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Dylan Farrow writes that she was sexually abused by Woody Allen

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Maybe! But Mia Farrow is not somebody that I particularly like. I acknowledge that.


Personally I think those whole affair should have been much more private.


Yeah... lets sweep all child molestation's under the rug.


You obviously do not have kids.  If you did you would understand why Fallow would go bat shit over finding nude photos of one of her kids at Allen's place and her 7 year old being molested. 

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Nope. The allegations would be iffy regardless.


Woody Allen is an iffy person. He has been on a therapy because of his "innappropriate behavior" toward an underage Dylan Farrow on his own agreement and admission. One of the reasons why he was denied children custody. That's a fact you seem so hellbent to ignore. Allen has a fishy record regarding his borderline behaviour toward young female individuals especially if they're underage. You surely want to keep on being blind and oblivious to those facts to believe Barbara Walters of all people instead of actually caring to listen to the alledged victim.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Yeah... lets sweep all child molestation's under the rug.


You obviously do not have kids.  If you did you would understand why Fallow would go bat shit over finding nude photos of one of her kids at Allen's place and her 7 year old being molested. 


In general Mia has been shown to be "insane". She does very weird things from what I hear.


Also we're not exactly sweeping any child molestation "under the rug", considering it hasn't been factually proven. Also Mia and her family are going crazy over more than just supposed "child molestation". Just look at what Ronan (who is very unlikeable BTW) wrote when Woody Allen received (but did not accept) the achievement award.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Woody Allen is an iffy person. He has been on a therapy because of his "innappropriate behavior" toward an underage Dylan Farrow on his own agreement and admission. One of the reasons why he was denied children custody. That's a fact you seem so hellbent to ignore. Allen has a fishy record regarding his borderline behaviour toward young female individuals especially if they're underage. You surely want to keep on being blind and oblivious to those facts to believe Barbara Walters of all people instead of actually caring to listen to the alledged victim.


I have to say, the one thing I find odd about the whole situation is how Dylan never said anything for twenty years, or that Mia Farrow said that Ronan was Frank Sinatra's kid (despite looking like him, Frank could barely walk from what I hear and Frank's widow Barbara Marx says the whole thing is balooney) which was clearly done to diminish Allen. Everything that has just happened, happens to be coming around the same time of Ronan's show too.


Plus Maureen Orth wrote that Mia Farrow piece twenty years ago and now she's writing a new piece and claiming that she hasn't been connected to her since.


Course Mia Farrow's no saint either, neither is Woody Allen.

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And that for you is really "insane" behavior compared to Allen's behavior (leaving pictures of Mia Farrow's daughter naked just to burst their relationship then marrying the young sister of his young son Ronan. If I was Mia Farrow I surely would be mad at him. Or having therapy on his own consent and admission for his innappropriate behaviour toward a 7 year old child)?


Astounding. No one is here to call people "saint" or "devil" in absolute. We're dealing with troubled human beings in a dysfunctional family.



the one thing I find odd about the whole situation is how Dylan never said anything for twenty years


You know victims of abuse feel guilt, grow up in shame (not hard especially when many Allen apologists all around here are prone to call Dylan a liar since she was a child) and can't find the strength to speak up over the years because it seems the whole world wants them to shut up and get shunned especially when the abuser is some kind of celebrated "genius" artists by his fellow peers.


So I don't know why people act all surprised it could take that long. She said it herself (She's in a much more steady emotional place to speak herself up about the things that have hindered her for so long especially seeing her former tormentor being celebrated which has re-ignited something deep. That's called resilience. People should not blame her for feeling anger if that helps her to move on) but since no one really seems to really care reading her letter because slut shaming Mia Farrow as the vile bitter lover and victim shaming Dylan Farrow as the lobotomized daughter of the witch is much more easy and comfortable.

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Well I'm not gonna keep arguing with you Dash for right now, but I will leave this quote that Woody Allen said regarding Mia Farrow (which is exactly how I feel),


"All during the custody hearing Mia lied under oath and falsely represented Ronan as our son? Even if he is not Frank's, the possibility she raises that he could be, indicates she was secretly intimate with him during our years ... Not to mention all the money I paid for child support. Was I supporting Frank's son? Again, I want to call attention to the integrity and honesty of a person who conducts her life like that.".

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Well I'm not gonna keep arguing with you Dash for right now, but I will leave this quote that Woody Allen said regarding Mia Farrow (which is exactly how I feel),


"All during the custody hearing Mia lied under oath and falsely represented Ronan as our son? Even if he is not Frank's, the possibility she raises that he could be, indicates she was secretly intimate with him during our years ... Not to mention all the money I paid for child support. Was I supporting Frank's son? Again, I want to call attention to the integrity and honesty of a person who conducts her life like that.".



So for you, the fact that Mia Farrow, a grown up female, claims Ronan Farrow could be Frank Sinatra's son is much more aggravating and vile than Woody Allen, a grown up male abusing an underaged child and getting away with it for 20 years, wow...I guess Allen didn't mention how he was cheating his non married companion with all her female co-stars (and his girlfriend's adopted daughter FFS!) during his open relationship. What oath is he talking about? They were not married, right? There is a thing called DNA tests. Maybe he should have taken one if he had longtime doubts about Farrow's "integrity" in the first place.


Strange for someone whose fans said he didn't have any interest in raising children and was distant (to explain that he was not a substitute father to Soon Yi before their relationship became public). Now all of a sudden he is flabbergasted Ronan is not his biological son and that he wanted so bad to raise Ronan as his legitimate son.


So he was a dedicated substitute father to Dylan and Ronan despite the fact he was not really his son but not to his other sister Soon Yi (a former abused child with disabilities) because he was not interested in raising Mia's children despite living under the same roof. Are you kidding me? That's total contradictory non sense. What kind of father is that?


Allen is an ugly delusional guy that thinks he can fuck Farrow's daughter under Farrow's roof while being in a relationship with Farrow, take pictures of her daughter naked for her to see, humiliate her by marrying the sister of his other adopted children and make people rail against Mia Farrow as an hysterical bitch while trying to get custody of those children. (Still whining he's a victim and has done nothing wrong while he is still being celebrated as a "genius" by Hollywood stroking his dick). Pathetic sick f*ck.

Edited by dashrendar44
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Woody Allen being in a therapy with a child psychologist because of his "alleged innappropriate behaviour" toward his adopted daughter who still stand her claims to this day, a fact among others that caused Judge Wilk to deny Allen custody of Mia Farrow's children (because he found that Mr. Allen’s behavior toward Dylan was “grossly inappropriate and that measures must be taken to protect her”) is a proven fact that is as proven that it can be proven.


I'll leave it at this.

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I'll just say this, when the claims are proven, I'll believe Dylan's story.


No charges were filed against Michael Jackson back in the 90s when the sex abuse scandal first surfaced. Jerry Sandusky was investigated for the first time in 1998 and no charges were pressed. Allegations against some Catholic priests aren't new. Some of them were accused of molestation back in 80s and 90s but they had powerful people protecting them and nothing came out of those allegations. That no charges were pressed against Woody Allen was not an anomaly but par for the course back in the 90s as far as rich and powerful people were concerned. I believe in innocent until proven guilty but that only applies in cases where there was an attempt to prove guilt. If no one bothered to prove whether a person was guilty then innocent until proven guilty is not a judicial philosophy, it is a cop-out.

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I really don't know what to say , on one hand if this is true its horrible but on the other hand I have a strong distaste for people airing such private matter in public esp when the aim of such airing is not only about the victim trauma , why not before? Why during awards season ? The motives are so shady , reeks of a smear campaign for some reason mia farrow kept on insisting as it seemed story wasn't getting any tractionI don't know a person who doesn't think woody allen is weird and has had a very questionable life and lifestyle over the years esp with marrying his daughter but they're still married as far as I can tell so even if it weirded me out who am I to judge if they actually do love each other Thing is if this is true then they should have pressed charges when there was something to be done about it Its like polanski , that other year where the whole affair he did to that minor was dragged in the news to point the girl in question had to give face and make clear she was over it and didn't agree with the justice dept insistence upon it I'm glad she didn't leave what happened to her define her and her future! As for polanski , woody allen and other jerks/ sexual fiends if they've learned from their mistakes and haven't deviate since that's all the rehabilitation you can ask for ... For what its worth its important to separate the artist from the person , we live in a grey world nobody we all have part angel part demon in us , mostly with a good checks and balances in place but when its not aie aie aieAnyhoo nothing is what it seems in whacky hollywood ! I hardly think mia farrow is squeaky clean , where the heck was she during that time and what did she do to stop it , again I ask why wasn't this dealt with when it was relevant legally ?

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Dash , I do understand your argument of it taking time to reach a place where they can talk about what happened to them but that's why someone in this case her mother should have pressed charges at once instead she let her daughter grow up thinking she did wrong and her father didn't since he's living his life and success , she should have protected her daughter but at same time bring the weight of the law against him If I had kids I wouldn't care what anyone thought I'd see him to hell if it was the last thing I did and not wait 20 yrs , her kid was young she wasn't she failed her kids also by not doing more once the fact was known And in case you're wondering I'm no fan of polanski or allen the person but I won't deny their films are work of art I sincerely hope this doesn't affect cate blanchett oscar hopes And also what are they expecting to happen right now a public lynching ? What is that going to solve ? Just another day in hollywood , scandal after scandal !

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Ok so I've read previous 2 pages so a judge decided not to pursue the case and that was the end all of the shole shebang and accepted by everyone involved and if so what is all this drama unfolding truely about ? Well I certainly hope the victim dylan gains something from going public and can move forward and not let her past have such a hold on her. Off to watch "capital" on m6 its about public finances wasting in our "beloved" france its edifying to say the least

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