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BO.com 100 Greatest Directors PRESENTATION

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1. steven spielberg - 76 pts


2. stanley kubrick - 66 pts


Edited by lisa
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1. steven spielberg - 76 pts




2. stanley kubrick - 66 pts

    [*]2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY





What do you mean sadly?? Spielberg is right where he should be.

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If anyone is not happy with this list, well, you have to understand that for a lot of voters favoritism plays a huge part in their definition of "greatest", and this type of lists more than often serve as a test of popularity. This is why directors like Cameron, Nolan and QT who ain't really known for their range, which I believe is a critical factor to making the judgement, can get into top10 while directors like Ang lee who left their footprint in many kinds of genres couldn't get anywhere near them. In fact, like I previously said, Nolan could've easily made to top5 hadn't some member purposely left him out of their lists, and top5 sounds quite like how popular now Nolan is.


It's like you would have Michael Bay into the top10 if you made this thread on the Michael Bay forum. There's nothing right or wrong with that. It's just the most shared opinion of a certain group.

Edited by vc2002
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If anyone is not happy with this list, well, you have to understand that for a lot of voters favoritism plays a huge part in their definition of "greatest", and this type of lists more than often serve as a test of popularity. This is why directors like Cameron, Nolan and QT who ain't really known for their range, which I believe is a critical factor to making the judgement, can get into top10 while directors like Ang lee who left their footprint in many kinds of genres couldn't get anywhere near them. In fact, like I previously said, Nolan could've easily made to top5 hadn't some member purposely left him out of their lists, and top5 sounds quite like how popular now Nolan is.


It's like you would have Michael Bay into the top10 if you made this thread on the Michael Bay forum. There's nothing right or wrong with that. It's just the most shared opinion of a certain group.


Yeah I love Quentin Tarantino but like you said, all his films are pretty similar. The greatest directors out there are those who are diverse and have proven themselves in every genre. And then there's Spielberg who can do just about anything from arty historic masterpieces to crowd pleasing summer popcorn fun.

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If anyone is not happy with this list, well, you have to understand that for a lot of voters favoritism plays a huge part in their definition of "greatest", and this type of lists more than often serve as a test of popularity. This is why directors like Cameron, Nolan and QT who ain't really known for their range, which I believe is a critical factor to making the judgement, can get into top10 while directors like Ang lee who left their footprint in many kinds of genres couldn't get anywhere near them. In fact, like I previously said, Nolan could've easily made to top5 hadn't some member purposely left him out of their lists, and top5 sounds quite like how popular now Nolan is.


It's like you would have Michael Bay into the top10 if you made this thread on the Michael Bay forum. There's nothing right or wrong with that. It's just the most shared opinion of a certain group.

thank you for the entirely unnecessary exposition

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If you want to talk range in different genres, Ron Reiner should be much higher as well.



Coming of age


Romantic Comedy

Courtroom/law drama



The man has done it all and done it well.

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When Jurassic Park or Saving Privat Ryan cannot make it into a list of your 3 most important works, you must be doing something right


Lisa openly hates Spielberg.  She thinks JAWS is a horrible movie.

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Yeah I love Quentin Tarantino but like you said, all his films are pretty similar. The greatest directors out there are those who are diverse and have proven themselves in every genre. And then there's Spielberg who can do just about anything from arty historic masterpieces to crowd pleasing summer popcorn fun.

I get what you're saying, and I agree that it's impressive with directors who do great things in many different genres, but I don't think that should be a prerequisite for being considerate an all-time great.

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Lisa openly hates Spielberg.  She thinks JAWS is a horrible movie.

I actually don't like E.T or Jaws (it could well be because I was about 14 the first time I watched either of them and this forum is proof enough of what bad taste 14yr olds have in films :P ) but you can't deny the range, acclaim (critical and audience) that he gets. It helps in my case that Jurassic Park hit the cinemas when i was 10 and so was automatically the most awesome film ever.I cannot understand how one can view certain directors as being bad even if they don't like the films. I read a George Orwell book once (Coming Up For Air) and it really depressed me reading it as all i could think was: this is one of the most well written things I've ever read, why am I bored out of my mind reading it?I couldn't deny the author's clear talent even though I hated the book
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Spielberg is unquestionably the best director of all time.  And in this case, I don't think it's a matter of opinion.  Critically, he's adored more than hated.  Academy wise, he has two best director wins and another 4 or 5 nominations (not looking it up) and box office wise he has no equal.  He is the most recognized director by name in the world.  You can like him or dislike him but he cannot be ignored as the best of all time.

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I get what you're saying, and I agree that it's impressive with directors who do great things in many different genres, but I don't think that should be a prerequisite for being considerate an all-time great.


No, but when you master all those different genres with films like Shindlers List, Raider of the Lost Ark, Jaws and even Saving Private Ryan then I think you deserve to be high on the list. Of course you can have some directors that make an average-good movie in different genres (Boyle) but Spielberg can make a masterpiece of different genres. That qualifies as an all time great to me. His films are also loved by the public, he knows how to make people relate to his work.

Edited by Jessie
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If anyone is not happy with this list, well, you have to understand that for a lot of voters favoritism plays a huge part in their definition of "greatest", and this type of lists more than often serve as a test of popularity. This is why directors like Cameron, Nolan and QT who ain't really known for their range, which I believe is a critical factor to making the judgement, can get into top10 while directors like Ang lee who left their footprint in many kinds of genres couldn't get anywhere near them. In fact, like I previously said, Nolan could've easily made to top5 hadn't some member purposely left him out of their lists, and top5 sounds quite like how popular now Nolan is.


It's like you would have Michael Bay into the top10 if you made this thread on the Michael Bay forum. There's nothing right or wrong with that. It's just the most shared opinion of a certain group.

From what I've seen of Ang Lee (and granted, I have yet to see Hulk, Brokeback and Lust, Caution), he's bland as fuck. He might move effortlessly between genres, but there's no personality there, no interesting voice, you could slap any other director's name on his movies and no one would notice it. I can appreciate range, but Lee seems to me a good example of how overrated range can be in some cases. QT might just be doing his QT thing a lot of the time, but he absolutely perfected it and made what are in my opinion a few masterpieces that aren't like any other films I've seen. And while I'm not a huge fan of Cameron or Nolan, I can't deny that they aren't journeymen, either.

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