feeling of lightness and effortlessness in his direction. It's also really nicely shot by Javier Aguirresarobe, who previously worked with Allen on Vicky Christina Barcelona, a very pretty as well.


Mah boy Woody is known for getting career-best performances out of actors, and he does it again with Cate Blanchett. Everyone is talking about her and yes, she is marvelous. It's not a subtle performance, but when she's on screen you simply can't take your eyes off of her. Blanchett's Jasmine is a total mess and while you never really like her, she is an incredibly captivating lead character thanks to Blanchett's performance. 


You also have to mention the solid supporting cast, especially Sally Hawkins as Jasmine's step-sister who is constantly getting fucked over by douchebag men (Louis C.K, Bobby Cannavale, Andrew Dice Clay, all excellent). I've liked her since I saw her in Mike Leigh's underrated Happy-Go-Lucky, and I'm glad she's been getting more attention due to this movie. She got Oscar nominated along with Blanchett. 

Edited by Jack Nevada
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And another! 


12. Her

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I really loved Her. It's about the intense love between mustachioed, badly dressed Joaquin Phoenix and a sexy operating system voiced by Scarlett Johansson. The concept had me scratching my head and thinking it was going to be yet another wish fulfillment movie for basement dwelling dweebs, but it turned out to be a funny, genuinely romantic and delicate piece. It's deeply human and thoughtful and clearly the best romantic comedy of the last five years or so. 


Joaquin Phoenix was one of my picks for best actor of last year. It's obviously thanks to the fine script by Spike Jonze, but Phoenix makes Theodore Twombly into a fully rounded, three dimensional character with his introverted but soulful performance. Scarlett Johansson, who is indeed an operating system so we never see her face, is also great, giving a wonderful voice over performance. The two have one of the most moving "sex" scenes I think I've ever seen. 

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So glad someone else loved Mitty as much as I did.  Truly inspiring message and a terrific job in all facets of film making.  Terrific recap of the film, Hiccup.

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#5. Blackfish

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Review- Insightful, enlightening, and horrifying, Blackfish is a dramatic documentary that should be seen by everybody. As somebody who loves animals sometimes more than people this documentary was sickening and really made me angry. I wanted to fly to Sea World ASAP and protest. This is the unofficial sequel of The Cove another great documentary. I watched both back to back, which lead to an exhausting and saddening night. It makes me sick to my stomach to see animals treated poorly. I liked how in Blackfish they focused their story on a single animal, which made the film concise and direct. I definitely will never recommend Sea World or another “animal prision” to anybody. I am so happy my family and I have never given Sea World any of our money. This film also made me question whether zoos are even ethical for animals. The film also shows that some animals are wild and always will be. It is best to let them roam free and happy rather then hold them in prision, which endangers their lives but also humans lives. This is on Netflix so if you have Netflix watch it now! I am recommending this film to my animal activist group at my college. Animals can’t speak so speak FOR them.

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#4. Gravity

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Review- Damn… That is what I said when I left Gravity for the first time. Gravity left me exhausted and blown away. The visuals and acting are top notch and some of the finest I have ever seen. Sandra Bullock's best performance hands down. This movie crushes Avatar by a mile. Gravity is the best space themed film I have ever seen in my 20 years on this earth. The 3D is amazing and stunning. It wasn’t oppressive and in your face like Alice in Wonderland but also wasn’t almost non-existent like many 3D films. With heart pounding tension and a haunting plotline Gravity is the future of modern cinema. Gravity is the Jaws of space. I will never ever go to space.

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So glad to see that you love Blackfish like I did.  I had no idea you were an animal guy like me.  Very, happy to know that.


Yeah I am huge into animal rights. I helped start the animal rights club at my college because we desperately need one. 

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Great list, so far, Hiccup.


Sorry to derail this topic slightly, but did you hear about the whales being captured for the purpose of entertainment at the Olympics? Blackfish really helped me to see what's wrong with stuff like this.



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Great list, so far, Hiccup.


Sorry to derail this topic slightly, but did you hear about the whales being captured for the purpose of entertainment at the Olympics? Blackfish really helped me to see what's wrong with stuff like this.




No worries man. Yeah I saw that I am not watching the 2014 Winter Olympics because of this and other major issues as well. 

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The show goes on!


11. This Is The End

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This Is The End has a laughs per minute rate most comedies can only dream of. I was thoroughly amused from the first five minutes to the final shot, sometimes howling with laughter. It's self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing and so creatively out of control that it's almost like a two hour version of the last 15 minutes of Blazing Saddles. With dick jokes. And boy, the dick jokes are good. There are tons of hilariously puerile lines ("James Franco didn't suck any dick last night? Now I now y'all tripping." etc. ) and several scenes that are just comedic perfection. My personal favorite is Danny McBride's epic breakfast montage, but you also gotta love Jonah Hill's exorcism, the severed head, Michael Cera and the trailer for Pineapple Express 2 ("I want you guys to assassinate.. Woody Harrelson.") 


This should be the final dick comedy these guys make, to be honest. It'd be a perfect, end-of-an-era type deal. Cause you just can't top what they've done here. 

Edited by Jack Nevada
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#3. The Conjuring

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Review- The Conjuring is the best horror film since The Ring and is a revival of classic horror cinema. The film doesn’t rely on cheap scares or gore to scary and entertaining its audience but it entirely relies on atmosphere and tension to keep its audiences on their toes. Love it. While the film wasn’t traumatizing or very scary (I have seen so many horror films I really don’t get scared by them), it does make you jump and sometimes want to hide your face. The ball in the basement and the demon standing behind one of the daughters were two of the most frightening parts of the film. The acting is shockingly amazing of a horror film and the story while not completely original feels original. Altogether The Conjuring breathes new life into supernatural horror and will please horror fans and non-fans alike.

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Here we go, the Top 10. First up is


10. Iron Man 3

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Yes! Iron Man 3! Bet you didn't expect it to be this high, did you? Ooooooh *deep sniff* ..controversy! 


Iron Man 3 is indeed my number 10 favorite movie from last year. Why? Because superhero entertainment doesn't get much better than this. The script? Funny as fuck, clever and surprising. The action? Satisfying, explodey and well executed. The runtime? Just the right length. True to the source material? I don't know and I don't care. It is absolutely one of my favorite superhero movies yet and damn close to being as good as The Avengers. And it does actually beat The Avengers in the amount of laughs. 


Lots of people have been sniffy about Iron Man 3, but I think it's absolutely fantastic and clearly Marvel's most underappreciated film. 

Edited by Jack Nevada
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