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The Stingray

The Top 25 'Best Picture' Winners of All Time (COUNTDOWN THREAD).

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That's a crazy undermining of just how perfect LA Confidential is. Pfft, talking about it like it's just an episode of CSI or something.


It's a nice film.  I enjoyed it.  Titanic is as epic as they come and it's one of the few times the academy got it right.

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That's a crazy undermining of just how perfect LA Confidential is. Pfft, talking about it like it's just an episode of CSI or something.

Yep. And Titanic, *the* *most* ambitious film ever made? It's incredibly ambitious, but still, Gone with the Wind, War and Peace (the Soviet version), Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, LOTR all say hello.

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Things on the List that weren't on mine: 


3. Schindler's List

8. Forrest Gump

10. Titanic

11. Gladiator

17. Rocky

19. Braveheart

20. American Beauty

21. The Sting

24. The Sound of Music


Things on Mine that weren't on the list, so SHAME  :P:

1. All Quiet on the Western Front

7. The Deer Hunter

12. Ben-Hur

15. Chariots of Fire

16. Out of Africa

18. The Apartment

19. Kramer vs. Kramer

20. West Side Story

25. Rebecca

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I know it's not for the chicken to judge its own soup, but I think we got a pretty solid list.


As for L.A. vs. Titanic, I really like Titanic, I do, but L.A. Confidential to me is one of the best movies of the 90's, alongside Pulp Fiction (obviously), Goodfellas, Fargo, Seven and one or two more.

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Yep. And Titanic, *the* *most* ambitious film ever made? It's incredibly ambitious, but still, Gone with the Wind, War and Peace (the Soviet version), Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, LOTR all say hello.


Child's play compared to Titanic.  :)

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No love for The Best Years of Our Lives, eh?   Pity....love that movie.


Don't like Casablanca though. No idea why it's regarded as one of the greatest film of all time.

For me (the only person I can speak for), it's the dialog and memorable lines more than anything.   The last scene alone contains these:


"Here's looking at you, kid"

"We'll always have Paris"

"Round up the usual suspects" (yep...that's where the name of that movie came from)

"I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world."

"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


That's just the last scene!   I find the entire movie filled with dialog that keeps my ears happy. Claude Rains and Bogart are also....well Claude Rains and Bogart.



Anyone who puts Lawrence of Arabia on a worst list needs to go back to school and learn a thing or two about films. Seriously. [/riczhang]

It bored me and I found the Lawrence character irritating.   Pretty to look at though...but I need more.  (same feeling I now have about Avatar)

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