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Box Office Fact or Fiction: WrestleMania special edition w/ #ED, Seth Rollins and Cmasterclay

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7 members have voted

  1. 1. Who answered better for the week of 4/4

    • #ED
    • Seth Rollins
    • Cmasterclay

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Welcome to the 10th edition of "Box Office Fact or Fiction". A feature where members of the Box Office forums are asked for their opinions on all things movies wrestling. 
First, last time was a very close run thing. In the end, I decided I will use my vote as well, and it is a 3 way tie between ban1oDamienRoc and Spaghetti

This edition is special, with WrestleMania 30 airing this Sunday, I decided to make this a WM special edition, with 3 new contributors, please welcome





Let's get started


1. WMXXX will be one of the best Wrestlemania's in terms of match quality


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Seth RollinsFACT: This is a tricky question, since "match quality" is subjective, but I think it'll be up there. There isn't much to write home about outside of the four main events, but man, all four main events look to deliver in a huge way. The best Wrestlemanias, from a workrate perspective, would probably be 17 and 19. Right below them would be 21, 28, and 23. I think this should at least match the latter three. Triple H/Bryan and Wyatt/Cena have the potential to be classics (with fresh faces, which makes them even more exciting), Brock Lesna vs The Undertaker will be Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker, and with the right booking, the Triple Threat main event will be a blast with a fantastic payoff. The Battle Royal will likely be a bunch of fun, The Shield should be able to squeeze a solid match out of their opponents, and the Divas match is going to be terrible but at least it's unpredictable. So, yes.


CmasterclayFACTION: It will be one of the most in terms of incredible stories told in the ring with the three main storylines. As a memorable event with great nearfalls, great images, and great payoffs, it will really be something to behold. In terms of full fledged in ring quality, it doesn't have a strong enough undercard. Battle Royales are eh outside of the Rumble. The Shield are brilliant as can be but they aren't exactly facing the best talent on the roseter. And otherwise, there will be no other moments on the undercard worth talking about. This Mania is about three stories and four matches, and I expect them to be so good they triumph. 


#EDFACT: Not even close. The Divas match completely fucked that up. There's no way after that match will this be the best in terms of match quality. Look for Triple H vs Daniel Bryan to steal the night since Batista can't seem to wrestle anymore.


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2. Sting will debut in the WWE either at WMXXX or at Raw the next night


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Seth RollinsFACT: If I was a betting man I'd put money on the night after. WWE historically brings out the big returns on the Raw after to kick off the new "season" of wrestling, and having big returns during the event itself isn't their MO. If Sting debuts this early, I'm calling that his match with the Undertaker happens at Extreme Rules or Summerslam; if it's happening at Wrestlemania, they'll likely hold off on making the match. Undertaker could very well feud with Wyatt or another young guy after Wrestlemania as he did with the Shield last year and Sting could debut later, but I think he appears on the fabled Raw After Mania.


CmasterclayFACT: I'd have to say that RAW on Monday is the best bet. The story of the actual event will be Taker surviving a huge challenge from Lesnar. And the OVERALL story will be Bryan's triumph/the Authority wins again. Something amazing will have to be saved for the next night, ala Lesnar and Zigg's cash in. It has become what is expected, and all evidence points to Sting joining the WWE very, very soon. I have no doubts that if he does, it has to be within the next week to make any sense! 


#EDFICTION: I don't see this happening since Sting has a scheduled flight to return from NO on Saturday. It won't happen at Wrestlemania, that's for sure. I'm not even excited for the crap of a fight it could be. Taker can barely do anything anymore and Sting looks older than Hogan. Dear god if this actually happens. Not sure what I would say.


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3. Bray Wyatt will beat John Cena


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Seth RollinsFACT: On one hand, they may want the visual of Cena and Hogan doing their taunts after Cena triumphs over evil at their biggest show ever, but I don't buy that. Bray Wyatt has yet to be pinned since debuting and is coming off of huge, clean wins over the mega-protected Daniel Bryan and the also highly protected Shield. He's being built to be the next mega-heel for WWE and logic dictates that he continues his path to the top. It helps that Cena has done two high profile clean jobs this past year. I say that even if he needs help doing it, Bray Wyatt will stand tall, kicking off a dominant year.


CmasterclayFACT: People are very ready to say that CENA WINS LOL, and it does fit the traditional narrative. But this isn't an Umaga situation. Bray isn't the monster of the month. He is looked on as the next top heel of the company. They are putting in a match with Cena at Mania to ELEVATE Wyatt, not just to give Cena something to do. Trust me, they could have found something else. They clearly wanted Wyatt to do something huge, and so he is. He will win. Whether it will be clean is a different animal. 



#EDFACT: Cena will lose. There is no way Super Cena leaves mania a winner. Bray Wyatt could be the biggest heel coming out of Wrestlemania.


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4. The WWE Network will be able to handle the large number of people who will be streaming the event


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CmasterclayFACTION: There won't be any catastrophic crashes- I'd like to think the WWE is too well prepared for that. But there will certainly be minor glitches and occassional hiccups. Hopefully, it does not effect the overall viewing experience. Maybe they'll even be saved for the diva's match, and not, say, the nearfalls in Taker-Lesnar. I am excited to watch it on the Network, and I hope for the sake of the company it all goes well. I think it will go smoothly enough not to have a major damaging effect, but obviously, some will complain.



#EDFACT: The WWE Network has been preparing for weeks for Sunday night. I suspect minor glitches and bugs at the start but an overall successful stream. Fuck the WWE Network for not putting a "Resume" option though.


Seth RollinsFACT: This is insanely important to the WWE and I have to imagine that they know that. If this fucks up, there'll be fallout from the press--and I'm not talking about Cageside Seats and Bleacher Report. If, say, the live stream becomes unwatchable in any way for any length of time during any important part of the show, we'll be hearing about it Monday morning on Forbes and Wall Street Journal and FOX. The WWE Network has been a tremendous gamble that they've sold everybody on, and in doing so, they've knowingly pissed off some VERY powerful people in the cable companies. If this fucks up, the WWE's stock is going to plummet, and it could very well affect the strength of their extremely valuable new TV deal if it isn't already locked in. All of this considered, it HAS to work. They're airing two hours of pre-show before the event to make sure everything is working, and will pour copious resources into making sure that it runs well. Hiccups may be inevitable, but nothing that detracts from the experience in a big way.


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5. The SHIELD will break-up at the event


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CmasterclayFICTION: This just does not make sense. The Shield just turned two weeks ago, and apparently they are starting to move merchandise like gangbusters. Either they should breakup over summer and have a bigger spot on the card at Summerslam, or straight up main event a B PPV like Battleground or Payback. But burying their breakup on such a strong card would be very unwise. Creative obviously HAS been very unwise at some points, but the Shield has been booked absolutely perfectly. They will get their moment in the sun as faces.  


#EDFACT: This would be too predictable so I suspect it will happen. WWE has no fucking clue what to do with the shield at this point. 


Seth RollinsFICTION: They can't. The persisting rumor was that Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose would turn heel on Roman Reigns (possibly even aligning with the Authority) which makes abso-fucking-lutely zero sense both from a story perspective and a booking perspective. The story of their dissension was group-wide, for two members to suddenly decide they're going to backstab Roman for no reason is just... no. On the other hand, Rollins has no business turning back heel and transforming them into glorified henchmen and/or putting them in a two-on-one feud with Reigns makes two extremely talented guys with insane potential look terrible. In addition to this, the huge momentum and general awesomeness of the face turn has breathed new life in the Shield and while I was pumped for the break-up a month ago, there's too many more miles left in this. Keep them face, have them legit main event Payback or Battleground in a Hell in a Cell against The Wyatt Family (sploosh), then break them up for good and do a huge triple threat that will help sell Summerslam and get way more time than it would've gotten here as originally planned.

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6. The Ultimate Warrior deserved to go in to the Hall of Fame (add on: He will say something unbelievably offensive during his rambling speech)

Cmasterclay: FACT: I hate to admit it, because he is just a hateful human being politically, and he really was mediocre in the ring. But he's a pop culture icon. He influenced many, many present stars. At his peak, he was one of the biggest draws and most famous wrestlers of all time. He deserves to be in the Hall. 

As for the second part, he will say something completely non-sensical and unintentionally hilarious, and something mildly offensive, but no huge scandals here.


#EDFACT: He was possible the most famous worst wrestler back in the day. He did what the WWE needed him to do and that was sell. HOF deserving indeed. He's gonna make fun of his past rambling speeches but he won't actually do one.


Seth RollinsFACT: There are very few Wrestlemania headliners unworthy of HoF induction. These names include Lawrence Taylor, Sycho Sid, Bam Bam Bigelow, King Kong Bundy, and the Miz. These were all guys in pretty awful main events that are better off forgotten, and never tasted the main event again. The Ultimate Warrior, love him or hate him, was in what many consider to be an all-time great main event against Hulk Hogan (despite the match being utter dogshit), which he won to hold the WWF and Intercontinental championships at the same time. Hell yes he deserves to go in. And I think he'll be classy and play nice in his speech, though an insane Warrior rant or an insane shoot rant would be hilarious.


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SWITCH #2!!!!!


7. WMXXX will break the attendance record for the Superdome. (The all-time record for attendance at the Superdome was set back in 1997, when the college football Sugar Bowl game brought in 78,344 people. A sellout for a New Orleans Saints NFL game is said to be 73,209.)


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#ED: FACT: Lets face it. Wrestlemania brings out all the diehard wrestling fans, past and present. Whether you like wrestling now or you have in the past, and if Wrestlemania is close to your area, You're going. After attending Wrestlemania last year, It felt like a once in a lifetime experience. This year will be no different and I fully expect 82,000+ people to show up. There would be more but the stage for the entrances takes up at least 8,000 Seats.


Seth RollinsFACT: Yeah, Wrestlemania breaks the attendance record everywhere it goes both due to its worldwide drawing power and because they have a lot more seats. Every year, they have a segment where Lillian Garcia announces the attendance numbers and that it's a new record. This year won't be any different.


Cmasterclay: FACT: Sure! Even if it doesn't we will probably be told that it did for a few years, anyway. I don't see why the WWE can't fit more than 80,000, considering the size relative to a football field.


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8. CM Punk will be back in the WWE by Summerslam


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Seth RollinsFICTION: I strongly disagree with the sentiments of "FUCK HIM" but I do agree that he's gone for the foreseeable future. He's been going to sports games and appeared on the Talking Dead as Phil Brooks, and he looked so... healthy, and happy. It sucks that he's gone but it's clear that he was miserable at his job and could afford to walk away and I think he made the right call; especially seeing as how his decision has possibly saved Wrestlemania with them having to book Bryan as the focal point of the show (previous rumors had him facing Sheamus of all people).


Cmasterclay: FICTION: I've actually started to buy into the premise that he will return at the last second and interfere in the title match Sunday. It just SEEMS like something that could work out- everything has been laid out perfectly for it to happen, and it would make sense, from an emotional standpoint and a storyline standpoint. But yea, no. Punk is done for a long, long time, if not ever. He really seems like he had started to hate the entire idea of staying in the company, so why would he come back and NOT earn a major paycheck for actually wrestling at Mania? It just doesn't seem likely at all. Plus, I highly doubt a work could be kept THAT well underwraps this long.


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9. Daniel Bryan will both beat HHH and end the night winning the championship as over 70000 fans lead the YES chants.



#EDFACT: There is NO WAY WWE passes on this "Wrestlemania" moment. NO WAY. It would be an instant classic on the 30th anniversary of Wrestlemania.


Seth RollinsFACT: This is an extremely crucial time for the WWE and the last thing they want to do is burn the fans as badly as a Bryan loss would. How else does it end? Triple H, champion? The threat of riot the next night, guaranteed garbage in the ring, awful press. Batista? More crushing thing than enraging. People would legitimately start tuning out of the product. I say Bryan is getting beaten down five-on-one by the Authority and Batista, and the Shield saves the day, clearing the ring and powerbombing Triple H. Bryan counters a punt with a Knee+ and celebrates with the entire roster and fireworks, leading a 70,000+ "YES" chant. Best Wrestlemania ending ever.


Cmasterclay: FACT: Unless Punk comes back and screws him of course! Kidding, though that actually IS the only scenario in which I could see something truly shocking happening. Celebrating so much on the go home show concerns me, but we've seen it happen before (WM 25 shows HHH knows that concept first hand). Look, WWE has made some mistakes over the years. But this isn't the WCW. They know how to create incredibly memorable moments that people talk about for years. They know how to give the perfect blowoff to a huge angle. It will end the way it always meant to- with Daniel Bryan on top of the world.


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Putting this edition together was fun. Hopefully you guys had fun reading it as well.


Feel free to join in and provide your answers in this thread as well. Please do vote as to who you felt answered the questions better. Poll is at the top of this thread.


ALSO, please include any questions which you think should be asked to the next 3 contributors. I realize that most of the questions asked are based on what I follow and would like to incorporate more viewpoints into the feature. Please leave your probable questions as comments, or PM them to me and I will include them for the next edition.


I would like to thank #ED, Seth Rollins and Cmasterclay for taking time out to provide their opinions here. Thanks a lot.


I am looking for participants, please let me know if you would be interested in providing your opinions for future editions of this column.


Until Next Time.

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