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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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New people from Pandora.Human race can't send (money, time) another army on the planet, right?

That won't happen in the second movie. Maybe in the third/fourth as some ultimate climax to the saga. Edited by tribefan695
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But this ridiculous idea that audiences will reject the sequels because suddenly Joe and Jane Filmgoer will care about some high-falutin standards of "quality" is pure, unadulterated fanboy BS.

I never said that audiences will reject the sequels. I just think A2 will see a significant drop in countries where 3D is no longer in favour (especially domestic). I still see it doing $2 billion+ worldwide. And I'll happily watch the sequels. I just hope Cameron focusses on the other characters as much as the planet of Pandora next time. Avatar was a very pretty travelougue, but there was nothing in it to match the emotional weight of the resucitation scene in The Abyss. Like I said, I have no problem with the love the film gets, I just hold Cameron to a higher standard than most filmmakers.
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Ugh, shooting 3 movies at once? Man, I really liked Avatar and it was an amazing experience in theaters in 3D, but if that's accurate I'm already sick of this series. How about one more sequel and see how it goes. Or hell even two more sequels, but 3 at once sounds ridiculous.

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If he has a good story for 3 sequels, by all means go for it. But if its mostly all filler just to explore more of the moon(s), than no thank you. I want 1, 2 and 3. I'm sure by the 4th film, it will be down to 300m domestically. I'm sure international audiences will eat up all of them though.Fox is no doubt loving this. The most they could hope for was 2 more Avatars, now they are getting 3... I can only imagine their excitement. :lol:

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. Avatar was a very pretty travelougue, but there was nothing in it to match the emotional weight of the resucitation scene in The Abyss.

No, YOU thought that there was nothing in it that matched the emotional weight of the Abyss scene.Clearly, it was AVATAR that had million and millions of people connecting emotionally to its characters, not The Abyss. That whole "Avatar was a very pretty, but empty spectacle" argument is so tired, and I feel that, at this point, even the anti-Cameron brigade doesn't believe it itself. It's just some vacuous line that gets repeated ad nauseaum because it's cool to bash him. You do not gross 3 billion people if audiences don't connect emotionally to a story.
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No, YOU thought that there was nothing in it that matched the emotional weight of the Abyss scene.Clearly, it was AVATAR that had million and millions of people connecting emotionally to its characters, not The Abyss. That whole "Avatar was a very pretty, but empty spectacle" argument is so tired, and I feel that, at this point, even the anti-Cameron brigade doesn't believe it itself. It's just some vacuous line that gets repeated ad nauseaum because it's cool to bash him. You do not gross 3 billion people if audiences don't connect emotionally to a story.

Completely agree. A movie doesn't make over $2.7B without any emotional connection to the GA. Plenty of movies before Avatar had spectacle yet none got close to Titanic so there was more then just spectacle that brought the GA back and gave out of this world WOM (9.73x).
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IMO the ending of Avatar, where Neytiri saved Jake and held him in his human body, is one of the most emotional scenes ever. It's not forced. rushed, or artificial. It was purely natural. Think about it, it was the first time Jake actually was able to see and touch Neytiri through his own eyes and hands. After they've been through some much together, it was their first "real" meeting. The emotion went through that moment was beyond incredible.

Edited by vc2002
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Here we go again. People, get it in your brain: fanboys and "connossieurs" of cinema may love to throw around empty lines like, "the plot was subpar" and "the story lacked," but mainstream audiences--you know, the millions and millions of people who fell in love with Avatar's characters and story--simply don't give a shit about this supposed subpar quality of writing that internet dwellers started parroting once the first few anti-Cameron fanboys started using the "bad plot" argument. Cameron, whether you want to admit it or not, is an extraordinary storyteller, and he took a story that's been told countless time, streamlined it and stripped it of any narrative 'fat,' and then added the amazing special effects and setting that only added to the plot. You could say, "it was a hit only because of its shiny colors" till you are blue in the face, but the reality is that people went for the characters' and the story's primal appeal. You don't gross close to three billion dollars if audiences don't connect, on a human level, with what's going on onscreen. And that goes for any billion-dollar grosser...AIW, POTC, Transformers, you name it. Sure, it's hip to belittle those films by saying that their plots were "terrible" and that nobody cared about the characters, but if nobody cared, none of those films would have made even half of what they did. The thing with all of these internet critics is that they truly believe that what they read on the net - and keep perpetuating- is true about mainstream audiences. It is not.

:wub: :wub:That is beautiful.Thank you.
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