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Monday Actuals: Transformers - 10.5M

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Ehhh... I loved the first one, but that trailer is giving me serious Hangover II vibes :/

What are you talking about? There is Christoph Waltz and Chris Pine, and the returns of Motherfucker Jones, Nymphomaniac Jennifer Aniston and crazy assassin boss Kevin Spacey. This thing is gonna be the greatest thing ever. 

Edited by CJohn
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You friend is crazy. TF4 was horrible, while HTTYD2 was great.



And he was a film snob. Surely he would have been tearing Transformers 4 a "new one".

She hates animated movies usually. She said it "was alright but she wasn't a fan, but Transformers was actually kinda funny"



FYI, she only ever saw Transformers 1 before this

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Mitch Donner was a reporter until he was hit on the head with a ball and became Sappy Boy defender of all that is weak.Today’s episode The Bull that got awayNarrator: Our story begins at the davisville docks where two familiar faces approach the scene. There names the Rowdy Boys.The Rowdy Boys walk straight to the docks.Rowdy Boy 1: So why exactly was the reason why the mysterious voice wanted us to come to the docks?Rowdy Boy 2: I dunna. The voice promised us that we’d be richmen if we did exactly what he said, and who can’t resist money?Narrator: The rowdy boys don’t notice it but a mysterious hands pops from out of the ocean.Rowdy Boy 2: You know something, Mr. Narrator you don’t need to keep saying everything that happens, we’re perfectly fine with explaining the situation to the audience ourselves.Narrator: Listen when you get the job of being the narrator, you can complain you want, until then don’t say a word. The hand gets out of the water revealing itself to be Sappy Boy’s nemesis the Bull, the archest of all enemies.The Bull walks on the land.The Bull” Welcome my two friendly antagonists (he puts his hand on their backs).Rowdy Boy 1: First off were not friendly, and secondly get your grummy hands off us.The bull grabs the two by the front of their shirts.The Bull: You two are probably wondering the heck I called you here? You two are going to help me destroy Sappy Boy.Narrator: Later at the office of local reporter Mitch Donner, Mr. Donner is fast asleep at his office making snoring sounds.Mitch Donner is fast asleep.Narrator: Suddenly he hears a huge cry for “Help”!Mitch Donner (eyes barely open): Huhh!! Waah!! (Falls off his chair and then gets up) I’m up I’m up! What is it colonel?Narrator: Thinking fast Mitch Donner runs over to the closet and in seconds transforms into his superhero identity known only as Sappy Boy, defender of all that is sap.Sappy Boy: It might seem silly that I run into the closet all the time to play dress-up, but for me it works.Sappy Boy jumps out of the window flying, he follows the voice of the scream.Sappy Boy: Where is that scream coming from?Narrator: Thinking quickly Sappy Boy uses his super hearing in order to detect where the sound is coming from.Sappy Boy (looks at the camera): Say wait a minute, since when did I ever have super hearing?Narrator: Oh just act like you always have.Sappy Boy: It’s simply a plot convince so we can get the story going, right?Narrator: Yes, but it works!Sappy Boy: Alright! Looks like I’ve got super hearing from now on.Sappy Boy puts his ear in order to hear where the scream is coming from.Sappy Boy: The docks! Why anyone would be in trouble at the docks is beyond me, but oh well, here I come (accidentally crashes into a house while flying). Need to work on that landing of mine.Sappy Boy lands at the docks.Sappy Boy: The docks, where mutant monsters tend to be born.Narrator: Before Sappy Boy can do anything; he is trumped by those accursed Rowdy Boys. Our fellow hero falls to his feet, having been knocked out.The Rowdy Boys are holding a giant recording machine in their hands.Rowdy Boy 1: Ha, ha! Thanks to the power of this machine we were able to lure Sappy Boy away. After all what Superhero can’t resist the power of someone else calling for help.The two Rowdy Boys laugh.Rowdy Boy 2: Say why are we laughing?Rowdy Boy 1: I don’t know, maybe it’s cause we’re e-v-i-l! (The two keep laughing)Rowdy Boy 2: Wait a minute; I’m not truly evil I simply have to steal for a living because I’m in financial debt.Rowdy Boy 1: Shut up you!The scenario changes, Sappy Boy is on the ground inside a building.Narrator: Sappy Boy awakens to find himself front to front with his archenemy the diabolical bull, who has strapped him to a table.Bull: I see that you’re enjoying yourself. If you must know I plan to have this laser slowly burn your body to pieces.Sappy Boy: Why not kill me right here, right now? It would be a lot simpler than what you already have planned to kill me with.Bull: Well where’s the fun in that? Besides this is much more gruesome to look at, and I love it when I make art.Sappy Boy (looks at the machine): Say isn’t this basically what a James bond villain would do? 3:43The bull presses the button, the laser slowly moves down. The bull walks out of the room.The Bull: I’ll be back don’t worry, oh wait you won’t be alive by then.Narrator: Will our hero escape from the laser? Will he defeat the Bull? Find out after the commercial break.Narrator: We’re back, when we last left Sappy Boy he had to escape – ah who cares, you guys already know. Let’s get back with this program.The ray is about to blast at Sappy Boy. He grabs from his back pocket and pulls out his trusty Sappy Boy pen.Sappy Boy: Say I don’t remember ever having this? Ah! Who cares?Narrator: Thinking quick Sappy Boy throws his trusty pen at the lethal laser causing the machine to spin out of control.The Bull walks in.The Bull: I swear I have no idea where I left my lucky penny.The laser comes straight at him, he jumps before it can hit him.Bull: Woah! (He goes over to shot the machine off). Let me guess, the sap got away.As he says that Sappy Boy comes up and smacks him on the back.Sappy Boy: I got you!The bull hits the ground. His face falls flat first.Bull: What! How can this be? How could this all-powerful Bull be knocked out by anyone, especially Sappy Boy?Sappy Boy: Sap before you act!Bull: What that makes absolutely no sense!Sappy Boy: Eh! Blame it on bad writing.Sappy Boy grabs the Bull off the ground. He goes outside where the two Rowdy Boys are waiting.Rowdy Boy 1: What the rodent is taking that toro so long to get his ass out of here. He should have been out here by now.Before the second Rodent Boy can say anything Sappy Boy flies out and scoops both of them up.Rowdy Boys 2: Well there’s your answer.Sappy Boy flies the Rodent Boys and the bull up.Sappy Boy: I’ll be taking all of you guys to prison. I’m sure you’ll all fit in.Narrator: And so ends another adventure for Sappy Boy defender of the weak.Sappy Boy: You said that at the beginning of the episode.Narrator: What ratted you out sap. What will happen to Sappy Boy? Tune in to find out (end). 5:31

*applauds* I loved the narrator lol

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She hates animated movies usually. She said it "was alright but she wasn't a fan, but Transformers was actually kinda funny"



FYI, she only ever saw Transformers 1 before this


I don't know if it was a good or bad idea not to show Revenge of The Fallen or Dark of the Moon before seeing the film. Could have made her appreciate or dislike Age of Extinction even more.

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What are you talking about? There is Christoph Waltz and Chris Pine, and the returns of Motherfucker Jones, Nymphomaniac Jennifer Aniston and crazy assassin boss Kevin Spacey. This thing is gonna be the greatest thing ever. 

The way the trailer was edited reminded me a lot like this



And IDK. I think it's a bit contrived that Spacey and Aniston look to have big roles in this. I'd rather have them be Dave Franco/Rob Riggle in 22JS sized roles.


I do like that it's gonna be a Django/Shultz reunion though



That's bad?

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*applauds* I loved the narrator lol


Thanks, the narrator is meant to be a satire / homage to 60's and 70's cartoons like The Superfriends where the narrator felt the need to explain everything almost everything to the audience and was always saying things like "will they escape" or "Is this the end?".

Edited by Fancyarcher
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The way the trailer was edited reminded me a lot like this



And IDK. I think it's a bit contrived that Spacey and Aniston look to have big roles in this. I'd rather have them be Dave Franco/Rob Riggle in 22JS sized roles.


I do like that it's gonna be a Django/Shultz reunion though


That's bad?


I know that would be bad but it's nothing like the Hangover 2 trailer.

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Jennifer Aniston is hot.




Such a classic show.

Post of the day!!! 1 bajillion likes!!!



But no seriously, I grew up on Friends. I can still remember me sitting on my couch, watching that final episode.......I was crying the whole time.

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