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It's okay to criticize Walt Disney if the criticisms are grounded in reality. Meryl's weren't.




Judi and Meryl weren't locked at all. Get out of your delusion, Ric. Streep isn't perfect none of us are


How do you know they weren't? What do you know that she doesn't? Share please.

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Yeah. yeah. Yeah. Meryl's the lady that got nominated for Music of the Heart. So yeah. She was always locked for this nom. She might've come fifth in terms of votes for the nom, but there was never a chance that she wasn't going to be in the top 5. And I think deep down, everyone knew this, but people chose to ignore it. (see the pre-nom ADF poll) I don't understand why people are so slow to understand that to Hollywood, Meryl is probably the closest thing to God that there is. She was and never will be in danger of not getting nominated for roles like these. 


And Judi was locked. She had Weinstein and a great storyline to complement her. Going Blind, possibly last lead film role, anti-catholic, BP nominee, blah, blah, blah. (Something that Thompson never had, might I add. Such a pity that you couldn't have picked a better horse.)


That's exactly what I've been saying. Glad to see you ultimately agree with me.


On the topic of storylines, let me put it this way. Dench was the only one this year with a storyline. Thompson's performance is easily better than Adams or Bullock, and even though I haven't seen Blanchett, it looks like she's gonna win the Oscar without a storyline either. Thompson is easily the biggest snub of the Oscar season this year, and your precious Meryl and Judi are to blame, most likely. Seeing that it should be obvious that they got fifth and fourth in the voting.


How do you know they weren't? What do you know that she doesn't? Share please.


I'll let someone who actually knew Walt Disney speak for me:



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That's exactly what I've been saying. Glad to see you ultimately agree with me.


On the topic of storylines, let me put it this way. Dench was the only one this year with a storyline. Thompson's performance is easily better than Adams or Bullock, and even though I haven't seen Blanchett, it looks like she's gonna win the Oscar without a storyline either. Thompson is easily the biggest snub of the Oscar season this year, and your precious Meryl and Judi are to blame, most likely. Seeing that it should be obvious that they got fifth and fourth in the voting.



I'll let someone who actually knew Walt Disney speak for me:




Speak for yourself. I don't want to read all of that, lol.

Edited by ECSTASY
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Speak for yourself.


I already did like three weeks ago.




I'll be honest and say I haven't looked much into the Motion Picture Alliance, so I really don't know, but let me put it this way with the racism and antisemitism allegations:


On the subject of antisemitism: Walt Disney made anti-Nazi propaganda cartoons. Now, I know this isn't necessarily showing he wasn't anti-Semitic, but it certainly helps his case. Many Jewish workers who worked directed under Walt came forward to defend him after allegations of Walt being anti-Semitic became big thanks to Family Guy. There is no evidence to support Walt Disney being anti-Semitic, but there is plenty to support he was not.


On the subject of racism: Yes, Disney's films included racial stereotypes, but so did many other films back then. Heck,  movies such as The Jungle Book and Lady and the Tramp included stereotypes, after Walt was well gone from this world. Walt Disney wasn't that progressive, but he at least tried. Song of the South is now called a racist film, but when it was being made, Walt cleared the script with James Baskett and several anti-racism organizations to try and make sure that no one would take offense. The public reaction of the movie being called racist shocked Disney and hurt his own reputation.

Walt was not particularly progressive in race relations, but he tried unlike most people back when he was around in the film industry. What Streep is talking about merely falls under the blind repetition of rumors that have become popular thanks to Seth McFarlane. As Panda said, Streep's just trying to "take a stand and tell Disney to own up to their legacy," which, to some degree, I agree with. However, by calling Disney an anti-Semitic racist, she's basically resorting to name-calling a dead man.


I'm not getting into the damn argument again. Feel free to read that thread to know my stance

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That's exactly what I've been saying. Glad to see you ultimately agree with me.


On the topic of storylines, let me put it this way. Dench was the only one this year with a storyline. Thompson's performance is easily better than Adams or Bullock, and even though I haven't seen Blanchett, it looks like she's gonna win the Oscar without a storyline either. Thompson is easily the biggest snub of the Oscar season this year, and your precious Meryl and Judi are to blame, most likely. Seeing that it should be obvious that they got fifth and fourth in the voting.


She might've she might've not. 4th and 5th were her and Amy. That much I admit to, but at the end of the day, placement doesn't matter. Meryl was always gonna get a spot, whether she came 1st or 5th in amount of votes. It was the late rush of our Lady Edith Greenley who pushed Thompson out. Not Dench or Meryl. American Hustle's surge is the only reason why your Thompson (who was meh in her role, i might add, but better than American's Favourite Leading Housewife new and improved edition) missed. Meryl was never gonna miss, get over yourself. She's Meryl fucking streep, of course she's in. Dench is in cus she hit all the factors. And Blanshitto wasn't gonna miss cus her film was BP no. 10 and had the Hawkins nod, and Bullock well that's self explanatory. That really only leaves Thompson.


This was pure and simple and basic logic and I said that THompson wasn't safe and not surprsingly you didn't listen (nor did anyone) and all ended up being wrong. If Amy was going to get in, it was always going to be at Thompson's expense. No one else. I don't know how much clearer anyone could be. I'm practically spoonfeeding you the facts.


And Blanshitto has a storyline. Well respected veteran actress, never won in lead. People are still bitter about 1998, believe it or not. Her storyline is one that stretches back from her loss in Elizabeth. She has a storyline and that is why she's winning. 

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She might've she might've not. 4th and 5th were her and Amy. That much I admit to, but at the end of the day, placement doesn't matter. Meryl was always gonna get a spot, whether she came 1st or 5th in amount of votes. It was the late rush of our Lady Edith Greenley who pushed Thompson out. Not Dench or Meryl. American Hustle's surge is the only reason why your Thompson (who was meh in her role, i might add, but better than American's Favourite Leading Housewife new and improved edition) missed. Meryl was never gonna miss, get over yourself. She's Meryl fucking streep, of course she's in. Dench is in cus she hit all the factors. And Blanshitto wasn't gonna miss cus her film was BP no. 10 and had the Hawkins nod, and Bullock well that's self explanatory. That really only leaves Thompson.


This was pure and simple and basic logic and I said that THompson wasn't safe and not surprsingly you didn't listen (nor did anyone) and all ended up being wrong. If Amy was going to get in, it was always going to be at Thompson's expense. No one else. I don't know how much clearer anyone could be. I'm practically spoonfeeding you the facts.


And Blanshitto has a storyline. Well respected veteran actress, never won in lead. People are still bitter about 1998, believe it or not. Her storyline is one that stretches back from her loss in Elizabeth. She has a storyline and that is why she's winning. 



Yes and I'm one of them. :angry:

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Yes and I'm one of them. :angry:


I'm kinda there too..... I can't get mad at SiL because its sweep carried Dame Judi to her win and atoned her egregious loss to That godawful woman who really deserves a fate as awful as Knightmare. (And i liked it better than SPR :ph34r:) But, then again Blanshitto lost to Gwenyth :( 

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She might've she might've not. 4th and 5th were her and Amy. Doubt it; pretty sure Amy was #3 thanks to all the American Hustle love and the fact that, out of the four acting nominations that film has, she was the best performance. That much I admit to, but at the end of the day, placement doesn't matter. Meryl was always gonna get a spot, whether she came 1st or 5th in amount of votes. That's why she got nominated for Hope Springs last year, right? It was the late rush of our Lady Edith Greenley who pushed Thompson out. Not Dench or Meryl. Meryl clearly pushed her out; the lack of August noms outside of acting shows that American Hustle's surge is the only reason why your Thompson (who was meh in her role, i might add says the person who loved Meryl's performance in Sausage County, but better than American's Favourite Leading Housewife new and improved edition I'll agree with ya here, since Thompson was the best female performance I saw in 2013) missed. Meryl was never gonna miss, get over yourself. She's Meryl fucking streep, of course she's in Hope Springs, Manchurian Candidate, The Hours. Dench is in cus she hit all the factors her film didn't; her storyline was the only thing she had going for her. And Blanshitto wasn't gonna miss cus her film was BP no. 10 and had the Hawkins nod we don't know it was #10, but it's irrelevant to argue this since she's gonna win it, and Bullock well that's self explanatory. That really only leaves Thompson.


This was pure and simple and basic logic and I said that THompson wasn't safe and not surprsingly you didn't listen (nor did anyone) and all ended up being wrong. If Amy was going to get in, it was always going to be at Thompson's expense. Dench, Streep as ALWAYS No one else. I don't know how much clearer anyone could be. I'm practically spoonfeeding you the facts.



And Blanshitto has a storyline. Well respected veteran actress, never won in lead. People are still bitter about 1998, believe it or not. Her storyline is one that stretches back from her loss in Elizabeth. She has a storyline and that is why she's winning.  Pretty sure she's winning because of the performance being an all-time Woody great, but gee what do I know? I'm a peasant


Oh and this is what we think of Thompson supporters: 


Posted Image


You're honestly sounding like you're hanging onto your thompson butt hurt for the sake of griping about something. 

Except that I was complaining about Streep being factually wrong about Walt Disney before the snub. And Thompson is easily getting my vote for the Boffies (not that that means anything :P )

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I'm kinda there too..... I can't get mad at SiL because its sweep carried Dame Judi to her win and atoned her egregious loss to That godawful woman who really deserves a fate as awful as Knightmare. (And i liked it better than SPR :ph34r:) But, then again Blanshitto lost to Gwenyth :(


Shakespeare in Love was good. But to me Elizabeth was much better. And Cate was much better than Gwyneth with her struggle english accent.

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Except that I was complaining about Streep being factually wrong about Walt Disney before the snub. And Thompson is easily getting my vote for the Boffies (not that that means anything :P )


Okay. It was confusing to read my post, cus I was wondering how I was contradicting myself. :lol: 


And i don't think so. Amy was a very late surge. We weren't really considering her as a legitimate contender until voting had started. (at least that was how I interpreted it.)  So, I don't think she would've ended up 3rd. 4th/5th is more likely. 




Manchurian Candidate is a mystery, but that can be possibly attributed to Hollywood politics. Hope Springs, no screeners = no noms. Got it now? Don't make me repeat myself, yet again. And The Hours was the same year as Adaptation. And guess what she got that year? A nom. <------- Read that carefully. A. Nomination. For. An. Academy. Award. 



Hmm. I wonder how an anti-catholic, Weinstein, tearjerker that got a BP nom (while SMB got snubbed, might I add) doesn't contribute to the Dench storyline. I wonder. Really. Enlighten me because you've stumped me and I'm quite intelligent from an objective standpoint (but probably kinda flawed :P ).


Ugh. I think people's standards for Woody are dropping. I mean compared to his previous greats, Jasmine really is a midget. Blanshitto's winning cus she's due and highly respected and people still remember 1998. (God knows I do.) 


Psh.... You were complaining about Thompson and talking about how Dench and Streep pushed Thompson out, which really isn't accurate at all. Streep has her name carved in a nominee spot everytime a role like this comes up, so she was always locked. Dench is locked. Bullock is locked. Blanshitto is locked. I told you that Thompson wasn't locked and you laughed at me and now I'm laughing at you because I was right. Thompson was the weak link from the beginning honestly. It really is obvious when you look at it and it's quite amazing how exquisite human blindness is. The first three (Dench, Bullock, Blanshitto) were locked for obvious reason and Meryl defies all rules when it comes to movies so she was obviously in. (She survives bad reviews, wins her third in a non-BP nommed film, you can't apply your convention film awards logic to Meryl.)

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You guys make me REALLY want to see Streep and Thompson get into a cat fight with each other! :ph34r:


:lol: Who wouldn't. 



Shakespeare in Love was good. But to me Elizabeth was much better. And Cate was much better than Gwyneth with her struggle english accent.


But JUDI WON................. :P



Aren't they good friends?


Well as Meryl said when she accepted her Emmy for Angels in America, Emma can hold a grudge forever. 

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:lol: Who wouldn't. 




But JUDI WON................. :P




Well as Meryl said when she accepted her Emmy for Angels in America, Emma can hold a grudge forever. 


I have no complaints about Judi winning. She can do no wrong in my book. She and Cate in Notes on a Scandal. Crazy.

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Okay. It was confusing to read my post, cus I was wondering how I was contradicting myself. :lol: Well, I have a headache right now, so might as well give you another by responding this way :D


And i don't think so. Amy was a very late surge. We weren't really considering her as a legitimate contender until voting had started. (at least that was how I interpreted it.)  Meh, once Sausage County premiered to scathing reviews, most people put her in Meryl's place in their predicts So, I don't think she would've ended up 3rd. 4th/5th is more likely. 




Manchurian Candidate is a mystery, but that can be possibly attributed to Hollywood politics. Hope Springs, no screeners = no noms. Got it now? Don't make me repeat myself, yet again. But but but... ALONE YET NOT ALONE had no screeners And The Hours was the same year as Adaptation. And guess what she got that year? A nom. <------- Read that carefully. A. Nomination. For. An. Academy. Award. Pft. If Meryl is a goddess, she should've been double nominated.



Hmm. I wonder how an anti-catholic, Weinstein, tearjerker that got a BP nom (while SMB got snubbed, might I add) doesn't contribute to the Dench storyline. I wonder. Really. Enlighten me because you've stumped me and I'm quite intelligent from an objective standpoint (but probably kinda flawed :P ).


Ugh. I think people's standards for Woody are dropping. I mean compared to his previous greats, Jasmine really is a midget. Blanshitto's winning cus she's due and highly respected and people still remember 1998. (God knows I do.)  I wouldn't know, I've never seen a Woody movie


Psh.... You were complaining about Thompson and talking about how Dench and Streep pushed Thompson out, which really isn't accurate at all. Streep has her name carved in a nominee spot everytime a role like this comes up, so she was always locked. Dench is locked. Bullock is locked. Blanshitto is locked. I told you that Thompson wasn't locked and you laughed at me and now I'm laughing at you because I was right. Thompson was the weak link from the beginning honestly. It really is obvious when you look at it and it's quite amazing how exquisite human blindness is. The first three (Dench, Bullock, Blanshitto) were locked for obvious reason and Meryl defies all rules when it comes to movies so she was obviously in. (She survives bad reviews, wins her third in a non-BP nommed film, you can't apply your convention film awards logic to Meryl.)


I had a huge argument written for the last bit but decided just to 




because I have a huge migraine right now. Let's agree to disagree. 


(Although this whole argument may have convinced me to cast Emma Thompson and Meryl Streep in the next (if I ever write it) Chuck Norris and Liam Neeson movie  :ph34r: )

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Can we all agree Meryl Streep got an undeserved nomination (literally she could star in Avatar 2 and they'd probably give her a nomiation)? Just because the Weinsteins buy nominations (oops did I say that out loud?...), doesn't mean Meryl gave an Oscar-caliber performance. She didn't deserve it for Iron Lady either (a mediocre film) but because as riczhang says, she's Meryl Streep so she steals a nomination from someone who deserved it more (Emma Thompson)


Saving Mr. Banks: 81% RT

August - Osage County: 65% RT 


I'm pretty sure it's obvious which one had the better acting in it... 


And I've always been annoyed with the mentality that a certain actor should get preference for a nomination over someone who gave a far superior performance. 

Edited by mahnamahna
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