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The Disney Thread | Happy 90th to Donald Duck!

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On 3/28/2022 at 3:27 PM, filmlover said:

Team Disney! We all know who really holds the most power in this state. Meanwhile, in DeSatan World:



They make a false charge that a Supreme Court Nominee is "soft" on child porn, but give  Matt Gaetz a pass.. The hypocrisy is just incredible.

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You guys realize DeSantis is going to win re-election now by close to double digits because he's standing up to the insanity coming from Disney?  Now they can't even say "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!"  Hopefully, soon FL will take away Disney's tax breaks.




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14 minutes ago, brothernero said:

You guys realize DeSantis is going to win re-election now by close to double digits because he's standing up to the insanity coming from Disney?  Now they can't even say "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!"  Hopefully, soon FL will take away Disney's tax breaks.




Too bad you seem to have issues with the LGBT community. Don't expect to find much support here for your bigotry.

And let's punish a business that has brought Billions of dollars into Florida to win support from the right wing religious fanatics. That is a smart move.


Edited by dudalb
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12 minutes ago, brothernero said:

You guys realize DeSantis is going to win re-election now by close to double digits because he's standing up to the insanity coming from Disney?  Now they can't even say "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!"  Hopefully, soon FL will take away Disney's tax breaks.





"So we no longer say 'ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,'" said Ware in the video. "We've provided trainings for all of our our cast members and in relationship to that so now they know it's, 'hello everyone' or 'hello friends.'"


She said that Disney is in the process of changing the recorded messages at its parks. The phrase "dreamers of all ages" has replaced "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls" for announcements at the fireworks show at the Magic Kingdom in Florida, she said.




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15 minutes ago, brothernero said:

You guys realize DeSantis is going to win re-election now by close to double digits because he's standing up to the insanity coming from Disney?  Now they can't even say "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!"  Hopefully, soon FL will take away Disney's tax breaks.




17 posts. Did you come here just to be homophobic?

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Seriously, if that is the hill Culture Warriors on the Right are gonna die on ("Hello Friends"/"Hello Everyone"), I suddenly have a lot less fear about the success of their movement.




That being said, normalizing/rehabilitating disgusting anti-LGBTQ smears is making it's way back into the political mainstream:






Bringing back slurs about LGTBQ folks as being not-so closted pedophiles is A HELL OF A LOT MORE UPSETTING than folks saying "Hello friends" or "dreamers of all ages".


And if one doesn't think so, I really question your priorities. 

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2 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Seriously, if that is the hill Culture Warriors on the Right are gonna die on ("Hello Friends"/"Hello Everyone"), I suddenly have a lot less fear about the success of their movement.




That being said, normalizing/rehabilitating disgusting anti-LGBTQ smears is making it's way back into the political mainstream:






Bringing back slurs about LGTBQ folks as being not-so closted pedophiles is A HELL OF A LOT MORE UPSETTING than folks saying "Hello friends" or "dreamers of all ages".


And if one doesn't think so, I really question your priorities. 

The idiocy of the right is drving me into the arms of the Left.

And I HATE that, since there is a lot about the left I don't like;  the hostility toward the free market for one thing. But the Right is hopeless, and this is from somebody who be considered a conservative on many issues.

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As someone who has lived in this state their whole life, if I were forced to place bets on who would win in any feud between Disney and the politicians of this state...well, let's just say I wouldn't bet against The Mouse. They've largely stayed out of that state's politics (at least openly) until now because we've never had a governor who was actively willing to pick a fight with the #1 contributor to this state's economy until Trump 2.0 (minus the pre-politics career of being an insufferable TV superstar) came along.


Something that clearly won't let up because DeSatan and his cronies are only continuing to target Disney with further nonsense like this, cause clearly they don't have anything better or more important to do with their time than to engage in petty feuds with Hollywood (also taking from the Trump playbook): Florida Legislators Meeting About Repealing Reedy Creek Improvement Act Due to Disney's 'Woke' Stance Against 'Don't Say Gay' Bill - WDW News Today (wdwnt.com)

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22 minutes ago, brothernero said:

We'll see in Nov if Florida voters side with Disney or DeSantis.  If this board is correct and reflects the average voter, the Gov will be thrown out on his rear-end and Charlie Crist will win in a cakewalk.  Don't think that's going to happen, though.




Yes, because that's exactly what we're saying here.  Personally, I think if the election was held today DeSantis would win easily, but not because of his toxic and noxious culture war stances.




Also, Newsweek and Quillette? lol.  Why not link to a Jordan Peterson YT vid while you're at it?

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3 hours ago, filmlover said:

As someone who has lived in this state their whole life, if I were forced to place bets on who would win in any feud between Disney and the politicians of this state...well, let's just say I wouldn't bet against The Mouse. They've largely stayed out of that state's politics (at least openly) until now because we've never had a governor who was actively willing to pick a fight with the #1 contributor to this state's economy until Trump 2.0 (minus the pre-politics career of being an insufferable TV superstar) came along.


Something that clearly won't let up because DeSatan and his cronies are only continuing to target Disney with further nonsense like this, cause clearly they don't have anything better or more important to do with their time than to engage in petty feuds with Hollywood (also taking from the Trump playbook): Florida Legislators Meeting About Repealing Reedy Creek Improvement Act Due to Disney's 'Woke' Stance Against 'Don't Say Gay' Bill - WDW News Today (wdwnt.com)

INHO De Santis is directing appealing to Florida;s large Fundy Christian community.

People don't get the outside the major cities, Florida is pretty much pure Redneck country.

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7 minutes ago, excel1 said:

Holy crap do some on the left overestimate the mass appeal of the positions. Just being realistic, nobody wants sex ed to start at age 7. 


If you think this law is ONLY going to be used for children in 3rd grade and lower, I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you:



See, here's one of the problems.  Directly from the text of the bill:



Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article259861220.html#storylink=cpy




See, the great slight-of-hand trick here is conservatives screeching about teaching 3rd graders sex ed(which, BTW, isn't a thing) while completely hiding the intent of the bill.


Generally speaking, if one side of the issue is suddenly bringing up things like "grooming" and whatnot, there is an insanely high chance they they are flat out lying to you.  Probably about everything surrounding this bill.


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3 minutes ago, Porthos said:


If you think this law is ONLY going to be used for children in 3rd grade and lower, I have some swamp land in Florida to sell you:



See, here's one of the problems.  Directly from the text of the bill:





See, the great slight-of-hand trick here is conservatives screeching about teaching 3rd graders sex ed(which, BTW, isn't a thing) while completely hiding the intent of the bill.


Generally speaking, if one side of the issue is suddenly bringing up things like "grooming" and whatnot, there is an insanely high chance they they are flat out lying to you.  Probably about everything surrounding this bill.


It's completely vague in every provision. It's basically meant to discriminate against LGBTQ people as a whole. This is basically the first salvo to overturn Obergefell and everyone knows it which is why the opposition is needed right now.

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Also, @excel1.  Got a question for you.  How are teachers supposed to reference the gay parents of children in their classes?  Or if someone has transgendered parents?


From the Miami Herald coverage of this:



But this is the provision that gives opponents the most concern because they believe its vague wording will prompt teachers to self-censor and avoid using words like “gay” and other gender-inclusive terms in their classrooms, no matter the grade. “We know that teachers are not teaching sex ed in K through three grades but a lot of teachers are attempting to discuss inclusive families, particularly when they have kids in their classroom who have same-sex parents or have transgender parents,’’ said Ryan Thorsen, a researcher at Human Rights Watch who has studied Florida’s legislation.


“This would really hamstring their ability to do that, particularly in K-3, and potentially silence discussions in other grades, depending on how teachers interpret the bill.”



Or indeed, how about their own lives?  Can a husband or wife of a teacher or other faculty members who happen to be gay show up on the school grounds and give their SO a quick peck on the cheek?  Can those teachers reference their spouses in passing in the classroom?  And if not, are straight teachers stopped from mentioning their husbands and wives?  Can their significant others show up and give them a peck?  


This just a bad bad baaaaaaaaad bill, no matter how it's sliced.



Edited by Porthos
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33 minutes ago, excel1 said:

Holy crap do some on the left overestimate the mass appeal of the positions. Just being realistic, nobody wants sex ed to start at age 7. 

Problem is the wording is super open ended and isn't even related to sex ed or just for younger people even though that is the way it is framed.


3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third
parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur
in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-
appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in
accordance with state standards.

If a LGBT teacher was talking about their same sex relationship for instance to a group of 16 year olds in relation to something educational this wording could still be used against them and it could be argued it is not age or developmentally  appropriate (which is bullshit) but that is how poorly worded and open ended this is.


Hell with the wording even someone talking about a heterosexual relationship to children of any age could get in trouble as well (although for some reason i doubt that would happen)


Edit: @Porthos pretty much wrote what I did whilst I was getting the text of the bill from the Florida government website and parsing my thoughts but will leave what I've written up anyway :)

Edited by Potiki
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