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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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While I think it would be foolish to doubt Cameron, but I just don't hear Avatar talked in the same circle as other blockbusters

you need to go into alot more forums lol. They have thousands of avtar communities dar. And hmmm maybe because cameron is keeping things secret, didnt stop titanic and avatar did it lol. Fans just comevwhen its a cameron epic. All fox and cameron will doo is get the ads outthere, pull another avtar preview day. A feat none of these mere mortal bbs have felt confident to do. Once i saw the 16min avatar day in imax 3d. I knew i was right about its potential to go far beyond titanic. Surely commonsense shows camerons epics dont need the kind of blitz advertising like tdk, jpworld and othet franchises need to strike a chord.
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You have a 9 year gap in between this and the 1st movie.. There's no way this doesn't decrease, whether a little or a lot.. It's going to happen..


Hmm jurassic park world bkb. Lol, dude your film has underperformed deal with it. Camerons never had.

Last jp film was 14 yrs ago. When you come into a discussion use logic.

Biggest hv seller since 90s, over 3 billion in merchandising, millions upon millions of fans loyal to cameron. Decrease is a must? You still havent learn from your avengers and jpworld posts. Some people who make films, rules of the norm dont apply. So stop the madness. If jpworld can mop the floor of avengers single day record with no film in 18 yrs thats done great hv or box office. Avatar increasing on every front isnt much of a stretch.

Lol @ bkb sequels that take too long cant increase. Someone better check bo history baby!

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Don't know how much the 3D aspect is being mentioned here, but the novelty of 3D was a massive, massive part of AVTRs success.  It was promised as revolutionary, and as the smartphone revolution was in full gear, everybody was itching to be on the bleeding edge (or be viewed that way). 


Unless Cameron & Co. can once again dupe people into thinking there's some revolutionary aspect of the movie (which they might well), this is going to be well below 600m, and likely below 500 DOM.

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Dude, I've said this exact same thing for months and months citing that 3D and how revolutionary it became after this movie was responsible for it's success, but no one would listen to it and considered it practically an insult to imply such a thing...


The 3D "revolution" was actual a fait accompli before this.  IMAX and RealD (which Cameron later became a major shareholder of) had established major market share, and Robert Zemeckis made Polar Express way back in 2004 (then Beowulf in 2007), amongst a good many others.


What Cameron did better than anybody else was dupe people into believing 3D made a huge difference, which Cameron admitted his own testing proved it did not.  But, again, people wanted to be seen as being on the cutting edge, and so they all wanted to "experience it in 3D".  Thus, the #1 movie of all time got that way largely through a sort of corporate-fueled mass hysteria.

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You know im even more curious when the guy behind the biggest movies of all time and biggest sequel jump of all time next part saga will do.

Gd lord if jpw can do 530-640 m domestic or more, what will a cameron film worshipped my hundreds of millions of people do. Especially if avatar2 is terminator 2 level gamechanger in every category luke judgementday was for the film business.

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Lol. If that statement had been true, why did it outsell tdk in ticket sales and blow the socks off all films accept from the champs lion king and titantic and the all time dvd champ finding nemo.

There was no 3d release for avtar until nearly 2yrs after the first hv launch.

Or titanics success. Cameron

Is simply the worlds best and innovative filmmaker of all time and people go out of their way to see what this man has cooked up.

When you have one film that adjusts to 4 billion ww and then your very next one breaks the all time record. 3D alone doesnt explain it. Cameron gave us the first real

real feeling new world where

The music the story , the characters all seemed

To reach new levels of realism. And the.movie doctors said triggers real sensory memory trggers like one has gone to pandora.

Definitely the reason for his back to back

Jawdropping success is his creativity and visual genius is leagues aeveryone else. Avatar over 100 film awards including best picture. Something

The awards the praise is something your. Avengers comic films will never pull off.

Im just glad most have pointed to bkb and other caneron hater numbers as ludcrious vs my own. There is no way a film that sold 50plus million units ww on hv, 2.8b at the bo and is on most peoples list as the greatest movie experience of all time is going to fall to bkbs or yours 500m. Just shows you guys have no logic at all to tracking what films will go to uber bo mode.

Hmm logic over marvel madness.

A 140-200m ow with a cameron muliplier could easilt make 700-900 plus million domestic.

More logic for bkb and the other marvel crazy fellow. Titanic multi= 20, avatar=9.8

Lol you guys really need to up your bo iq. Hah hah.

Lucky to make 400-500m domestic? We need to know what bkb and the other gent are smoking.

Edited by Superman001
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Don't know how much the 3D aspect is being mentioned here, but the novelty of 3D was a massive, massive part of AVTRs success.  It was promised as revolutionary, and as the smartphone revolution was in full gear, everybody was itching to be on the bleeding edge (or be viewed that way). 


Unless Cameron & Co. can once again dupe people into thinking there's some revolutionary aspect of the movie (which they might well), this is going to be well below 600m, and likely below 500 DOM.

it being a revolutionary film period is why everyone went to see it. Avengers and other films used 3d too and nothing close to the success of titanic. I suggest you go to earliet posts. Bkb and your foolish statements have long ben debunked. 3D helped but none if that garbage yu stated explains the sucides the hv sales without 3d lol. Or the hoards of people seeing it in non 3d theaters as well.

Pls stop regurgitating bs. If what yu said wad even half true, avtar wouldnt have made a dent in non 3d theaters, but they posted statements that it outsold tdk and avengers without the 3d lol on all fronts. It would have had 680m and 1.6b os without3d. Still way bigger than all tje movies today. Lol.

3D helped, but its the story, the heart warming involvement you get roped into with the land the characters that kept people coming back.

Avengers in300 -500 percent more theaters is a failure to hold onto to its core fans. The avatar sequel wont be falling period.

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it being a revolutionary film period is why everyone went to see it. Avengers and other films used 3d too and nothing close to the success of titanic. I suggest you go to earliet posts. Bkb and your foolish statements have long ben debunked. 3D helped but none if that garbage yu stated explains the sucides the hv sales without 3d lol. Or the hoards of people seeing it in non 3d theaters as well.

Pls stop regurgitating bs. If what yu said wad even half true, avtar wouldnt have made a dent in non 3d theaters, but they posted statements that it outsold tdk and avengers without the 3d lol on all fronts. It would have had 680m and 1.6b os without3d. Still way bigger than all tje movies today. Lol.

3D helped, but its the story, the heart warming involvement you get roped into with the land the characters that kept people coming back.

Avengers in300 -500 percent more theaters is a failure to hold onto to its core fans. The avatar sequel wont be falling period.



The CNN story about people being "suicidal" after AVTR were clickbait junk.  Show the bodies or stop regurgitating BS.

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The CNN story about people being "suicidal" after AVTR were clickbait junk.  Show the bodies or stop regurgitating BS.

i dont respond to dumb posts. They did show the people who commited suicide doofus. Akot of asians. You have no respect for tradgedy do you. I suggest you go look up news archives guy.
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Anyone who honest to God committed suicide over this dumb movie deserves to be heckled from beyond...

well you thought avengers 2 was a quality movie, so i dont think you are good example of a great movie critic lol. A great movie that makes you feel your part of something beaitiful, then the ride ends and your back into real problems and cant go back to pandora, some people simply cant handle that. When i see you successful and managing a perfect existence, then i tjink you can judge those asians and indian individuals that killed themselves dude.

Thats why you get no blessings, why would you want to heckle mentally unstable people. Though suicide is awful bkb it happens for strange reasons. Dont judge anyone.

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lol! Thumbs up for the trolling! (I'm going to use that one.)

you will just look silly along with bkb when unlike your ultron that failed miserably to make uber numbers, avtar 2 flies over 400 ,500 and 600 m marks. The interesting part will be the 700-900m thresholds. Where will camerons mega epic land domestically?

Lol when your movies can make 500 m in china and japan alone. Then talk about bo might marvel trollup

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Hmm anyone think avtar 2 will get another 8x multiplier. Jpworld makes one so excited for the debut of juggernaut 2017. Starwars could be intersting as well.

To bkb: actually i was amongst the first say jp and sws are big wildcards that could destroy avenger avengers and win the year. You and others laughedus off putting jpworld with that kind of potential. Your owned again. Lol

The film that suprised me was the run of furious 7 kicking marvels tale wuth far less costs ans advertising i might ad. Just like jpw is doing now. Man your film could end up 4th this year. Not even a bronze bo trophy for ultron. At least you will get the bronze for domestic.

Unlike your mere mortal avw

av2 guy. Avtar fans going to get the gold domestically and worldwide. Bkb, brian and marvel losers of 2017 will be whining On cameron success.

Us cameron winners will go home and f the prom queen.

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TA2 was a Quality movie. Why wasn't it a Quality movie Kal?? Because it didn't beat the 1st movie???

Well Its not a bad movie, but you know what I mean.. Didnt exactly set new ground like TDK, Cap 2, SM2. :(


Still I give the movie an 7.8 out of 10. Avengers 9.6, Cap II 9.8, SM2 and TDK 10 out of 10


Other quality mentionables in CBM realm... Iron Man 1 9.3,  MOS, 9.4,  Xmen 2(Xmen United) 9.5


Xmen Days of Future Past 9.4. BB  9.7

Edited by Superman001
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Sorry, but yeah, I'm going to judge folks who commit suicide over a movie like AVATAR.. Sort of hard not to cause it's absurd to end a human life over a movie.. So when they killed themselves, was it in glorious 3D??

Got bills or facing street life, or a sickness that gives you horrible pain someone that beats you every day..


 You never know what you will contemplate. Law of attraction teaches us to try and look into other shoes before juding the next man.


 Sucide definitely seems like extreme failure , especially if your talking about doing it over a movie experience, but its not really the movie. Its the circumstances already going on the individuals circle, Avatar unfortunately helpped to push some of the folks with extreme depression right over the edge. Im not going to judge them, because its said every man and woman has threshold which if pushed over it could cause the person to think about and carryout suciide. We all have limts, just gotta be thankful we are not in situations usually that have us thinking about that kind of final decision Bkb. Still I say dont judge another human being till we know what theyve been through and can say I can handle that. You feel me :)?

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The 3D "revolution" was actual a fait accompli before this.  IMAX and RealD (which Cameron later became a major shareholder of) had established major market share, and Robert Zemeckis made Polar Express way back in 2004 (then Beowulf in 2007), amongst a good many others.


What Cameron did better than anybody else was dupe people into believing 3D made a huge difference, which Cameron admitted his own testing proved it did not.  But, again, people wanted to be seen as being on the cutting edge, and so they all wanted to "experience it in 3D".  Thus, the #1 movie of all time got that way largely through a sort of corporate-fueled mass hysteria.


They do it all the time, making you believe how awesome the latest blockbuster is. It's called marketing.


Where did Cameron admit 3D doesn't make a whole lot of difference? He was and still is a big proponent of that format, for a reason. And if you think it's money, you really don't think highly of him.

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Sorry, but yeah, I'm going to judge folks who commit suicide over a movie like AVATAR.. Sort of hard not to cause it's absurd to end a human life over a movie.. So when they killed themselves, was it in glorious 3D??



Please, BKB...it's easy to fall into the trap of "get over it; it's just a movie," but we all know that popular entertainment has a powerful hold on many people, and some people are very fragile and vulnerable (on an emotional and psychological level). We never know what exactly could precipitate depressive mood disorders, but once you are there, it's not pretty. Yes, I could see why some people could feel that the world in a fictional universe like AVATAR was a much better alternative to their real-world problems, and we should not judge. It's all an individual journey, and what we should do is have empathy, compassion, and kindness.

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