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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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43 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

With Star Wars now out of the equation, does anything other than Avatar 2 have a chance at beating $2.78b worldwide?

Infinity Wars is just another superhero movie, it's got no chance.


It would have to be something new right.

Imo no franchise of any kind can generate that much interest in a movie. Originality gives that sense of something new and not seen before which gets people who wouldnt otherwise go to the cinema out of their homes

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45 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

With Star Wars now out of the equation, does anything other than Avatar 2 have a chance at beating $2.78b worldwide?

Infinity Wars is just another superhero movie, it's got no chance.


It would have to be something new right.

Needs to be something new and original (blockbuster budget of course) that will require great critic response (fresh in RT) and more than great word of mouth that will get people to the cinema that are not usually going.

At some point in the future it will probably happen but who knows.

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50 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

With Star Wars now out of the equation, does anything other than Avatar 2 have a chance at beating $2.78b worldwide?

Infinity Wars is just another superhero movie, it's got no chance.


It would have to be something new right.


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I took the quiz and I'm most closely connected with the Kekunan



" They are known for their fast reflexes, cool composure and courageous heart "


sound about right

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On 12/15/2017 at 1:29 PM, IronJimbo said:

With Star Wars now out of the equation, does anything other than Avatar 2 have a chance at beating $2.78b worldwide?

Infinity Wars is just another superhero movie, it's got no chance.


It would have to be something new right.

Whatever it is, it won't be a sequel and we won't see it coming.

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23 minutes ago, LinksterAC said:

Inflation gains are probably another year or two away from cancelling out the exchange rate loss to the Euro.  That’s assuming exchange rates stay where they are, and don’t drop to early 2017 levels (in which case it could take another eight years).


So basically Avatar 2 has to equal Avatar’s number of tickets sold to get within shouting distance of its predecessor’s WW gross.  Maybe it can do that, but it will take some serious JC magic.  I’m not counting him out, because he’s a visionary who pushes the medium technically (while consistently telling good stories).  


That said, I think the original Avatar was a perfect storm of things that’s unlikely to be repeated given the movie’s tepid imprint on popular culture in the years since its release, and the broad adoption of its benchmark technology by the rest of the industry.  It’s no Titanic in terms of its cultural impact, and its sequels won’t likely be the must-see technical showcase it was.


Calling $3B the floor is unrealistic in my mind.  Maybe for the cumulative WW gross of two of the sequels. 

I quoted you from the Avatar thread.


Inflation and exchange rate and the rest of the world.

In December 2020 if Avatar 2 was to match Avatar's 75 million tickets sold in Europe it would probably gross close to Avatar's $1b from Europe, I'm agreed with you there. By the way we have to also entertain that the exchange rates could increase not drop. If we forget about Europe and look at the rest of the overseas market, I'm confident in saying if Avatar 2 performs the same as Avatar comparatively to the market sizes, Avatar 2 will definitely make more.


JC Magic

You don't make the highest grossing film of all time, not once, but twice though? Without a bit of JC magic.


Avatar 2 and pushing film technology forward

Jim promised to “push” innovation in service of storytelling in his Avatar sequels as he accepted an honorary membership in the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/behind-screen/james-cameron-promises-innovation-avatar-sequels-as-hes-feted-by-engineers-942305


Jim had this to say about HDR technology.

"Seeing a film that everybody knows, but seeing it in HDR in 3-D with proper light levels on a Dolby Vision laser projector—it’s really a glimpse of the future. . . . We had the whole film remastered in HDR, and it’s stunning. It’s beyond 70 millimeter, it’s beyond any format that you’ve seen before". 


"Obviously the [new] Avatar films will be [in Dolby Vision] as well, and in fact, we’re also going to do a conversion of Avatar to HDR. We’ll re-release that at some point down the line.”

He's really excited about this new technology and is going to use it with the Avatar sequels.


Jim has talked about shooting the action scenes in higher frame rate, but keeping other scenes 24fps.


Jim has innovated a new underwater motion capture technique which he is already using in production of the sequels.


" Well, we’re doing it. It’s never been done before and it’s very tricky because our motion capture system, like most motion capture systems, is what they call optical base, meaning that it uses markers that are photographed with hundreds of cameras.


Cultural Impact

Not convinced there is any correlation between the number of memes a film creates and how well it will do in box office. The cultural impact thing is such a vague and loose thing to measure.

If we are to look at things we can measure though.

Avatar Land

Highest selling Blu-Rays of all time, second to Frozen.

Mountains in China named after Avatar.


This is pretty much more than any stand-alone film has achieved in terms of cultural impact, who cares if people don't quote the film.


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We're still 36 months away from the debut of II.


A lot can happen between now and then politically, socially and culturally will the movie tap in to the collective mood and give us all something to think about or will the messages fall on deaf ears? Avatar is loaded with allegories tied in to modern life and that was one of the major reasons for it's success, it connected with people and made us look around at the world around us. Examples of a corporation like the RDA raping and exploiting the land, it's resources and people are abundant, you only have to read the news to see it happening every single day in some part of the world. It's not only limited to corporations, you have governments, political leaders and very rich powerful people who have no issues doing the same. The movie did show that it's ok to fight back against injustice, it happens all the time in real life however more often than not the underdog does NOT win, there is no last second cavalry racing in to save the day.  


I expect that Cameron and his team will continue to mine the same familiar themes that he has in all of his previous movies with a sprinkling of new ideas brought to us in a world that will blow our minds, the first movie only scratched the surface, I think we're about to get fully immersed in Pandora, hopefully he can get his message(s) across without being too preachy about it. 



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Also another thing people are underestimating is the one month foreign release limit in China.

Two films that I know of have had extensions to their 1 month, zootopia and coco. Zootopia was in Chinese cinema for 7 weeks, increasing from $199m at week 4 to $236m by the end of week 7.


Jim will get an extended release in China for Avatar.

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13 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

Also another thing people are underestimating is the one month foreign release limit in China.

Two films that I know of have had extensions to their 1 month, zootopia and coco. Zootopia was in Chinese cinema for 7 weeks, increasing from $199m at week 4 to $236m by the end of week 7.


Jim will get an extended release in China for Avatar.

Hopefully we see it in China for 12 months. 

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On 12/22/2017 at 11:31 AM, IronJimbo said:



James Cameron had hoped to cast Bill Paxton in Avatar sequels 


fucking sad




I watched True Lies for the first time in years last night, he was hilarious in that movie, some great one liners. Gone far too early it would've been great to see him in Avatar. 




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