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Weekend Numbers (pg119) Turtles 65M, GOTG 41.5

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You asked why I didn't like it?  Easy.  It seemed juvenile to me.  A talking raccoon didn't appeal to me.  The humour was not my kind of humour and I found the story to be ridiculous.


Sometimes there are just films that don't do it for you.  This is one of them for me.  I'm also really bored with Marvel now.  I don't like what they have done with their films outside of Avengers and Cap 2.  I find them boring and honestly a bit stupid.  Thor 2 was pretty bad and IM3 went cuckoo.  Sorry, but you and everyone else can love them.  I just do not.



I kind of agree with you on Thor 2, and I can even understand your views on IM3. But GOTG is an entirely different animal from those two. Thor 2 got pretty silly at the end after a pretty good setup. IM3's twist could annoy one just as much as it could amuse another. Both of those films can be validly accused of being uneven to the point that it undermines the experience.


But GOTG's humor is in your face right from the moment Quill begins to play his awesome mix tape. The movie never alters its tone or pretends to be something it's not. To me, this is the Lethal Weapon 2 of the MU. While Lethal Weapon attempted to be serious at times, LW2 said screw that, let's just have fun with this...even the dead serious parts eventually lead to laughs. Spaceballs is a horrible comparison film for this, Spaceballs was a spoof, a loving spoof maybe, but a spoof just the same. Nothing was meant to be or implied to be taken seriously and the humor was almost wholly unrealistic.


GOTG starts off dead serious. And there are real stakes in the midst of the cosmic craziness. Every serious moment in GOTG leads to a punchline. And, what I found refreshing and pleasantly surprising, a punchline that made perfect sense.



Quill saying Drax takes things too literally so a joke would go over his head. Drax replies that nothing could go over his head since he would catch it before it did.


Love that kind of stuff.


You know I felt like you did leading up to the film. WTH is Marvel doing? Do they think they can just make a big fart joke, slap their name on it and call it gold? But I was wrong, GOTG is not a big fart joke...it's a symphony of absurdity, brilliant gold absurdity and I love every moment. It's just too bad you didn't...or couldn't.

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I kind of agree with you on Thor 2, and I can even understand your views on IM3. But GOTG is an entirely different animal from those two. Thor 2 got pretty silly at the end after a pretty good setup. IM3's twist could annoy one just as much as it could amuse another. Both of those films can be validly accused of being uneven to the point that it undermines the experience.


But GOTG's humor is in your face right from the moment Quill begins to play his awesome mix tape. The movie never alters its tone or pretends to be something it's not. To me, this is the Lethal Weapon 2 of the MU. While Lethal Weapon attempted to be serious at times, LW2 said screw that, let's just have fun with this...even the dead serious parts eventually lead to laughs. Spaceballs is a horrible comparison film for this, Spaceballs was a spoof, a loving spoof maybe, but a spoof just the same. Nothing was meant to be or implied to be taken seriously and the humor was almost wholly unrealistic.


GOTG starts off dead serious. And there are real stakes in the midst of the cosmic craziness. Every serious moment in GOTG leads to a punchline. And, what I found refreshing and pleasantly surprising, a punchline that made perfect sense.



Quill saying Drax takes things too literally so a joke would go over his head. Drax replies that nothing could go over his head since he would catch it before it did.


Love that kind of stuff.


You know I felt like you did leading up to the film. WTH is Marvel doing? Do they think they can just make a big fart joke, slap their name on it and call it gold? But I was wrong, GOTG is not a big fart joke...it's a symphony of absurdity, brilliant gold absurdity and I love every moment. It's just too bad you didn't...or couldn't.


Are you trying to convince me to like it?  It doesn't work that way.  It's the same with Pixar.  It doesn't appeal to me.  Sorry buddy.

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No...I really was mocking those who criticize Turtles, AA


At least you will go and see it.  There is someone here who likes to mock us for talking shit about movies like this, yet doesn't watch them herself.  Seems kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

Edited by Boner Omega
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Lol if my sig isn't obvious I'm incredibly unbiased. TMNT is just an awful movie. The script is just destroyed because of rewrites and the reshoots don't fit in with the rest of the movie. That's not even subjective, that's objectively bad elements.

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People should be able to love or not love what they want without being bothered but also without bothering those who do.


It's just getting pretty annoying and kinda hypocrit to kinda belittle some for loving something we don't or trying to throw some moral superiority or inferiority upon people for loving  something we hate.  It has happend before, notably with the Maleficent rehasing stuff.


I don't like Bay's movies bar the Bad Boys serie.  I don't have strong feelings towards TMNT but i am a box office fan, hence my presence in here, hence why i am excited for the firing current box office.  I absolutely loathe with a passion the TF flicks, find them crass, noisy, mornonic and beyond juvenile but i would never question someone taste or love for it or belittle them directly or indirectly for loving  it.


Again, live and let live.  At the end of the day, Hollywood is like a big shop full of garnments.  Some will prefer the mini dresses and the other one a the pair of jeans.  It doesn't matter.  We are all consumers with different taste, different sensbilities and were BO fans.

Edited by Ent
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People should be able to love or not love what they want without being bothered but also without bothering those who do.


It's just getting pretty annoying and kinda hypocrit to kinda belittle some for loving something we don't or trying to throw some moral superiority or inferiority upon people for loving  something we hate.  It has happend before, notably with the Maleficent rehasing stuff.


I don't like Bay's movies bar the Bad Boys serie.  I don't have strong feelings towards TMNT but i am a box office fan, hence my presence in here, hence why i am excited for the firing current box office.  I absolutely loathe with a passion the TF flicks, find them crass, noisy, mornonic and beyond juvenile but i would never question someone taste or love for it or belittle them directly or indirectly for loving  it.


Again, live and let live.  At the end of the day, Hollywood is like a big shop full of garnments.  Some will prefer the mini dresses and the other one a the pair of jeans.  It doesn't matter.  We are all consumers with different taste, different sensbilities and were BO fans.


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I agree. Everyone should be aloud to like whatever movies they want not have to be criticized by people for it. 

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Great numbers from Turtles, I never expected it to this well. Guardians holding great as well, just as expected. Next week will be more interesting imo, how much will Turtles drop and if Guardians can pull a Captain America 2 Third weekend hold. 

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Just got back from Turtles and I honestly thought it was pretty terrible.  Outside of a few entertaining action sequences it's really just a piece of shit.  I've never hated Fox as much as most people on these forums and I thought she seemed to at least be trying here but the plot truly is just cliche after cliche.  Whoever was in charge of brining Splinter to life deserves to be put to death.  He looked laughable.  This and AoE are far and away, the least pleasurable experiences I've had this summer. 

Edited by RyneOh1040
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"In second place is Guardians of the Galaxy from Disney/Marvel which is expected now to take in maybe $42M to $43M as it looks tonight, so down maybe 54% in its sophomore frame. Also, a very good hold for this picture in considering the monster that Turtles became. A big surprise for everyone." -Deadline


Their estimates have gone up since yesterday and Nikki's down, who do we trust!?

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Great numbers from Turtles, I never expected it to this well. Guardians holding great as well, just as expected. Next week will be more interesting imo, how much will Turtles drop and if Guardians can pull a Captain America 2 Third weekend hold. 

Welcome to the forums.  :)


Yeah, it is a great # from Turtles and Guardians is holding great. Fantastic weekend all around. 

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