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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Not necessarily 12 years, 6 years can also happen. When RDA lost the war on Pandora, Earth already knew at the same time. They can send another army immediately with advanced weapons.

Unless they've achieved superluminal communication, no, they didn't. It would take at least four years for any kind of communication to reach Earth.EDIT: Well, apparently they have. According to Pandorapedia:"Very low bit-rate up- and downlink using McKinney quantum entanglement encoding."http://www.pandorape...sv_venture_starStill, I expect Cameron will save their return for the finale of the saga. It has to have an "end-all" quality to it, and Jake will probably have to have made a lot more friends on Pandora and possibly other worlds to match up to them. Edited by tribefan695
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Here we go again.

People, get it in your brain: fanboys and "connossieurs" of cinema may love to throw around empty lines like, "the plot was subpar" and "the story lacked," but mainstream audiences--you know, the millions and millions of people who fell in love with Avatar's characters and story--simply don't give a shit about this supposed subpar quality of writing that internet dwellers started parroting once the first few anti-Cameron fanboys started using the "bad plot" argument.

Cameron, whether you want to admit it or not, is an extraordinary storyteller, and he took a story that's been told countless time, streamlined it and stripped it of any narrative 'fat,' and then added the amazing special effects and setting that only added to the plot. You could say, "it was a hit only because of its shiny colors" till you are blue in the face, but the reality is that people went for the characters' and the story's primal appeal. You don't gross close to three billion dollars if audiences don't connect, on a human level, with what's going on onscreen. And that goes for any billion-dollar grosser...AIW, POTC, Transformers, you name it.

Sure, it's hip to belittle those films by saying that their plots were "terrible" and that nobody cared about the characters, but if nobody cared, none of those films would have made even half of what they did. The thing with all of these internet critics is that they truly believe that what they read on the net - and keep perpetuating- is true about mainstream audiences. It is not.

Coch, Coch, Coch -- it did largely do well to "shiny affects", the longer the film sits out there the more people realize that.

I expect it to make less money in North America alone. Probably still do gonzo dollars in China, Japan and Russia though. The only thing my 40yr old neighbor could talk about was the 3D and how cool the planet looked. What else did you like I asked her, "their tails were cool, wish I had one". Not one damn thing of substance about the film. Yes, she is just one anecdotal example yet about the net this type experience with the movie comes across more and more.

This is really the only Cameron film I don't like so I laughed and laughed and laughed at your whole anti-Cameron paragraph. Titanic is just a love story with a few action moments but the pacing was good and the characters worth investing in and my shelf isn't lined with Nicholas Sparks adaptations. Avatar has cardboard cut out characters, a mustache twirling corporate stooge, a cliche military strong man who just wants to blow shit up. My extreme disappointment is why I point it out from time to time.

I'm not saying an Avatar 2 is going to tank, only that its running the risk of being overhyped by the core fans like yourself. Domestically (as of now) I'm thinking a type of % drop not too much off like what we are seeing for TASM thus far.

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Early on, Cameron said that he wanted the films to have self-contained stories and not one film split into 2 or well 3 in this case. If that's still the case, this will be an impressive undertaking.

Yeah, I believe he said that Avatar and Avatar 2 will be like Terminator 1 and Terminator 2. Not directly connected, but fulfilling a greater story arc.
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People don't judge the simplicity of Avatar's script.unconsciously, They judge the simplicity of its characters especially the Na'vis which are the nightmare of pretty much any western citizen in 2012.The na'vis don't want to consume I-crap every 6 months, video gamers, clothes, shoes, Twilight dildos, name your consumerist drug here :They are good with their trees.The Avatar's story arc is as old as storytelling itself, it was used in hundreds of books, poems, songs, movies, comics etc etc and now because it involves giant blue people who like to sleep in their trees, it is sundenly a bad story ?Give me a break !

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You also have June and July. Either the 4th or the third week of July. Even Memorial weekend would work, on TA2 4th wknd. By this time TA would likely have made 600M.

It would be stupid to release Avatar 2 within a a few weeks of TA 2. It's completely pointless. Look at The Avengers and TDKR, both huge films at opposite ends of the Summer. Both films would like more distance from one another than that. They would be at opposite ends of the Summer at the very least but I expect Avatar releases will all be December releases anyway.
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People don't judge the simplicity of Avatar's script.unconsciously, They judge the simplicity of its characters especially the Na'vis which are the nightmare of pretty much any western citizen in 2012.The na'vis don't want to consume I-crap every 6 months, video gamers, clothes, shoes, Twilight dildos, name your consumerist drug here :They are good with their trees.The Avatar's story arc is as old as storytelling itself, it was used in hundreds of books, poems, songs, movies, comics etc etc and now because it involves giant blue people who like to sleep in their trees, it is sundenly a bad story ?Give me a break !

It's easy to hate Avatar. A chick flick. A simply and straight story. No twist at every corner. No superheros.Nay-sayers gonna be nay-saying. Cameron gonna make billions, and win a bunch of norminations and awards. Life goes on.
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It will be interesting to see how Cameron overcomes the problem of no human viewpoint in the sequels. Sure, he can introduce new human characters, but Jake's old body is gone. Or is it? Perhaps we'll see a situation where he's tempted to go back into human form. Maybe the Na'vi will start cloning humans and use them as avatars. :)

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