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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Good news people. I have made an executive decision. No one is dying tomorrow. You will all live to die another day. I want everyone to have some development and give those of you that didn't get a chance to speak, to speak. As long as you're alive, you're likely going to be running around with fellow teammates, so yall need to get acquainted. Think of it like the scene in Avengers when theyre all on the hellicarrier. Teams may not last long, and you may have to turn on your teammates, but that doesn't mean yall cant introduce yourselves like youre at college orientation!

So the next story will be out tomorrow morning. Be sure to read, comment...and like. For the action junkies, sorry if it lacks action, but at least you get an extra day without getting Sean Bean-ed. And everyone will get at least one line and all teams will get team time. Hope yall enjoy.

You heard the man Team Shawarma we got one day to socialize and practice. Looks like the big three need a ton of practice

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ITS THAT TIME AGAIN! PART 2 is heeuhhh. If you haven't already, read the first story and prologue on Page 12. Standings on Page 1. This actually took me at least 3 hours to type, but I enjoyed it and I hope yall do to. Everyone has at least one line. Comments, thoughts, and likess are appreciated. Enjoy.



Team Shawrama treks along, away from the mangled plot of land that was once Stark Mansion. Not knowing anything about the Marvel zone, they trek on for answers, keeping both eyes open along the way.

Blankments: Well...at least we get an oceanside view...

Ecstacy: I can't believe Craig is gone though...

Sam: Same. We never really talked much though.

Empire: I gave him a lot of likes...he was a good guy.

Spazz91 and Punishment: To Captain Craig! Jinx! They continue walking.

Wile E Coyote: You were a good man, Craig.

Jay Hollywood: Holy shit, guys! That was insane! We were just chilling and BOOM, the mansion is like a frigging Toyota crash test lab! Man, I have so much adrenaline! Let's do that again! 

Ecstacy: Again? We lost a teammate.

Jay Hollywood: Craig? Oh yeah, he slid off. I'm not gonna be fake: he bad mouthed Goldblum on the forum a couple times, so I'm not sad. And don't give me dirty looks. You'd say the same if he talked shit about Chris Evans. Empire reaches into his bag and finds a map.

Empire: I found a map, everyone! I like it! SHIELD...is...that way! Empire leads the way and they all head on.


Bur burr, so icey, burr...no this is not the beginning of a Gucci Mane video...it's Arendelle and Snow Mountain! Snow Mountain, mute with one color, and Arendelle in the distance, the big empty castle with the open gates that's actually not covered in powder. Team Slushy Queen stops and shivers.

Spidey Freak: So guys, where do we go?

Damien Roc: I don't know. Should we head for the mountain or should we head to the castle?

Ruthie: Well, the castle isn't covered in snow.

Damien Roc: That's true, but it feels too easy. 4 people have already died so obviously they faced something big.

Walt Disney: Maybe we should split up? I mean...this game is kind of individual after all.

AndyLL: Sticking together will help us last longer. And will keep us warmer. We need to do it.

Walt Disney: What is this? Lone Survivor? You give executive orders now?

AndyLL: No, Taylor Kitsch, I don't, but I'm the senior in this group and it only seems like the smartest idea.

Ruthie: How about we split up, but keep in contact to warn each other? Half of us can go to Snow Mountain and the other half to Arendelle?

The group ponders. AndyLL, Sixteen16, Panda, and Films obviously aren't happy, but are they really going to force them to stick around?

Panda: Let's do it, Andy. 

Sixteen16: (to Andy, discreetly) Yeah, let them go. We don't need them.

AndyLL: Fine, we'll split. You guys can choose which to go to, and we'll go to the other.

Walt Disney: Anybody who wants to come to Arendelle, follow me. Walt Disney begins to walk on. Ruthie and Spidey Freak follow. Damien Roc sticks around for a few seconds, but decides to follow along.

Films: (to Damien Roc) I thought you didn't want to go to Arendelle? Damien Roc shrugs and runs after Walt Disney.

Films: (yelling) Don't eat the yellow snow! (not yelling) Jerks.

AndyLL: We don't need them, guys. We are strong, independent black women that don't need no man. Huh?

Sixteen16: Wrong movie?...

AndyLL: Yeah, I meant strong, independent posters, that don't need no help. I got hyped for a minute. Turn down for what?

Panda: I know I'm about to turn down that mountain side. I gotta pee. Panda leaves and the others just chill. No pun intended.


Team Monstars arrives in Skull Island. It is a vast jungle with a volcano in the center. The humidity makes them sweat. They wipe off their foreheads and admire the flora.

Mango: I'm already not feeling this place. Maybe we shouldn't have ran to a place called "Skull Island."

BoxOfficeZ: Don't worry, Skull Island was the name of that theme park in Rugrats in Paris. They just named it this to scare us.

Dar: Well, how are we going to go about this? Split up, stay together?
Mango: I first need everyone's word that you're not gonna stab me in the back. I don't want to kill any of you, but I'll be damned if yall try throwing me off a cliff or sacrificing me.

AC Slater: You have my trust. There's no need for us to fight each other. We got fifty-odd other people to worry about. RAWRRRRR, a dinosaur sounds off in the distance.

Tarzan: I love dinosaurs! I'm sure they're friendly. MEOWWW-OWW-owww...some kind of jungle cat screams and a boney crunch is heard.

Mulder: Hopefully, at least friendly to humans...

Dar: It's hot as balls here. Le'ts go find some shade.

Tarzan: Or a grotto with a waterfall that we could all jump into naked and wash ourselves off.


Tarzan: So, about this King Kong fellow...


Boom! Team Bay, okay? falls onto the Hoover Dam. Aching, they all get up and look in awe at the Hoover Dam sight: Lake Mead on one side and the Colorado River on the other.

CJohn: (fast) What's this? It's Vegas!

Water Bottle gets up next to Jesus of Surburbia, Stingray, and Telemachos, confused.

Water Bottle: Where are we?...

CJohn: (in the distance) Hey guys, I think we're in Vegas!

Telemachos: Looks like the Hoover Dam.

The rest of the team converges and they all walk over and look over the edge.

CJohn: I think we're on the non-casino side of Vegas...

Alfredstellar: This is not Vegas, idiot, it's the Hoover Dam.

Jesus of Suburbia: In his defense, Vegas is like 20 minutes away. CJohn sticks out his tongue at Alfredstellar.

Mattrek: What does this have to do with Michael Bay? They all ponder for a second.

Stingray: Oh, duh! Remember TF1? They all give a collective "oohhh."

Water Bottle: Wait a minute...wait so should we be expecting Megatron and Starscream any second?
Telemachos: Everybody open up their bags and see what weapons they got. We don't know what's gonna happen next. They all take off their bags and open up. They all flash their items. Telemachos with a bow and arrow, Water Bottle with a bottle of Qualuudes, Stingray with a DVD boxset of Sister, Sister season 2, Alfredstellar with a Little Ceasars pizza box (no pizza included), CJohn with a dildo, Mattrek with a hair dryer, Jesus OS with an iphone 5 charger, and MGS with marbles. They are all underwhelmed and pissed with these "weapons."

CJohn: What the hell is this? CJohn, disgusted, heaves the dildo over the dam. The group watches as the purple dildo rolls on down the damn, 726 feet (221 meters) below. Now I'm weaponless. What the hell? A dildo? Is this the Hunger Games or the Horny Games!?

Telemachos: I think they gave us shitty weapons on purpose. Stingray has a DVD, and there's no DVD players here. 

Stingray: Damn, not even blu-ray.

Michael Gary Scott: (to Tele) You got a bow and arrow!
Telemachos: With plastic Nerf arrows!

Stingray: And this show sucks!

Michael Gary Scott: Tele, why are you so weird?

Telemachos: Mike. 4 out of 5. The end. Everyone, but MGS, goes "oooohhh, shit son."

Jesus of Suburbia: Let's focus, guys. If Megatron busts out of this dam, we need to be prepared.

Stingray: Megatron can suck my mega...

Water Bottle: MOD EDIT.

Stingray: What? I was going to say "mega sucky DVD boxset"? And don't go all "mod" on me. If you were a Mod, you wouldn't be in the big dome with the rest of us.

Water Bottle: I can ban you off this dam onto that dry river below. Like me to try? You'll be rolling like CJohn's dildo.

CJohn: Hey...

Mattrek: Okay, okay. Let's not lose our composure. Everyone just take a breather. Stingray and Water Bottle, and Tele and MGS back off of each other.

Alfredstellar: Eh...anyway.

Mattrek: Well this sucks. These weapons are shit, but we should be okay as long as we stick together. Hopefully other people pulled out shit too, and not swords and guns.

CJohn: Yeah, it'd make me feel a lot better if there's another bag out there with a vibrator...


Magical, mystical music appears in the background. It darks out, and brisk autumn breeze ruffles the surrounding ambiance. A huge building appears over the hills. Team Gryffindor walks up and notices the building.

Heretic: Hogwarts. It's Hogwarts.

Noctis: Should we go inside?

Chassmmi: I don't see why not? We'll have to at some point.

A2K: Yeah, and I don't feel so safe out here. This isn't your average, everyday darkness...this is...advanced darkness!

Noctis: Oh, God, a drama queen on our team. This is Scotland, dude. Not like you're gonna get shanked.

A2K: Yeah, I guess you would know since you're the resident expert in getting poked. Whoa, everyone pauses. And grabs popcorn. Not really though, imaginary popcorn.

Darkelf: Guys...

Noctis: I know you didn't. You do realize that there's NO law in these games stating I can't kill you.

A2K: So you're gonna kill your own teammate?
Noctis: Bitch, you're my teammate because we share common interests. Not like we used to post together.

A2K: Well, open up your bag and go ahead then if you're so tough, Noct-ass.

Noctis actually does. He reaches in his bag, but Spaghetti stops him. Spaghetti swats the bag out of Noctis' hands and pushes him back.

Spaghetti: Guys, stop. Now. This is exactly what the Mods want. They're trolling us.

Heretic: Seriously, we don't need to be feeding the trolls.

Noctis: Well tell him to chill.

A2K: Just watch your back, Noct-ass. A2K walks off towards Hogwarts. The rest of the team stands awkward and confused, while Noctis gives A2K a death stare.

CoolErim258: Umm...wait up, A2K! Cool Eric follows him and they both head toward the school.

Noctis: I won't kill him, guys, but I am going to rip off his mouth. 

Spaghetti: Just don't get us killed, Noctis.

Noctis: I'll get you guys a million dollars before I get you killed. Noctis begins to walk towards Hogwarts and they all sigh and follow suit.


Over in the Metro Area, Team Black/Very Dark Grey has been sitting in a Metropolis subway station. (Does Metropolis actually have subways? Eh, who cares).

ChD:(to Pink)...So if you had to choose between sleeping with Nikki Finke or Dark Knight Rises bombing, which would it be?

Mr. Pink: That's a tough one. Do I have to buy Nikki dinner first? Grim walks up and gathers everyones attention.

Grim22: It's time to move on, guys. We need to keep moving. We won't last here long. ​Now he has their curiosity.

Lilmac: Why's that?
Grim22: Because...

Reddevil: Lemme guess, you went to a pre-screening and you the know map...yada yada.

Grim22: Not just the Metro map, but the map for the whole Dorum. Arrendelle, Skull Island...

Ed: And why would we need to go there?

Grim22: We can't stay in this zone forever. We're eventually going to be pushed out by the Mods. And us going to other zones instead of sitting in this one will keep us from wanting to kill each other.

Bballman24: I'd kill yall. Pause. Everyone grows a "dafuq? Watanabe expression" face. They all slowly reach for their bags. ...I was just kidding...

Sun's Sun: Let's just do what Grim said. He apparently knows what's up. They all start to walk through the subway. Pink and Ed holds hands, but not in that way, but because, well I don't really know why. We'll just say it's their Batman and Robin handshake...extended edition.

Cmasterclay: You know what would be great in this subway? A Subway. I'm soooo hungry right now.

Dragon: I'm so hungry, I'd eat Channing. It's a win/lose situation though. It's a win because I get food, but a lose because...no more Channing Ta-yum...

Fancyarcher: So, Pink, Nikki love making or Rises bombage? 

Pink: Do I have to buy her dinner? Is it chill evening casual like Applebees or high energy afternoon casual like Chipotle?


We land on Pandora. Not the radio station app, which sucks btw, goo Spotify!, but the alien planet. They all land in the neon jungle and start gasping for air. They scramble around trying to find oxygen masks before they start turning blue. No pun intended, that's just coincidence. Anyway, they find Davy Jones' locker. Kal breaks open the locker, and oxygen masks fall out. They all grab one and slap it on, finally able to breathe. They all expand their chests and do a synchronized "huuuuuuuuhhhhhh."

John Marston: I thought we were going to die! We almost died! We very well could be the first team to die.

Adam: So, we're all gonna kill John now, right? Everyone turns towards John, but Kal gives a whistle.

Kal: There will be NO killing of teammates. We were given the pleasure to survive together, and we will, buddies. Remember how long Avatar lasted in the box office? Well that's how long we're all gonna last here!

Jack Nevada: And what about when it's just us left?

Kal: Umm...hey guys! Pandora! Let it all sink in. We're on Pandora. So rich, so beautiful. Breathe it all in.

Tawasal: Let's go to that place where they have the floating jellyfish!

Firedeep: I hate jellyfish. I want to see what this Eywa is all about.

MovieMan89: It's a stupid tree. Where the hell are those Navi girls? There was a vibrator in my bag. With batteries.

Kal: Do you guys realize that we've already lost 2 good buddies? We should morn, and swear to complete this journey for them. Like Avatar's worldwide box office run, fallen comrade buddies can't go un acknowledged! Everyone stands around and just gazes.

Tawasal:...Yeah, so about them Navi' hoes. They aint loyal, but shit, I'm still DTF.

John Marston: The Navi girls are no good. I'm staying here. Everyone shrugs and heads on. John stands his ground, but then hears an eerie meow/growl/bark type noise. He quivers then changes his mind.

John Marston:..So any Navi girls my age? 

Boy, I hope they didn't forget that this is actually a deathmatch, not Spring Break in Cancun...


To our last zone, we arrive in a huge, green hillside, with nothing but large green fields of grass. Team ICF looks around and gathers around.

K1stpierre: Where are we?

Claire Holt: Looks like...Vegas? This must be the side without the casinos.

Iceroll: No, this is Skyfall.

Lady Daenerys: Prometheus?

Blink23: No, guys, this is the Game of Thrones zone.

Numbers: I hope we're not stuck out here. To the east I see...hills, to the west i see hills, to the north I see hills, and the south...

Claire Holt: Let me guess, hills?

Numbers: No, an international airport? Maybe we should go there?

Lady Daenerys: Has to be a mirage. There's no freeway system over here.

Claire Holt: Well shit. How we gonna get to Westeros? Home girl is not about to walk. 

Suddenly, a gang of dragons come flying over head. The team is startled and stand back to back.

Blink23:...(nervous) Maybe that's a dragon-port? I think Miami has one. The dragons come speeding down to the group. They run and scream, fearing for their lives. The dragons grab each of them, and throw them on their backs. Everyone stops panicking and sits on the dragons surprised.

Iceroll: They're not attacking us? Why?

K1stpierre: Maybe we can train them?

Numbers: I don't see why not. Let's see if they can take us to Westeros. (to the dragon) Yah! Yah! Mush! The dragon doesn't move. Um...go! Fly! Take off! Go! Go web go! Shazaam! Giddy up! Mighty morphin! Mrs. Norberry sells drugs! (to the team) I don't know how to make them take off!

Claire Holt: (to her dragon) Fly, bitch. The dragon rises. Everyone else sits baffled, but follows Claire. The dragons rise and head on towards Westeros.


Back in the Admin Capital, the illustrious Jandrew, with two women on his shoulders, like in his fresh new Pitbull avatar, walks up to President ShawnMR. Shawn is sipping his bubbly and reading nothing but the finest of box office magazines. 

ShawnMR: Lololol at this Box Office Mojo. We should bomb them.

Jandrew: Sounds like a plan, but our plan plan is complete. They're all settled in the zones. (sinisterly) It's time for them to play with each other. 

ShawnMR grins maniacally, but then his expression turns to disgust.

Jandrew: What?

ShawnMR: That was kind of gross. And that's what she said.

Jandrew: You're right, that came out wrong. Let me rephrase that...(sinisterly) let the games....beginShawnMR grins hard. Him and Jandrew clank glasses. They turn and view everyone on the screens. Jandrew pulls out his phone while watching. One of his beautiful girls feeds him a Dorito.

Jandrew: (on the phone) Hello? Yes it's J. They're all settled now. Time to drop the thunder. Everything you have...(stern) release it...

The imaginary camera pans away from them slowly, as the the scene fades. Dramatic music plays while this is happening. Till next time.

Edited by Jandrew
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